Understanding the Probability of Coin Toss and Spin | MathWorld

  • Thread starter Icebreaker
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In summary, when spinning a penny instead of tossing it, it will result in heads only about 30% of the time, due to the extra weight on one side of the coin causing a bias. This was discovered by Persi Diaconis through empirical evidence and a rigorous mathematical description. The chance of a coin landing on the same side it started on when flipped is about 51%. The Superbowl coin is most likely a specially made coin for the event.
  • #1
From http://mathworld.wolfram.com/CoinTossing.html

More amazingly still, spinning a penny instead of tossing it results in heads only about 30% of the time (Paulos 1995).

Can someone explain this to me? I can't see why this is the case. Is this statement the result of some kind of mathematical proof or a statistical study?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This one is pretty neat Icebreaker, after a quick search this is what I found. Appaerently the work was done by Persi Diaconis(homepage link) who apparently found that because of the extra weight on one side of the coin it was biased when you spin it. You should be able to find some links through his homepage. Here is a write up from science news that gives a quick outline of this interesting research:

Toss Out the Toss-Up: Bias in heads-or-tails

On Wikipedia there is a section on Coin Flipping that also references this phenomena. There are more details and links to the articles that goes further into why this happens. Enjoy and thanx! :biggrin:
  • #3
There is, of course, no way to prove that mathematically because in mathematics we have to start with assumptions about the basic probabilities.

The only way to prove such a statement would be to actually DO it: spin a penny a large number of times and see what happens.

I think I have heard that the reason that happens is that when the penny is stamped out, the die is never perfectly perpendicular.
  • #4
HallsofIvy said:
There is, of course, no way to prove that mathematically because in mathematics we have to start with assumptions about the basic probabilities.

Yes, but the problem is that it wasn't written if the fact was obtained by experiment, or, with the assumption of a perfect coin, was somehow derived. There could have been some fallacy with the "perfect coin" assumption.

I've always known that a coin flip was biased, but I had no idea that there is such a huge difference when the coin is spun.
  • #5
OK guys, before you run amock have a look at the paper co-authored by Diaconis. From his home page at Stanford:


It's 31 pages long and very detailed. Apparently not only is there emperical evidence to support the bias but there is also a rigorous mathematical description to back it up. Here is the abstract:
We analyze the natural process of flipping a coin which is caught in the hand. We prove that vigorously-flipped coins are biased to come up the same way they started. The amount of bias depends on a single parameter, the angle between the normal to the coin and the angular momentum vector. Measurements of this parameter based on high-speed photography are reported. For natural flips, the chance of coming up as started is about .51.

Seems there is a lot more to coin flipping than meets the eye! :biggrin:
  • #6
Which coin do they toss before a superbowl game?
  • #7
Icebreaker said:
Which coin do they toss before a superbowl game?

What do you mean 'which coin'?

How about this:

A Super Duper Special Superbowl Coin! :smile:

Just kidding, I really don't know but I would bet that it is one specially made for that event. Would it be biased? According to the paer if it is flipped vigorously enough it is!

FAQ: Understanding the Probability of Coin Toss and Spin | MathWorld

1. What is the probability of getting heads or tails when flipping a coin?

The probability of getting heads or tails when flipping a fair coin is 1/2 or 50%. This means that in the long run, if you were to flip a coin many times, you would expect to get heads and tails roughly an equal number of times.

2. How does the number of coin tosses affect the probability of getting heads or tails?

The number of coin tosses does not affect the probability of getting heads or tails. Each coin toss is an independent event, meaning that the outcome of one toss does not affect the outcome of the next toss. Therefore, the probability of getting heads or tails remains 1/2 regardless of the number of tosses.

3. What is the probability of getting a specific sequence of heads and tails in multiple coin tosses?

The probability of getting a specific sequence of heads and tails in multiple coin tosses can be calculated by multiplying the individual probabilities of getting each outcome. For example, the probability of getting heads, heads, tails in three tosses would be (1/2)*(1/2)*(1/2) = 1/8 or 12.5%.

4. How does the probability of getting heads or tails change when using a biased coin?

When using a biased coin, the probability of getting heads or tails is no longer equal. The probability will depend on how biased the coin is towards one side. For example, if a coin is biased towards heads and has a probability of 3/4 for heads and 1/4 for tails, then the probability of getting heads is 3/4 or 75%.

5. Can the results of a coin toss be predicted using probability?

No, the results of a single coin toss cannot be predicted using probability. Probability only tells us the likelihood of a certain outcome, not the actual outcome. Each coin toss is a random event and cannot be predicted with certainty.

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