Entropy Rise: Causes and Effects

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of entropy in thermodynamics. It is explained that in an adiabatic isolated system, irreversible work will cause an increase in entropy while a reversible system will not experience a change in entropy. The question is posed if reversible losses can still be considered irreversible. The conversation ends with a mention of the modern physics perspective on entropy.
  • #1

I'd like to get some more accurate idea of entropy in general: [tex]dS=\int\frac{dQ}{T}[/tex]

Given an adiabatic isolated system. Work is irrerversible done onto this system.

Entropy will rise because of the fact that some of the work is transformed into irreversible losses and therefore [tex]dQ[/tex] increases.

A reversible system will not undergo a rise in entropy because of the fact that no losses will occur, so [tex]dQ=0[/tex] and entropy will remain the same.

Must I also assume that even when the losses are reversible transformable into work again, the transformation is still labelled 'irreversible' . Because losses are inherent factor of a irreversible system (KELVIN) ?

Is this somehow a correct interpretation I have?

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Yeah that is the explanation my thermodynamics teacher gave. I don't know what is modern physics take on entropy. So who is going to exlpain to us?
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  • #3
I don't what is modern physics take on entropy.
What did you mean with that?

  • #4
HWGXX7 said:
What did you mean with that?

I missed a word.
  • #5


Thank you for your question about entropy. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is often referred to as the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the total entropy of an isolated system will always increase over time.

In your scenario, where work is being done on an adiabatic isolated system, the entropy will indeed increase. This is because some of the work being done will be converted into heat, which is a less ordered form of energy. This increase in heat leads to an increase in entropy. In a reversible system, where no losses occur, the entropy will remain constant.

It is important to note that even if the losses in a system can be transformed back into work, the overall process is still considered irreversible because entropy has still increased. This is because the energy has become less organized and more dispersed, leading to an overall increase in entropy.

I hope this helps clarify your understanding of entropy. It is a complex concept, but a fundamental one in thermodynamics and the study of physical systems. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Best regards,


FAQ: Entropy Rise: Causes and Effects

What is entropy rise and why is it important?

Entropy rise is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. It is important because it affects the efficiency and predictability of processes and systems. As entropy increases, the system becomes less organized and more chaotic, making it harder to control and predict.

What are the causes of entropy rise?

The second law of thermodynamics states that entropy always increases in a closed system. This means that any process that involves energy transfer will result in an increase in entropy. Other factors that can contribute to entropy rise include chemical reactions, diffusion, and mixing.

How does entropy rise impact the environment?

Entropy rise can have negative effects on the environment. As systems become more disordered, it becomes harder for them to maintain a stable and healthy state. This can lead to disruptions in ecosystems and climate change. Additionally, the increase in entropy often requires more energy input, leading to increased resource consumption and waste production.

Can entropy rise be reversed?

While entropy rise is a natural process, it can be slowed down or reversed in some cases. This can be achieved through the input of energy or by increasing the organization of a system. However, the overall trend of entropy increase cannot be reversed.

How can we manage and mitigate the effects of entropy rise?

To manage and mitigate the effects of entropy rise, we can focus on increasing efficiency in energy transfer processes, reducing waste and resource consumption, and promoting sustainable practices. It is also important to monitor and study the effects of entropy rise in different systems to better understand and predict its impacts.
