Constant Speed for a Sliding Wood Box

In summary, to cause a 2.0 kg wood box to slide down a vertical wood wall at a constant speed, you would need to apply a force that balances out the other forces acting on the box (gravity, normal force, friction force) and allows for zero net force. This can be achieved by resolving the four forces into components and finding the magnitude of the applied force necessary to have zero net force vertically. Remember, with constant speed, there is zero net force and the box will continue moving at the same speed. The normal force can be found by balancing the horizontal forces, taking into account the component of the applied force in that direction. Without an applied force, there would be no normal force.
  • #1
A 2.0 kg wood box slides down a vertical wood wall while you push on it at a 45 degree angle. What magnitude of force should you apply to cause the box to slide down at a constant speed? (Problem 51, Chapter 5, Knight)

I can't figure out this problem and do not have the text to refer to ( sent me the wrong book). I'm not having problems with FBD's. I tried to set the acceleration to zero so it travels at a constant speed but with zero acceleration there is zero force. I'm confused.
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  • #2
godplayer said:
I tried to set the acceleration to zero so it travels at a constant speed but with zero acceleration there is zero force. I'm confused.

This is exactly right, you want zero net force. How else can the box move with constant velocity?

There are four forces in the problem, the force of gravity, the normal force, the friction force, and your applied force. Resolve these four into components and find the magnitude of the applied force necessary to have zero net force vertically.
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  • #3
Well remember, with constant speed, there is zero NET force.
  • #4
Oh. . . now I'm really confused.

Thanks for the reply
  • #5
That seems to easy!
  • #6
I thought that if there was a zero NET force that the box would be at rest.
  • #7
If there is zero net force, the acceleration is zero. But if the body is already moving then it keeps moving by Newton's 1st Law.
  • #8
godplayer said:
I thought that if there was a zero NET force that the box would be at rest.

Nope, it would just be moving at the same speed its been moving. Remember Newton's first law. What you must imply however is that the box is already moving down that 45 degree plane when you start actually pushing back
  • #9
Thanks! That helps a lot!

I'm not sure how to find the normal force. I knoe its horizontal from the wall but I am unsure of how to find it. I need it to find the force of friction.
  • #10
You can find the normal by balancing the forces in the horizontal direction (remember the applied force has a component in that direction). The box certainly isn't accelerating away from the wall.
  • #11
Yeah I know but there were know horizontal forces given in the problem.
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  • #12
Since the applied force hits the block at a 45 degree angle, it has a component in the horizontal direction. In other words, you are pushing the box into the wall and the wall pushes back (normal force). There would be no normal force if no one was pushing the block into the wall.
  • #13
Thanks guys
I have the answer!

FAQ: Constant Speed for a Sliding Wood Box

1. What is constant speed for a sliding wood box?

Constant speed for a sliding wood box refers to the steady rate at which the box moves along a surface without accelerating or decelerating.

2. How is constant speed determined for a sliding wood box?

Constant speed for a sliding wood box is determined by measuring the distance the box travels in a given amount of time. If the distance remains the same over time, then the box is moving at a constant speed.

3. What factors affect constant speed for a sliding wood box?

The main factors that affect constant speed for a sliding wood box are the surface of the track or surface it is sliding on, the weight and mass of the box, and any external forces acting on the box such as friction or air resistance.

4. Why is constant speed important for a sliding wood box?

Constant speed is important for a sliding wood box because it allows for accurate and predictable measurements to be made. It also helps to understand the motion and forces acting on the box.

5. How can constant speed for a sliding wood box be maintained?

Constant speed for a sliding wood box can be maintained by ensuring a smooth and level surface, reducing friction by using lubricants, and keeping the weight and mass of the box consistent. Additionally, minimizing external forces such as air resistance can help maintain constant speed.
