Virtual work and kinetic energy

In summary, the conversation is discussing the concept of virtual displacement and virtual work in analytical mechanics. It is clarified that a virtual displacement is defined as an infinitesimal change in a generalized coordinate without producing a change in the generalized velocities. Virtual work is the work done by the acting forces as a result of any virtual displacement. The conversation also addresses the issue of kinetic energy and potential energy in relation to virtual work. It is noted that in some cases, the virtual work can go into potential energy and not just kinetic energy. The concept of virtual displacement is further explained through the example of a falling particle.
  • #1
Question about analytical mechanics.

Suppose we have a system with N degrees of freedom, and hence N generalized coordinates [itex]{q_i}, \ i=1...N[/itex]. A virtual displacement is defined as an infinitesimal change in a generalized coordinate without producing a change in the generalized velocities. Virtual work is defined as the work done by the acting forces as a result of any virtual displacement.

Suppose the total virtual work is [itex]\delta W[/itex] and the virtual displacements are [itex]\delta q_i, \ i=1...N[/itex]. I would expect then that
[tex]\delta W = \delta T = \sum_i \frac{\partial T}{\partial q_i}\delta q_i[/tex]
where [itex]\delta T[/itex] is the infinitesimal change in kinetic energy produced by the virtual work.

However, this is wrong. It's obviously incorrect in the cases that T doesn't depend on [itex]q_i[/itex], but only on [itex]\dot{q_i}[/itex], because then the right hand side of the above equation would be zero. So, what gives?
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  • #2
dEdt said:
Question about analytical mechanics.

Suppose we have a system with N degrees of freedom, and hence N generalized coordinates [itex]{q_i}, \ i=1...N[/itex]

However, this is wrong. It's obviously incorrect in the cases that T doesn't depend on [itex]q_i[/itex], but only on [itex]\dot{q_i}[/itex], because then the right hand side of the above equation would be zero. So, what gives?

But [itex]\dot{q_i}[/itex] and [itex]q_i[/itex] are dependent through variable t.
  • #3
Hassan2 said:
But [itex]\dot{q_i}[/itex] and [itex]q_i[/itex] are dependent through variable t.

They're treated as independent variables in analytical mechanics.
  • #4

It's a confusion thing for me. I remember I had a discussion about this with my lecturer and in the end, I confessed that I have not understood " partial derivatives" properly. Now the misunderstanding is back again!

Ok. I think you should correct the equations as follows;

That is:

[itex] T=T(q_{1},q_{2},...,q_{n},\dot{q}_{1},\dot{q}_{2},...,\dot{q}_{n})[/itex]


[itex]\delta T = \sum\frac{\partial T}{\partial q} \delta q +\sum\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{q}} \delta \dot{q}[/itex]
  • #5
Hassan2 said:
That is:

[itex] T=T(q_{1},q_{2},...,q_{n},\dot{q}_{1},\dot{q}_{2},...,\dot{q}_{n})[/itex]


[itex]\delta T = \sum\frac{\partial T}{\partial q} \delta q +\sum\frac{\partial T}{\partial \dot{q}} \delta \dot{q}[/itex]

Thing is, [itex]\delta\dot{q_i}=0[/itex] for a virtual displacement :/. That's why I'm confused: if T doesn't depend on [itex]q_i[/itex], then [itex]\delta T[/itex] is automatically zero.
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  • #6
That means the work done on the system goes to potential energy then.
  • #7
Hassan2 said:
That means the work done on the system goes to potential energy then.

I'm defining [itex]\delta W[\itex] to be the total work done on the system, including the work done by any conservative forces.
  • #8
Hassan2 said:
That means the work done on the system goes to potential energy then.

Yes, I think your basic mistake is assuming that the virtual work all goes into kinetic energy.

For example the principle of virtual work also applies to statics problems where the KE is zero by definition. In that case the virtual work is balanced to the change in internal energy of the system (e.g internal force or stress) and the work done by external forces against the virtual displacements (including what you might describe as "gravitational potential energy", etc).
  • #9
AlephZero said:
Yes, I think your basic mistake is assuming that the virtual work all goes into kinetic energy.

As above, I'm defining [itex]\delta W[/itex] to include work done by conservative forces.

For clarity, I'll give a example.

Suppose we have a particle falling near the surface of the Earth. The three generalized coordinates will be the coordinates of the particle's position, x, y, z, in a coordinate system such that x is parallel to the surface, y is perpendicular, etc. The only force acting on the particle is Earth's gravity, [itex]\vec{F}=m\vec{g}=-mg\hat{y}[/itex]. So, the virtual work done by a virtual displacement is [itex]\delta W = -mg\delta y[/itex].

Now, [itex]T=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot{x}^2+\dot{y}^2+\dot{z}^2)[/itex]. There is no dependence on the generalized coordinates, so [itex]\delta T=\frac{\partial T}{\partial x}\delta x+\frac{\partial T}{\partial y}\delta y+\frac{\partial T}{\partial z}\delta z=0[/itex]. If [itex]\delta W=\delta T[/itex], it's easy to see that we have a contradiction.
  • #10
There is nothing virtual about your δW for a falling particle.
  • #11
Studiot said:
There is nothing virtual about your δW for a falling particle.

Could you please clarify?
  • #12
dEdt said:
Could you please clarify?

I think he/she is saying that the work in the case of a falling particle clearly cannot be virtual, because [itex]\delta \dot{y} \neq 0 [/itex] in this case.

But then what do I know...I remember very little from Lagrangian mechanics.
  • #13
I think he/she is saying that the work in the case of a falling particle clearly cannot be virtual, because δy˙≠0 in this case.

Yes exactly. A falling particle is undergoing real y displacements.

A virtual displacement of such a particle would be δx or δz.
  • #14
cepheid said:
I think he/she is saying that the work in the case of a falling particle clearly cannot be virtual, because [itex]\delta \dot{y} \neq 0 [/itex] in this case.

But then what do I know...I remember very little from Lagrangian mechanics.

Studiot said:
Yes exactly. A falling particle is undergoing real y displacements.

A virtual displacement of such a particle would be δx or δz.

I don't think I understand what your claim is.

By definition, a virtual displacement [itex]\delta q[/itex] is never followed by a change in generalized velocity [itex]\delta\dot{q}[/itex]. When we make a virtual displacement, what we're doing is freezing the system at some instant in time, and manually making some infinitesimal changes in the generalized coordinates PERIOD, without any changes in generalized velocities. This is true in the falling particle example as well: the virtual displacement [itex]\delta y[/itex] is, by definition, not accompanied by a change in the [itex]\dot{y}[/itex].

Now, it IS true that if the system, running on its own accord, were to produce changes in the generalized coordinates, then [itex]\delta\dot{y}\neq 0[/itex]. But that's different than a virtual displacement.
  • #15
All virtual displacements have to satisfy the condition of system compatibility, in addition to whichever mechanics laws you employ. Your proposed one does not.
  • #16
Studiot said:
All virtual displacements have to satisfy the condition of system compatibility, in addition to whichever mechanics laws you employ. Your proposed one does not.

Could you clarify what this means?

Or, better yet, give me a system that does satisfy the 'condition of system compatibility' and I'll show you that [itex]\delta W = \delta T[/itex] doesn't work. I've tried it on other systems, including systems given in my textbook where virtual work and virtual displacements were used, and outcome was still wrong.
  • #18
dEdt said:
When we make a virtual displacement, what we're doing is freezing the system at some instant in time, and manually making some infinitesimal changes in the generalized coordinates PERIOD, without any changes in generalized velocities. [/itex].

For the falling object in your example, you need to apply a force in order to freeze the system. Shouldn't you take the force into account?

Related to Virtual work and kinetic energy

1. What is virtual work?

Virtual work refers to the work done by a force that is applied to an object as it undergoes a virtual displacement, which is a hypothetical displacement that does not actually occur in reality.

2. How is virtual work related to kinetic energy?

Virtual work is directly related to kinetic energy through the principle of virtual work. This principle states that the virtual work done by all forces acting on a system is equal to the change in kinetic energy of that system.

3. What is the formula for calculating virtual work?

The formula for calculating virtual work is W = F * d, where W is the virtual work, F is the force applied, and d is the virtual displacement.

4. How is virtual work used in real-world applications?

Virtual work is used in various engineering and scientific applications, such as in the design and analysis of structures and machines. It can also be used to determine the stability and equilibrium of a system.

5. What is the difference between virtual work and actual work?

The main difference between virtual work and actual work is that virtual work is a hypothetical concept used in calculations, while actual work is the physical work done by a force on an object. Virtual work does not result in any real displacement or change in the actual state of the object, whereas actual work does.

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