Recent content by WriterMon

  1. W

    Can a Dilution Refrigerator Be Used as a Murder Weapon in a Crime Novel?

    Hi everyone, As you might gather from my moniker, I am a writer. I'm working on a sort of crime novel and have a weird question for you. I have a character who wants to kill another character using a particle detector. I have a couple ideas already but need one using a solid-state semiconductor...
  2. W

    Why don't dark matter and other such particles hit us?

    Hello, I'm having trouble understanding why if there are dark matter particles and other such particles (neutrinos) streaming through the Earth at all times, why don't they just collide with the atoms in our body or the desk or what have you? I understand that they're probably "weakly...
  3. W

    Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

    Thanks, guys! Yeah, I'm also using IceCube in my novella! stay cool, eRic
  4. W

    Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

    Thanks, Lodestone! Here's a reply I received privately to a message I sent directly to SNO: Hi Eric, Thanks for your interest in SNO. There are many different reactions that can occur within the SNO detector. Any reaction other than the neutrino interactions that produces a...
  5. W

    Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

    I've been reading about this very fascinating experiments there and one thing I can't figure out--either from their literature or that from other places--is how they can be sure that the reactions producing the Cherenkov light are caused by *neutrinos*. That is, how do we know that it's...
  6. W

    Particle Accelerator Safety: Debunking the Myth of Danger | WriterMon

    Ah, many thanks, very helpful. But when you say "eventually," what time frame are we talking? Minutes? An hour? tx, WM
  7. W

    Particle Accelerator Safety: Debunking the Myth of Danger | WriterMon

    Hello, I'm curious, for a novella I'm writing, whether standing in front of an electron or other particle beam in a particle accelerator would be dangerous for a person. I would think not, because I'd presume the particles would just go through us as they're always doing. But maybe in such...