Have You Ever Wondered About Society?

  • Thread starter Problem+Solve=Reason
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In summary, society is a necessary aspect of human life that provides a sense of home and guidance in a cold and uncertain world. It is made possible by the human traits of likeness and intellect, particularly reason, and creates an alternate reality within our world. As long as society remains good and promotes goodness, it leads us towards holiness and is the birthplace of truth. Society thrives on both similarities and differences among individuals, as we learn from and mimic each other. Without society, we would be reduced to primitive beings. Reason was the catalyst for the development of society, and its pursuit of efficiency and goodness is its driving force. Society also makes truth easily attainable, but is often blind to reason yet it is within society that reason
  • #1
- Society is a worm home for humans when the world is cold.
-Society is amde possible by two things: Human likeness and intellect (which includes reason)
- Society makes an alternate world within reality
As long as society stays Good, it will guide us into holyness
- Society is the birth of all truth
- The nutrients of society is likenss, but it obtains it's sweetness from difference
- Man mimmics man, in that way society grows
- We would be little more than monkies without society
- Reason was the seed of society
- Efficiancy, and the journey for goodness was society's mother
- Society has made truth easily attainable
- Society is blind to reason but in it reason is born
- Humans yurn to be together. It is acceptance and tolerace that allows us to be together, and denial and intollerance that pulls us apart

----- nwO ruoY evaH ,deeN oN <----?eeS I tahW eeS uoY oD
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  • #2
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
- Society is a worm home for humans when the world is cold.
-Society is amde possible by two things: Human likeness and intellect (which includes reason)
- Society makes an alternate world within reality
As long as society stays Good, it will guide us into holyness
- Society is the birth of all truth
- The nutrients of society is likenss, but it obtains it's sweetness from difference
- Man mimmics man, in that way society grows
- We would be little more than monkies without society
- Reason was the seed of society
- Efficiancy, and the journey for goodness was society's mother
- Society has made truth easily attainable
- Society is blind to reason but in it reason is born
- Humans yurn to be together. It is acceptance and tolerace that allows us to be together, and denial and intollerance that pulls us apart

----- nwO ruoY evaH ,deeN oN <----?eeS I tahW eeS uoY oD

Suggestion. Take one just idea and make your case. This list of ? is impossible to consider.

Also, you might consider using the spelling checker available here if you don't have a word processing program you can write in. Your sloppy style suggests you don't care much about what you are saying, so why should we take it seriously?
  • #3
- Society is a worm home for humans when the world is cold.
-Society is amde possible by two things: Human likeness and intellect (which includes reason)
- Society makes an alternate world within reality
As long as society stays Good, it will guide us into holiness
- Society is the birth of all truth
- The nutrients of society is likenss, but it obtains it's sweetness from difference
- Man mimics man, in that way society grows
- We would be little more than monkeys without society
- Reason was the seed of society
- Efficiancy, and the journey for goodness was society's mother
- Society has made truth easily attainable
- Society is blind to reason but in it reason is born
- Humans yearn to be together. It is acceptance and tolerace that allows us to be together, and denial and intollerance that pulls us apart

----- nwO ruoY evaH ,deeN oN <----?eeS I tahW eeS uoY oD

There you go... These are all my points. I can go deeper into each one. I will later. Thanks for the suggestions. Next time you post, please talk about what I have written not how you think it should be written.
  • #4
Problem+Solve=Reason said:
There you go... These are all my points. I can go deeper into each one. I will later. Thanks for the suggestions. Next time you post, please talk about what I have written not how you think it should be written.

I don't think I've ever criticized anyone for spelling and grammar before. Mostly I am concerned if they believe what they are saying and why they believe it.

Yet I have seen more than my share of people just drop in here, dump their thoughts on us, and never seem to care if anyone understands them or not. Why should I speak to what you've written if you can't go to the trouble to develop your ideas so I can follow the processes and experiences that led you to them? Ideas are a dime a dozen; careful, thoughtful, step-by-step explanations of the why behind ideas are as rare as black diamonds.
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  • #5
Ok Ok... Fair enough. Ill have to gather my throughts and make them more complete.

----- nwO ruoY evaH ,deeN oN <----?eeS I tahW eeS uoY oD

FAQ: Have You Ever Wondered About Society?

What is the meaning of "Of Society:"?

"Of Society:" is a phrase commonly used in literature and social sciences to refer to the role and influence of society on individuals, groups, and communities.

Why is the study of "Of Society:" important?

Studying "Of Society:" allows us to understand the dynamics of social relationships, cultural norms, and societal structures that shape our thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. It also helps us to identify and address social issues and inequalities.

What are some examples of "Of Society:"?

Some examples of "Of Society:" include social norms, cultural values, social institutions such as family, education, and government, and social phenomena such as social stratification and discrimination.

How does "Of Society:" impact individuals?

"Of Society:" has a significant impact on individuals as it influences their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. It also shapes their opportunities, access to resources, and overall well-being.

What are the different perspectives on "Of Society:"?

There are various perspectives on "Of Society:" including functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism, and structuralism. Each of these perspectives offers a unique approach to understanding the role of society in shaping human behavior and interactions.

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