How to Evaluate Model Performance for Simulated Power Demand?

In summary, the conversation is about how to quantify the performance of a model that simulates the power demand from a fleet of electric cars over 24 hours. The blue line represents the actual demand for a given day while the black lines are the simulated demands. The discussion centers around using mean squared deviation or mean square error to measure the accuracy of the model. It is suggested to average over the 100 black lines to check for time-dependence and then compute the mean squared deviation between the blue line and the average black line. The lower the mean squared deviation, the more accurate the model is.
  • #1
How to quantify performance of a model


I was hoping that somebody could advise me how to do evaluate the performance of a model.

The model simulates the power demand from a fleet of electric cars over 24 hours.

For example take the blue line as the actual demand for a given day and the black lines (100) are simulated demands.

Could anybody advise me on how I could quantify the performance of a the model? For example it varies by 5%, 10% etc? Would you use RMSE?

I'm not sure if error is the correct word because the blue line varies from day to day depending which day you pick.

Thank you
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  • #2
What do you want to do with your performance value?
How do you simulate those 100 curves?
I think the blue curve is an average over many cars?

To start, you could consider the mean squared deviation between blue line and simulations as time-dependent function.
  • #3

Thanks for your reply.

The black curve were generated by a model that I have made to predict the power demands of the cars over the day. The model uses data collect by cars.

The blue is the actual average power demand used by the cars. I create it my averaging the power demand of all the days in the dataset.

I want a performance value to quote how accurate or not the model is in general. Is it capable of generating reliable power demand profiles? How reliable?

Is mean squared deviation the same as mean square error?

Is it essentially computing the difference between the blue line and the black line?

Would it be a good idea to compute the mean squared deviation between the blue line and the 100 black lines and then take the average mean squared deviation?

I computed the mse between the blue and 1 blak line ans an example in this workbook. I got an answer of 309. But what does this tell me about it accuracy?

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  • #4
Is mean squared deviation the same as mean square error?
If that deviation is the error of your simulation, right.
Is it essentially computing the difference between the blue line and the black line?
The average difference.
Would it be a good idea to compute the mean squared deviation between the blue line and the 100 black lines and then take the average mean squared deviation?
I would average over the 100 black lines first, and check the time-dependence. If that is flat and you don't care about the deviation at specific times, you can average over all.

I computed the mse between the blue and 1 blak line ans an example in this workbook. I got an answer of 309. But what does this tell me about it accuracy?
Lower=better. sqrt(309)≈17 - on average, your black line is wrong by 17 kW.
  • #5
I would average over the 100 black lines first, and check the time-dependence. If that is flat and you don't care about the deviation at specific times, you can average over all.

Thank you for your reply. I don't quite follow the point above.

Are you implying above that I compute the MSE between the blue line and the 100 black lines? Getting 100 MSE values?

How would you check for time-dependence?

Thank you
  • #6
bradyj7 said:
Are you implying above that I compute the MSE between the blue line and the 100 black lines? Getting 100 MSE values?
No, just a single one (for each point in time): The meanSE.

How would you check for time-dependence?
Can be seen in the resulting graph.

FAQ: How to Evaluate Model Performance for Simulated Power Demand?

1. What is error quantification in model?

Error quantification in model refers to the process of measuring and analyzing the difference between the predicted output of a model and the actual observed output. It is used to determine the accuracy and reliability of a model's predictions.

2. Why is it important to quantify error in a model?

Quantifying error in a model is important because it allows us to evaluate the performance of the model and identify any areas that may need improvement. It also helps us understand the limitations and uncertainties of the model's predictions.

3. What are some common methods for quantifying error in a model?

Some common methods for quantifying error in a model include mean squared error, root mean squared error, mean absolute error, and coefficient of determination. These methods provide different ways of measuring the accuracy of a model's predictions.

4. How do you interpret the results of error quantification?

The results of error quantification can be interpreted by comparing the calculated error values to a predetermined threshold or by comparing the error values of different models. A lower error value indicates a more accurate model, while a higher error value suggests room for improvement.

5. Can error quantification be used for any type of model?

Yes, error quantification can be used for any type of model, whether it is a statistical model, machine learning model, or physical model. However, the specific methods and techniques for quantifying error may vary depending on the type of model and its underlying assumptions.
