Exploring the Tesla Legacy: Part 3 - Unsettling the Substance of a Genius

In summary, the Tesla Genius discusses the life and work of Nikola Tesla. He discusses his legacy in terms of politics and mysticism.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
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The Tesla Genius: Part 3:
The substance of an unsettled legacy
Thomas Kelley

We have already seen that Nikola Tesla, in the visions from which he deduced the mechanism
of alternating current, also intuited a basic law of Octaves governing universal energy.
- Robert Anton Wilson, 1977

The fascination for Tesla goes well beyond his personal genius, accomplishments, and charisma. In this article, some elements of his legacy will be examined, realizing that there are probably as many ways to relate Tesla's life and work to the modern era as there are people to react with their own opinions about him. However, I believe that there are three broad categories of the Tesla legacy which dominate current thinking about the Serbian-born genius. The first two parts of this series (AJNP, July, August 1987) dealt with more factual elements of Tesla's life (Part 1 was a biography, and Part 2 an analysis of his work), while this article must of necessity be abstract in generalizing the topics about to be discussed. The first broad category that I will define is the legacy of politics. Basically, Tesla became a reluctant symbol, a figurehead for the nationalistic movements in Yugoslavia. I will examine the essential historical themes, and then outline some of the post WW II, American and Yugoslavian politics that a®ected Tesla's reputation. Without elaborating at this time, the second generalization that I make about Tesla's legacy concerns the mystical and occult interest in Tesla insofar as use of his name or his philosophical beliefs. Finally, I will show that much of the interest in Tesla is for supporting some modern fringe sciences. [continued]
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Part 1: http://ajnpx.com/pdf/NaturalPhil/Tesla/Tesla87jul.pdf
Part 2: http://www.ajnpx.com/pdf/NaturalPhil/Tesla/Tesla87aug.pdf

Sorry about that. I was redirected so many times I didn't realize where I was.
Here's the main site.
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  • #3
Tesla was undeniably a genius. He was also a very troubled and complicated man. Desperation motivated him as a youth. He came into his own and achieved great success as a young man. Then he lost his edge. He again retreated into desperation in his later years hoping to recapture his fortune and credibility. It is a tale of human triumph and tradgedy. I recall having read an obscure biography of Tesla. I believe it was written by one of his assistants. Can't think of the name, but prod me and I will check my library.
  • #4
Consider yourself prodded. :biggrin:
  • #5
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FAQ: Exploring the Tesla Legacy: Part 3 - Unsettling the Substance of a Genius

1. What is the significance of exploring the Tesla legacy?

Exploring the Tesla legacy allows us to understand the impact of one of the greatest inventors and scientists of all time. It helps us gain insight into his innovative ideas and contributions to the fields of electricity, physics, and engineering.

2. What is the main focus of Part 3 of the Tesla Legacy series?

Part 3 of the Tesla Legacy series focuses on uncovering the lesser-known aspects of Tesla's life and work, including his personal struggles and the controversies surrounding his inventions and ideas.

3. How does Part 3 challenge the commonly held beliefs about Tesla?

Part 3 challenges the commonly held beliefs about Tesla by presenting a more nuanced and complex view of his life and work. It delves into the lesser-known aspects of his personality and his ideas, questioning the myth surrounding him as a lone genius.

4. What new information or discoveries are revealed in Part 3?

Part 3 reveals new information and discoveries about Tesla's personal life, his relationships, and his inventions. It also sheds light on the controversies surrounding his work and the challenges he faced in gaining recognition for his ideas.

5. How does Part 3 contribute to our understanding of Tesla's legacy?

Part 3 contributes to our understanding of Tesla's legacy by providing a more comprehensive and well-rounded view of his life and work. It helps us see beyond the popularized image of Tesla as a solitary genius and instead highlights the collaborative and complex nature of his ideas and inventions.
