Recent content by xentullarch

  1. xentullarch

    How to Excel in Physics Olympiad: Best Resources and Topics?

    Thanks a lot. I would like to ask those ones who are very familiar with IPhO: are the Electromagnetism and Mechanics concepts the only ones which always(every year) appear in the competition?
  2. xentullarch

    Intro Physics University Physics by Young and Freedman

    Also, what are the differences between international and standard editions of this book?
  3. xentullarch

    Intro Physics University Physics by Young and Freedman

    I know that problem solving skills gained from this book aren't good enough for IPhO. But what do you think about its concepts?
  4. xentullarch

    Intro Physics University Physics by Young and Freedman

    Does a material presented in this book cover the International Physics Olympiads' syllabus completely? If not then to what extent?
  5. xentullarch

    How to Excel in Physics Olympiad: Best Resources and Topics?

    Also, does the material of the University Physics textbook cover the IPhO's syllabus completely? What about its mathematical level? Is it the same as the questions' of the competition? (sorry for double-post, I really need your help)
  6. xentullarch

    Classical An Introduction to Mechanics by Daniel Kleppner and Robert J. Kolenkow

    Also are there any significant differences between 2010 and 1973 editions?
  7. xentullarch

    Classical An Introduction to Mechanics by Daniel Kleppner and Robert J. Kolenkow

    I have a copy of an edition published in 1973 by McGraw-Hill. Are the quantity and quality of the concepts of this book suitable enough to prepare for international physics competitions?
  8. xentullarch

    How to Excel in Physics Olympiad: Best Resources and Topics?

    Could you, please, help me to make a list of books to be read and solved until 2015 Physics competitions?
  9. xentullarch

    How to Excel in Physics Olympiad: Best Resources and Topics?

    Thanks a lot. I heard that Kleppner Kolenlov's Intro to Mechanics, Griffith's Intro to Electrodynamics are popular among physics students but I also know that these books are very old. Is it a problem? Are there any better books, and which book about optics, molecular physics, waves...
  10. xentullarch

    How to Excel in Physics Olympiad: Best Resources and Topics?

    Hello. I'd like to know whether complete understanding of concepts presented in University Physics and solutions of all Irodov's Problems in General Physics are enough to take a medal from international olympiads such as APhO, IPhO and WoPhO.