Recent content by UHECRon

  1. UHECRon

    A Photon densities within galtactic disc compared to CMB

    Thanks! Hope I find something. If I do, I will report it here. If anyone reads this and has any insights, I would be most thankful for some information.
  2. UHECRon

    A Photon densities within galtactic disc compared to CMB

    I was wondering about the rates of photo-pion production in the galactic disc as opposed to those more traditionally calculated in extra galactic spaces. The thought being that a significant enhancement of attenuation of Ultra high energy cosmic rays in the regime could help to explain some...
  3. UHECRon

    A Photon densities within galtactic disc compared to CMB

    I am interested in what the average photon densities are within galactic environments due to non CMB sources. In extra galactic environments, the CMB certainly dominates, however as you enter more dense and luminous areas (e.g. , the galactic disc) broad spectrum photon densities from local...
  4. UHECRon

    I Two Questions about the Color Force

    I am confused about your term color force. There is only Electro-Weak, Strong and Gravity forces as far as we know right now. Electro-Weak (primarily the weak part) and Strong both play roles in the binding of a nucleus. However, the Strong force is what is responsible for holding hadrons...
  5. UHECRon

    Hello Physicist with knowledge holes here.

    Hello! I'm new to posting in forums, but have been lurking for some time. I specialize in Particle Astrophysics, data analysis and general relativity. Basically, I've been in research for a few years, but find that some of my theory is rusty and that much of my knowledge is full of holes. I'm...