Roots of linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving consecutive Fibonacci polynomials and the possible solutions for the complex number x. It is observed that the product and sum of the solutions are both 2, and there may be strict bounds for the solutions. Further discussions also mention the real part of the solutions being larger than zero.
  • #1
For what complex numbers, x, is

Gn = fn-1(x) - 2fn(x) + fn+1(x) = 0

where the terms are consecutive Fibonacci polynomials?

Here's what I know:

1) Each individual polynomial, fm, has roots x=2icos(kπ/m), k=1,...,m-1.

2) The problem can be rewritten recursively as
Gn+2 = xGn+1 + Gn,
G1 = x-2,
G2 = x2 - 2x + 2
with characteristic equation Y2 - xY - 1.
If a and b are the roots of the characteristic equation, then
Gn = an + bn - 2(an - bn)/(a-b)
Choosing x=-2icosh(z) is an option that leads to an expression in terms of cosh(nx), sinh(nx) and sinh(x) but it doesn't get me any further.

Has anyone got an idea on an alternative approach to this problem?
Does anyone know of previous studies of this type of problem?

Thank you
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  • #2
Some approach to guess solutions:

G1 has a single solution ##x=2##
G2 has two solutions ##x=1\pm i##
##G_3 = x^3-2x^2+3x-2## has three solutions ##x=1##, ##x=\frac{1}{2}(1\pm i\sqrt{7})##
##G_4 = x^4-2x^3+4x^2-4x+2## has four solutions ##x=\frac{1}{2}(1\pm i)-\sqrt{-1\mp \frac{i}{2}}## and ##x=\frac{1}{2}(1\pm i)+\sqrt{-1\mp \frac{i}{2}}##
The product of all solutions is 2 in all tested cases, and looking at the recursive definition and the first expressions I think this will be true for all n.

G_5 gives an interesting graph for the roots. Looks a bit like a christmas tree.
Same thing for G_6, but without simplification the expression is quite long.
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  • #3
Thanks for your reply!

Interesting observations. Yes, you're right! The product of the solutions will be 2 since G can be written as the characteristic polynomial of a matrix with determinant 2. Since the solutions come in complex conjugated pairs this suggests some pretty strict bounds.

The solutions also add up to 2 as it seems.

Have you got any clues to why the real part of the solutions are larger than zero?
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FAQ: Roots of linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials

1. What are Fibonacci polynomials?

Fibonacci polynomials are a set of polynomials that are recursively defined by the Fibonacci sequence. The first two polynomials, f0(x) = 0 and f1(x) = 1, are defined as the base cases. The subsequent polynomials are defined by the formula fn(x) = fn-1(x) + xfn-2(x), where n represents the degree of the polynomial.

2. What is the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials?

The linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials is the sum of all the Fibonacci polynomials up to a certain degree, where each polynomial is multiplied by a constant coefficient. It can be represented as a linear combination of the polynomials, such as c0f0(x) + c1f1(x) + c2f2(x) + ... + cnfn(x), where ci represents the coefficient for the ith degree polynomial.

3. What are the roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials?

The roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials are the values of x that make the polynomial equation equal to 0. These roots can be found by setting the linear sum equal to 0 and solving for x using algebraic methods or by graphing the polynomial and finding the x-intercepts.

4. How can the roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials be used in science?

The roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials can be used in a variety of scientific fields, such as computer science, physics, and biology. In computer science, they can be used in data encryption algorithms. In physics, they can be used to model natural phenomena, such as the branching patterns of trees. In biology, they can be used to study the growth patterns of plants and animals.

5. Are there any real-world applications of the roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials?

Yes, there are many real-world applications of the roots of the linear sum of Fibonacci polynomials. Some examples include predicting stock market trends, analyzing population growth, and designing efficient algorithms for data compression. Additionally, the roots can also be used in music theory to create harmonious compositions.
