Recent content by Todee

  1. Todee

    Modulation/Demodulation books

    please I need some good books or references to know the main basics of all kinds of Modulation and Demodulation as a communication engineer student ...
  2. Todee

    Java How to make a search engine by Java ?

    want some sites to teach me how to develop a simple web-based search engine that demonstrates the main features of a search engine (web crawling, indexing and ranking) and the interaction between them. Using Java :confused:
  3. Todee

    Want to find the current of inductor .

    I think that I should use this equation i(t)= 1/L ∫ V(t)dt + i(t)→(intial current ) ... the problem tell me i(-0.02)=5 mA , i think it's -0.02 ms !... the final answer is 6.2 mA but i couldn't get it :(
  4. Todee

    Want to find the current of inductor .

    Sorry it's my first time here ;) by the way it's not my homework :D i just try to answer some problems with myself !
  5. Todee

    Want to find the current of inductor .

    Homework Statement Consider a 50 mH inductor . find i at t=10 ms if v= 20t^2 V for t>-0.1 ms and i(-0.02)=5 mA.