Disk radial change with temperature rise

JustAnswer, an online expert question and answer platformIn summary, The conversation is about a question regarding the changes in a disk's dimensions when heated. The correct answer is that all dimensions, including the internal and external radii, increase by the same percentage due to the coefficient of linear thermal expansion and temperature increase. The thickness of the disk also increases. The conversation takes place on an online expert question and answer platform called JustAnswer.
  • #1
Hi guys,

Heard an interview question from a friend, the guy asked him what happens to a disk with internal radius r and external R such as the following:

When heated.
He told me the answer is that the internal radius gets smaller and the external gets bigger.
Can anyone help me understand why (does it come on the expense of the disk thickness - t?) and put it into mathematical terms?

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Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
The answer he gave you is incorrect. If the disk is heated uniformly, all its dimensions increase by the same percentage, including the thickness. The fractional increase is equal to the coefficient of linear thermal expansion times the temperature increase.
  • #3
Thank you

FAQ: Disk radial change with temperature rise

What is "Disk radial change with temperature rise"?

"Disk radial change with temperature rise" refers to the expansion or contraction of a disk-shaped object as its temperature increases or decreases. This phenomenon is also known as thermal expansion or thermal contraction and is a result of the change in volume of the material due to the increase or decrease in temperature.

What causes "Disk radial change with temperature rise"?

The main cause of "Disk radial change with temperature rise" is the thermal energy that is absorbed or released by the material. As the temperature of the material increases, the molecules gain more energy and vibrate more, causing the material to expand. Similarly, when the temperature decreases, the molecules lose energy and vibrate less, leading to contraction of the material.

How is "Disk radial change with temperature rise" measured?

"Disk radial change with temperature rise" can be measured using a few different methods. One common method is to use a dial gauge or micrometer to measure the change in diameter of the disk as the temperature changes. Another method is to use a strain gauge, which measures the change in strain or deformation of the material as it expands or contracts.

What factors can affect "Disk radial change with temperature rise"?

The amount of "Disk radial change with temperature rise" can be influenced by a few different factors. These include the material properties of the disk, such as its coefficient of thermal expansion, as well as the magnitude and rate of temperature change. The shape and size of the disk can also impact the amount of radial change.

How does "Disk radial change with temperature rise" affect real-world applications?

The understanding of "Disk radial change with temperature rise" is important in many real-world applications. For example, engineers and designers need to account for thermal expansion and contraction when designing structures and machines to ensure proper functioning and avoid damage. Additionally, this phenomenon is also utilized in devices such as thermostats and thermometers, where changes in temperature cause expansion or contraction of a material to indicate temperature changes.
