Recent content by trent.frost

  1. T

    Cutting Long Hair: Is It Really Worth It?

    Girls, girls, girls. Come and give me your thoughts girls. Ponder for a moment on a hypothetical scenario in which you find yourself in a happy relationship. However, you're about to attend a yearlong study abroad program at school in a tropical country, and you're not looking forward to...
  2. T

    Schools Graduate applications, how many safety schools, and am I deluding myself?

    An important principal to keep in mind is that applicants of sufficient caliber are effectively guaranteed to be accepted (somewhere) when they play the odds. An extreme hypothetical example of this is, for example, the number 1 applicant on the planet. Such a person has literally nothing to...
  3. T

    Calculus is seriously stressing me out.

    I disagree. And likely so do Newton, Leibniz, Gauss, and Euler, and many others. Here's a quote from Alfréd Rényi to think on: "If I feel unhappy, I do mathematics to become happy. If I am happy, I do mathematics to keep happy."
  4. T

    Why do others think I should be more open minded .

    "If You Open Your Mind Too Much, Your Brain Will Fall Out" by Tim Minchin
  5. T

    Pursuing Education in Organic Chemistry/Physics: What Should I Do?

    Ah, that's an interesting position to be in. U.S. college, at least good ones like MIT, Caltech, and Columbia, will actually accept applications from home schoolers, even float out high school drop outs who have *not* completely any sort of correspondence programs, but who nonetheless kept...
  6. T

    Programs Wasting time with Spivak? Engi major to-be

    I can sympathize with your feelings with respect to the exercises; spending hours upon hours doing Spivak's challenging exercises may indeed be impractical. One's time is of course limited, and your intention is to become an expert engineer, a builder and designer of physical things, and not an...