How Much Lift Does a Helium Balloon Generate Underwater?

In summary, to calculate the balloon lift when submerged in water, you would use the formula L = V * (Pfluid - Pbody), where V is the volume of the balloon, Pfluid is the pressure outside the balloon, and Pbody is the pressure inside the balloon. To find Pfluid, you would add the atmospheric pressure and the hydrostatic pressure due to the water depth. The pressure inside the balloon can be found using the pressure of helium gas at 0°C and 1 bar.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the balloon lift if it were submerged in water.

Volume of balloon (sphere) = [tex]\frac{(5^3)*(pi)}{6}[/tex] = 125pi/6

The balloon is filled with hellium.
Pfluid (water) = 64.2 lb/ft^3

Homework Equations

Lift = Volume * gravity * (Pfluid - Pbody)

[tex]\frac{Pfluid}{Pbody}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{Mfluid}{Mbody}[/tex]

The Mfluid is molecular weight of Water.

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]\frac{Pfluid}{Pbody}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{Mfluid}{Mbody}[/tex]

Pbody = 14.3 lb/ft^3

Lift = Volume * gravity * (Pfluid - Pbody)
Lift = (125pi/6)ft^3 * (32.71) ft/s^2 * (62.4 lb/ft^3 - 14.3 lb/ft^3)
Lift = 102,925 ft/s^2

That number seems way too large to me. Could someone shed some light to what it is I did incorrectly?
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  • #2
A:I'm not sure about the units you are using.But the formula for lift is$$ L = V \times \Delta P $$where $V$ is the volume of the balloon and $\Delta P$ is the difference between the pressure inside the balloon and the pressure outside.For a spherical balloon, the volume is$$ V = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 $$where $r$ is the radius of the balloon.Then the pressure inside the balloon is$$ P_b = P_{He} = 0.179 \text{ bar}, $$where $P_{He}$ is the pressure of helium gas at 0°C and 1 bar.The pressure outside is the atmospheric pressure plus the hydrostatic pressure due to the water depth. At sea level, the atmospheric pressure is 1 bar, so the pressure outside the balloon is$$ P_w = 1 + \rho gh $$where $\rho$ is the density of the water, $g$ is the gravitational acceleration, and $h$ is the depth of the balloon.Assuming a density of water of $\rho = 1000 \text{ kg/m}^3$, a gravitational acceleration of $g = 9.8 \text{ m/s}^2$, and a depth of $h = 5 \text{ m}$, the pressure outside the balloon is$$ P_w = 1 + 1000 \times 9.8 \times 5 = 59.1 \text{ bar}. $$Finally, the lift is$$ L = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 \times (59.1 - 0.179) \approx 860 \text{ N}. $$
  • #3

Your calculation for lift is incorrect. The correct equation for lift is:

Lift = Volume * (Pfluid - Pbody)

Also, the units for lift should be in pounds, not ft/s^2. So the correct calculation would be:

Lift = (125pi/6)ft^3 * (64.2 lb/ft^3 - 14.3 lb/ft^3)
Lift = 7,837.5 lb

This means that the balloon would have a lift of 7,837.5 pounds if it were submerged in water. This may seem like a large number, but it is important to remember that the buoyant force (or lift) of an object is equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. In this case, the balloon is displacing a large volume of water, which results in a significant amount of lift.

FAQ: How Much Lift Does a Helium Balloon Generate Underwater?

1. What is buoyancy and how does it apply to balloons submerged in water?

Buoyancy is the upward force that a fluid exerts on an object that is either partially or completely submerged in it. This force is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces. In the case of balloons submerged in water, the buoyant force is greater than the weight of the balloon, causing it to rise to the surface.

2. How does the size and shape of a balloon affect its buoyancy when submerged?

The size and shape of a balloon can greatly impact its buoyancy when submerged. A larger balloon will displace more water, increasing its buoyant force. Similarly, a balloon with a rounder shape will have a greater volume-to-surface-area ratio, resulting in a stronger buoyant force compared to a flatter balloon.

3. Do changes in atmospheric pressure affect the buoyancy of a balloon submerged in water?

Yes, changes in atmospheric pressure can affect the buoyancy of a balloon submerged in water. This is because the amount of air inside the balloon will compress or expand depending on the external pressure, altering its overall volume and buoyant force.

4. How does the weight of the balloon compared to the weight of the displaced water determine its buoyancy?

The weight of the balloon compared to the weight of the displaced water is a crucial factor in determining its buoyancy. If the weight of the balloon is less than the weight of the displaced water, the buoyant force will be greater and the balloon will float to the surface. If the weight of the balloon is greater, it will sink to the bottom.

5. Can the buoyancy of a balloon submerged in water be affected by the temperature of the water?

Yes, the temperature of the water can affect the buoyancy of a balloon. Cold water is denser than warm water, so a balloon will have a stronger buoyant force when submerged in cold water compared to warm water. However, this effect is minimal and will only make a noticeable difference for large temperature variations.
