Trying to solve a partial differential equation using d'Alembert's solution

The teacher most likely used the sign function to ensure that the function F(x) is odd, as the oddness of F(x) was not the only property desired. This correction of the sin^2 term was necessary to fulfill all of the desired properties. 2) Also, there was a similar question ... In the case where -infinity < x < infinity and no boundary conditions are given, using the sign function is not necessary because the function f(x) is already even. Therefore, the function F(x) will automatically be even and fulfill the desired properties without the need for the sign function.
  • #1
Hi, I'm trying to understand this.

The given equation is y_tt = 4 y_xx
0 < x < pi, t>0
where y_tt is the 2nd derivative with respect to t, y_xx is 2nd wrt x

Boundary conditions
y(0,t) = 0 and y(pi,t) = 0

And initial conditions
y_t (x,0) = 0 = g(x)
y(x,0) = sin^2 x = f(x)


My teacher wrote that F(x) is the odd periodic extension of f(x), and then wrote

F(x) = sign(sinx)sin^2 x

1) I assume this is to make it odd but why wouldn't he just write sign(x)sin^2 x?

2) Also, there was a similar question in class but -infinity < x < infinity and no boundary conditions given with one of the initial conditions y(x,0) = 1/(1+x^2) = f(x). In that case, since f(x) is even why isn't it necessary to use the sign function?

Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
jaejoon89 said:
1) I assume this is to make it odd ...
Oddness wasn't the only property he wanted.
  • #3
Why does the sin^2 need to be corrected like that?

FAQ: Trying to solve a partial differential equation using d'Alembert's solution

What is d'Alembert's solution?

D'Alembert's solution is a method for solving partial differential equations, which are equations that involve multiple independent variables. It is based on the principle of superposition, which states that the solution to a linear differential equation is the sum of the solutions to each individual term in the equation.

How does d'Alembert's solution work?

D'Alembert's solution involves breaking down a partial differential equation into simpler, ordinary differential equations. These equations are then solved using standard techniques, such as separation of variables or integrating factors. The solutions to these simpler equations are then combined to form the general solution to the partial differential equation.

What types of partial differential equations can be solved using d'Alembert's solution?

D'Alembert's solution can be applied to any linear partial differential equation, which is an equation that can be written as a linear combination of its partial derivatives. This includes equations such as the heat equation, wave equation, and Laplace's equation.

What are the limitations of d'Alembert's solution?

D'Alembert's solution is only applicable to linear partial differential equations. It also assumes that the equation has a finite domain, meaning that the variables involved have finite values. Additionally, it may not always be possible to find explicit solutions using this method, and numerical methods may need to be used instead.

Are there any real-world applications of d'Alembert's solution?

Yes, d'Alembert's solution has many applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. It is commonly used to model physical phenomena such as heat transfer, wave propagation, and fluid dynamics. It is also used in the development of mathematical models for predicting and understanding natural phenomena.

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