Overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series

  • Thread starter rikhaz
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In summary: Expert SummarizerIn summary, the overall effectiveness of three heat exchangers in series can be calculated using the equation eff = [ eff1 + eff2 + eff3 - eff1*eff2*eff3*C + (C+1)*(eff1*eff2*eff3*(C + 1) - eff1*eff2 - eff2*eff3 - eff3*eff1 ) ] / [ 1 - C*(eff1*eff2 + eff2*eff3 + eff3*eff1) + C*(C+1)*eff1*eff2*eff3 ]. The equation takes into account the individual effectiveness of each heat exchanger, the unequal capacities of the heat exch
  • #1
Dear all,

I have a question about three heat exchangers in series. For each individual heat exchanger the effectiveness is known, and I have to show that the overall effectiveness is given by:

eff = [ eff1 + eff2 + eff3 - eff1*eff2*eff3*C + (C+1)*(eff1*eff2*eff3*(C + 1) - eff1*eff2 - eff2*eff3 - eff3*eff1 ) ] / [ 1 - C*(eff1*eff2 + eff2*eff3 + eff3*eff1) + C*(C+1)*eff1*eff2*eff3 ]

In which eff1, eff2 and eff3 are the effectiveness of each individual heat exchanger and C is equal to Cmin / Cmax, the ratio of the smaller capacity on one side to the larger capacity on the other side in the heat exchanger (equal for each individual heat exchanger).

Can anyone help me with this?

Kind regards,

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  • #2

Dear Rik,

Thank you for your question about the overall effectiveness of three heat exchangers in series. To begin, let's define the terms used in the equation you provided. The effectiveness (eff) of a heat exchanger is a measure of how well it transfers heat from one fluid to another. It is expressed as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate to the maximum possible heat transfer rate. In your case, eff1, eff2, and eff3 are the effectiveness of each individual heat exchanger.

Now, let's break down the equation to understand how it is derived. The first term in the numerator, eff1 + eff2 + eff3, represents the sum of the individual effectiveness of each heat exchanger. Next, we have the term - eff1*eff2*eff3*C. This term takes into account the decrease in overall effectiveness due to the unequal capacities of the heat exchangers. As C is the ratio of the smaller capacity to the larger capacity, multiplying it with the product of the individual effectiveness values will account for the decrease in overall effectiveness.

Moving on to the next term, (C+1)*(eff1*eff2*eff3*(C + 1) - eff1*eff2 - eff2*eff3 - eff3*eff1 ), we can see that it is a combination of the individual effectiveness values and the capacity ratio. This term is derived from the fact that the overall effectiveness is also affected by the interaction between the three heat exchangers. This term takes into account the positive and negative effects of this interaction on the overall effectiveness.

Finally, in the denominator, we have the term 1 - C*(eff1*eff2 + eff2*eff3 + eff3*eff1) + C*(C+1)*eff1*eff2*eff3. This term is derived from the fact that the overall effectiveness is also affected by the cumulative effect of the individual heat exchangers. It takes into account the positive and negative effects of this cumulative effect on the overall effectiveness.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the equation better. If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

FAQ: Overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series

1. What is the purpose of using 3 HX's in series?

The purpose of using 3 heat exchangers (HX's) in series is to increase the overall effectiveness of the heat transfer process. By using multiple HX's in a series, the heat transfer surface area is increased, allowing for more efficient transfer of heat between two fluids.

2. How does the overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series compare to a single HX?

The overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series is typically higher than that of a single HX. This is because the heat transfer process is repeated multiple times, increasing the overall heat transfer coefficient and resulting in a higher overall effectiveness.

3. What factors can affect the overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series?

The overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series can be affected by factors such as the fluid flow rate, inlet and outlet temperatures, and the design and size of the heat exchangers. Additionally, fouling or build-up of deposits on the heat transfer surfaces can also decrease the effectiveness.

4. Are there any limitations to using 3 HX's in series?

While using 3 HX's in series can increase the overall effectiveness, there are some limitations to consider. One limitation is the added cost and complexity of using multiple HX's. Additionally, if the design and operation of the HX's are not optimized, it may not result in a significant increase in overall effectiveness.

5. How is the overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series calculated?

The overall effectiveness of 3 HX's in series can be calculated using the following formula: E = (1 - (T1 - T4)/(T2 - T4)) * (1 - (T1 - T5)/(T2 - T5)) * (1 - (T1 - T6)/(T2 - T6)), where T1 is the hot fluid inlet temperature, T2 is the cold fluid inlet temperature, T4 is the hot fluid outlet temperature, T5 is the intermediate fluid outlet temperature, and T6 is the cold fluid outlet temperature. This formula takes into account the temperatures and flow rates of all three HX's in series to determine the overall effectiveness.

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