Global Warming: Exploring Possible Solutions

  • Thread starter SixNein
  • Start date
In summary: Perhaps, but I believe global warming to be the topic of our time, and the topic needs to be discussed even if it is somewhat messy. There are so many fields involved that a traditional method of moderation may prove to be difficult or impossible. One would need a expert on everything from the mathematics of ice to tree rings.I will not drag this out further, but I do encourage some thought to reconsider. Put it in a form out of the way, and place special rules upon it.Thanks, we have considered it over a period of several years. There are many blogs by climate scientists that are better equipped to handle the discussions.
  • #1
Gold Member
*Closed due to the inability to manage the topic at this time:*

Why not just create a forum for the topic and enforce citations? The topic of global warming is vast enough to cover many areas, and almost all of your current moderators could contribute.
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  • #2
SixNein said:
Why not just create a forum for the topic and enforce citations? The topic of global warming is vast enough to cover many areas, and almost all of your current moderators could contribute.

I think that the answer that you're going to get is that previous discussions have gotten very heated and that PF has no one who actually works on global warming issues that could act as a moderator / referee.
  • #3
SixNein said:
Why not just create a forum for the topic and enforce citations? The topic of global warming is vast enough to cover many areas, and almost all of your current moderators could contribute.

Just because someone has the ability to cite papers does not mean that that person have used the citation correctly! We have seen creationists citing, say, 2nd Law of thermodynamics to counter against evolution. Here, the source is valid, but the USE of it is not. It requires someone with a good knowledge of the field, i.e. an expert, to be able to spot when a paper has been cited either out of context, or in a faulty way.

  • #4
ZapperZ said:
Just because someone has the ability to cite papers does not mean that that person have used the citation correctly! We have seen creationists citing, say, 2nd Law of thermodynamics to counter against evolution. Here, the source is valid, but the USE of it is not. It requires someone with a good knowledge of the field, i.e. an expert, to be able to spot when a paper has been cited either out of context, or in a faulty way.


No, but citations do allow others to explore the evidence behind the statement. At that point, the reader has the responsibility to decide if the evidence is strong enough to be considered for discussion. Outside of citations, global warming is not really a field so much as it is the convergence of research by many different fields that have reached a conclusion. So one would not need a single expert but an array of experts to be able to pre-judge every paper on the topic. To the point, I'm simply asking why not leave more up to the reader on this topic with various moderators glancing over some things in their specific areas?

But I think Borg has answered my question: Flame wars lol

In a fashion it is sad, there are interesting discussions to be had.
  • #5
SixNein said:
No, but citations do allow others to explore the evidence behind the statement. At that point, the reader has the responsibility to decide if the evidence is strong enough to be considered for discussion...

To the point, I'm simply asking why not leave more up to the reader on this topic with various moderators glancing over some things in their specific areas?
The intent of this site is that the moderators make that decision (based on the rules), not the readers. That's the way all other discussions on this site work. To over use a cliche, what you suggest leaves the insane to run the asylum.
In a fashion it is sad, there are interesting discussions to be had.
  • #6
russ_watters said:
The intent of this site is that the moderators make that decision (based on the rules), not the readers. That's the way all other discussions on this site work. To over use a cliche, what you suggest leaves the insane to run the asylum.

Perhaps, but I believe global warming to be the topic of our time, and the topic needs to be discussed even if it is somewhat messy. There are so many fields involved that a traditional method of moderation may prove to be difficult or impossible. One would need a expert on everything from the mathematics of ice to tree rings.

I will not drag this out further, but I do encourage some thought to reconsider. Put it in a form out of the way, and place special rules upon it.
  • #7
Thanks, we have considered it over a period of several years. There are many blogs by climate scientists that are better equipped to handle the discussions.

FAQ: Global Warming: Exploring Possible Solutions

1. What is global warming and why is it a concern?

Global warming, also known as climate change, refers to the long-term increase in the Earth's average temperature. This is primarily caused by the release of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, from human activities like burning fossil fuels and deforestation. The rising temperatures have severe consequences such as sea level rise, extreme weather events, and species extinction, making it a major concern for the environment and human society.

2. How do scientists know that global warming is happening?

Scientists use various methods to track global warming, including direct temperature measurements, satellite data, and ice core samples. These sources of evidence consistently show that the Earth's average temperature has been increasing over the past century and that this trend is accelerating. Additionally, scientists use climate models to simulate future scenarios, which have also predicted the observed warming trend.

3. What are the main causes of global warming?

The main cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. These gases trap heat from the sun, causing the Earth's temperature to rise. The burning of fossil fuels for energy is the primary source of these gases, but deforestation and industrial processes also contribute to their release. Other factors, such as changes in the Earth's orbit and solar activity, have a smaller impact on global warming.

4. What are some possible solutions to global warming?

To address global warming, there are various solutions that individuals and governments can implement. These include reducing carbon emissions by using renewable energy sources, increasing energy efficiency, and implementing sustainable land-use practices. Other solutions include carbon sequestration, which involves capturing and storing carbon dioxide, and geoengineering, which aims to artificially cool the Earth's atmosphere. It will also be essential to adapt to the effects of global warming that are already occurring.

5. Can we reverse the effects of global warming?

While it is not possible to completely reverse the effects of global warming, we can take actions to slow down and eventually stop the trend. By reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing carbon sinks, such as forests and oceans, we can prevent the Earth's temperature from rising further. Additionally, implementing adaptation strategies can help mitigate the impacts of global warming. However, it is crucial to act quickly and decisively to limit the severity of future consequences.

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