Recent content by T'Pau

  1. T

    Weird question: is this plagiarism?

    Well, for those who followed this, here's the outcome: we invited the student and talked intensively with him. He really managed to convince us that he has written it himself. He could easily account for all details where he had found them (and it was not in obscure places that he found them)...
  2. T

    Weird question: is this plagiarism?

    Thanks everyone! I've tried '', but it looks like I'm not allowed to create an account. On the other hand, I already tried ´Ephorus´, which I think is exactly the same thing. Ephorus doesn´t find anything, but if it´s a translation -> it is not designed to find it. I agree that two...
  3. T

    Weird question: is this plagiarism?

    Hi, I've got a strange situation. I'm a teacher in a foreign country, and one of my students wrote stories about historical characters. But his stories are so good, that I'm not shure if he has written them himself... My suspision is, that he has taken some Englisch stories, and translated...
  4. T

    Can Energy Be Converted into Mass?

    Hi, I've been having a discussion with a professor (who I respect). We do not agree on wether you can convert energy into mass (or vice versa). I say: you can't, he says: you can. We agree on the following hypothetical experiment: Take some Uranium, put it into a nuclear fisionreactor and...
  5. T

    Is there a difference between rest mass and invariant mass?

    1. You say experimental particle physicists call such quantities 'invariant mass'. Would they not use the term 'rest mass', also? Do they make a distinction? And do other physicists sometimes make a distinction between rest mass/invariant mass? 2. If the electron/positron-pair does form a bound...
  6. T

    Is there a difference between rest mass and invariant mass?

    1. is there a difference between 'rest mass' and 'invariant mass'? I thought there wasn't... To put it another way (or maybe this next question is a different question): 2. Is there a difference between the rest mass of a positron/electron pair, and the rest massa of a system containing two...
  7. T

    Does Heisenberg apply to a collapsed wavefunction?

    Hi, And 'collisions' and 'particle-like-behaviour', are these more or less synonyms? -> is there particle-like-behaviour that does not involve collisions? Paul, who is grateful for al the responses.
  8. T

    Does Heisenberg apply to a collapsed wavefunction?

    Thanks again, everyone, for making me stop and think, Mayby I better explain why I asked: I'm involved in writing a QM-chapter for a high school book (in Europe). It has to be introductory level, and in my opinion, it has to have (some) popularization. What it does not need, are my...
  9. T

    Does Heisenberg apply to a collapsed wavefunction?

    Do I get it now? Thanks everyone for helping me out. I should have remembered: HUP is not about Δx times Δp_y, it's about Δx times Δp_x. So my experiment did not prove HUP wrong at all. If I understand it correctly now, one of my miconceptions was that I thougt that a collapsed wave is not a...
  10. T

    Does Heisenberg apply to a collapsed wavefunction?

    Hi, I'd like to argue Heisenberg doesn't apply to a collapsed wave... I always interpretted the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle (HUP) as follows: 1. HUP is *not* about measurement problems, it is fundamental 2. When (f.i.) an electron is a wave: HUP applies. The electron really *has*...