Physics Grad School for Non-Traditional/Older Students

In summary: I am not sure if you are familiar with what open-source is, but it is basically working on something that is not your own profit motive. I have always enjoyed working on things that I am not the only one working on, or that I can contribute to. I am not sure if this is the right environment for me though, as I am not sure how much I can contribute and whether I am really that good at it.In summary, you are considering going into graduate school in physics, but you are also worried about the obstacles that a non-traditional student might face. You also have a PhD in physics and you are considering a master's degree in sustainable energy engineering. You are worried
  • #1

If there is such a thread, then please guide me to it.

I am seriously debating applying, or starting to get ready for applying to graduate school in physics. I am not very happy with my current career field and after doing much soul-searching, I believe this is what I want.

I know that this will be a long and arduous road. I am also fully aware that there obstacles that the traditional student might not have. I would appreciate hearing from people that went that road and would love to hear about their experiences.
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  • #2
Hi Moneer81,

if I remember correctly we have already 'met' in a related thread - you have worked in IT / networking, correct?

There are a lot of discussions on being a non-traditional student, it does not hurt to start a new one. I think I stumbled upon PF initially googling for similar topics.

I am not in exactly the same boat, but in a closely related one: I have a PhD in physics and spent quite a time in IT. In order to 'reconnect with my roots as a scientist and engineer' I embarked on a master's degree in sustainable energy engineering. I am one of the most non-traditional students there (re age and re past career), but it does not feel odd at all.

The most difficult part of the whole career / life change thing actually was to take the decision as such - and all the communications associated with it... e.g. to tell your former customers and colleagues who consider you a top expert in a very specialized niche that you would decline their project requests and 'start it all over to do something else'.

But then it went downhill from there. Finally I think it was a useful and necessary exercise that I was forced to 'tell my story' quite often.
  • #3
Hey elkement!

Yes I believe we have met and I have always enjoyed reading your insights and I occasionally spend some time poking around your blog :)

I agree with you, I actually been imagining walking up to my co-workers and my manager and saying: I am not interested in doing this anymore, I need to pursue something else. I would think that would be a little hard to do: throw away a very good job and a high-demand, growing career path. I don't think they'll understand. Most people I know probably will think I am nuts.

On the other hand, I also struggle with envisioning myself doing the same thing 10, 20 or 30 years from now. Heck, I don't envision myself doing this next year! I am good at what I do, but I feel I am constantly unhappy with what I am doing, and I am almost dragging my feet sometimes. In short, I have no enthusiasm for what I am doing whatsoever.

Your story is inspiring and I wish you the best of luck in your endeavor! I know you will do a great job and you will reconnect with your roots!

Best of luck!
  • #4
I had a good IT job with advancement potential and quit to do physics because I just couldn't see myself doing it forever. Sometimes I think I might've made the wrong decision because I don't have an income right now, but I don't miss my actual workplace at all, and my soul has thanked me. :p

You only live once, so I say go for it. As a grad student you'll likely have an income, at least. :) (I don't get that luxury yet!)
  • #5
What field did you major in, seaofghosts?

Stories like this, worry me a little...
  • #6
Why does it worry you? I'm majoring in physics right now.
  • #7
Moneer81 said:
On the other hand, I also struggle with envisioning myself doing the same thing 10, 20 or 30 years from now

Absolutely! This was an important driver for my decision, too. I had built up quite a reputation in a specific field and I could have kept doing that forever (from the perspective of fame and money).

But I felt I was doing the same all the time - it was sort of routine on the one hand, but stressful on the other hand (firefighting, travelling... and above all: always trying to keep up with new versions of products changing every year).

I did a lot of research and soul searching before I went for renewable energies. This tag might actually be misleading as I would not be interested to work - say - for a large corporation fabricating solar cells and becoming a specialist again.

In fact, I wanted to get out of "corporate world" as such and go for smaller clients - being fully aware of the fact that this means 1) less money, 2) less glory.

The advantage is that working like that is much more appealing to the generalist in me. So I am sure, I will not do the same in 10 years.

Good luck!
And thanks for the feedback and for reading my blog ;-)
  • #8
seaofghosts said:
Why does it worry you? I'm majoring in physics right now.

Oh I must have misunderstood. I thought that you got your phd in physics and have no income. I know it is sometimes hard to find a job that you like in physics.
  • #9
Ah, no, I don't have an income because I rejected IT and am doing my undergrad degree at the moment.

FAQ: Physics Grad School for Non-Traditional/Older Students

What is considered a "non-traditional/older" physics grad student?

A non-traditional/older physics grad student is typically someone who has taken a break from their education or career and is now returning to pursue a graduate degree in physics. This can include individuals who are older than the average graduate student age, those who have been working in a different field, or those who have taken time off to raise a family.

Will my age or previous career path affect my chances of being accepted into a physics grad program?

No, your age or previous career path should not affect your chances of being accepted into a physics grad program. Admissions committees are typically more interested in your academic qualifications, research experience, and potential for success in a graduate program than your age or previous career path.

Are there any specific challenges that non-traditional/older physics grad students may face?

There may be some challenges that non-traditional/older physics grad students may face, such as adjusting to the academic environment after being out of school for a period of time, or balancing graduate studies with other personal or professional commitments. However, many universities offer resources and support for non-traditional students to help them succeed in their graduate studies.

Are there any advantages to being a non-traditional/older physics grad student?

Yes, there can be advantages to being a non-traditional/older physics grad student. For example, you may have a wealth of life experience and skills that can translate well into graduate studies, such as time management, critical thinking, and problem-solving. Additionally, your unique perspective and diverse background can bring valuable insights to your research and academic discussions.

How can I best prepare for physics grad school as a non-traditional/older student?

The best way to prepare for physics grad school as a non-traditional/older student is to do your research and carefully plan your application. This may include reaching out to professors or current graduate students for advice, taking refresher courses in physics, and gaining research experience in a relevant field. It's also important to prioritize self-care and time management to balance your graduate studies with any other personal or professional commitments.

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