My politics and world affairs threads going off-topic theory.

In summary: Capitalism vs CommunismNah, I think the digression into discussing the Iraq war usually occurs prior to any discussion of balance of power. In fact, balance of power is vague enough that I'm not even entirely sure what you mean by that. It sounds like a part of all those topics.In summary, all threads will eventually degenerate into arguments about Capitalism vs. Communism. Any thread that does not fully complete this sequence will be locked or die. The priority of these threads is still being worked out, but it is likely that the Iraq war will be the first topic to be discussed.
  • #1
my "politics and world affairs threads going off-topic" theory.

All threads will degenerate, by order of priority, through several off-topic discussions arguments ending with a Communism vs. Capitalism argument. Any thread that does not fully complete this sequence will be because of locking or death. Any argument that remains on the off-topic (off, not on topic - important) discussion of Capitalism vs. Communism will be locked or killed within 7 days. A thread where the topic is Capitalism vs. Communism will degenerate in the opposite direction of priority and then degrade back to the topic repeatedly (like it'll bounce up and down) until death or locking.

The priority I'm still working out, but it ends something like this:
-Balance of power
-Iraq war
-US corruption/benevolence
-Capitalism vs Communism
Physics news on
  • #2
Nah, I think the digression into discussing the Iraq war usually occurs prior to any discussion of balance of power. In fact, balance of power is vague enough that I'm not even entirely sure what you mean by that. It sounds like a part of all those topics.
  • #3
Balanace of power? Cant everything be reduced to that general term?
Where are all these capi vs. commi threads i hear about :D. The one thing i dislike about communists is that they can't agree as to what exactly communism is and if it has or hasnt been used in recent history. I remember some guy thinking Canada's government was a communist government.
  • #4
I think that the Capitalism vs Communism argument happens here so much because Alexandria tends to trace everything back to it. Not knocking her for it, it makes sense considering her perspective.
  • #5
What is her perspective.
  • #6
Marxist... duh
  • #7
So, what... if you are a Marxist, any and all problems come down to capitalism vs. communism? So my toilet clogging is Bill Gates' fault?
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
So, what... if you are a Marxist, any and all problems come down to capitalism vs. communism? So my toilet clogging is Bill Gates' fault?
designed to fail so you are forced to buy plunger xp - plummers edition. :biggrin:
  • #9
TheStatutoryApe said:
I think that the Capitalism vs Communism argument happens here so much because Alexandria tends to trace everything back to it. Not knocking her for it, it makes sense considering her perspective.

It also surfaces often since the implementations & degrees of capitalism differ quite a bit. Compare for example US to many parts of Europe, and considering the magnitude of the societal differences (between these 2 for one) not surprised it staying afloat.
  • #10
Pengwuino said:
So, what... if you are a Marxist, any and all problems come down to capitalism vs. communism? So my toilet clogging is Bill Gates' fault?
Yeah. Marxism is based on the ideas of class warfare and on revolution from capitalism. No offence, but your toilet clogging is hardly a political problem, let alone one to warrant attention from the vastly surperior marxists.

FAQ: My politics and world affairs threads going off-topic theory.

1. What is your theory about why political discussions often go off-topic?

My theory is that when people feel strongly about a certain issue, they may become emotionally charged and lose sight of the original topic. This can also happen when there is a lack of clear communication or understanding between individuals.

2. How does going off-topic affect the overall discussion and its outcome?

Going off-topic can distract from the main point of the discussion and make it difficult to reach a resolution or come to a mutual understanding. It can also create confusion and frustration among participants, leading to unproductive arguments.

3. Are there any specific factors that contribute to political discussions going off-topic?

Yes, some factors that can contribute to going off-topic include personal biases, lack of knowledge on the topic, and the desire to prove one's point or win an argument rather than engaging in a productive discussion. Additionally, outside influences such as media and social media can also play a role in steering the conversation away from the original topic.

4. What are some strategies that can be used to prevent political discussions from going off-topic?

One strategy is to establish clear guidelines and rules for the discussion, such as staying on topic and avoiding personal attacks. It is also important to actively listen to others and try to understand their perspective before responding. If the discussion does go off-topic, it can be helpful to redirect the conversation back to the original topic or take a break to regroup.

5. How can we promote more productive and respectful political discussions?

Promoting active listening, respecting diverse perspectives, and approaching discussions with an open mind can lead to more productive and respectful political discussions. It is also important to be mindful of our own biases and be willing to learn from others. Creating a safe and inclusive environment for discussions can also encourage more constructive dialogue.

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