How Do Free Electrons Move in Response to Atmospheric Potential Changes?

In summary, the conversation discussed the potential in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface and its relationship to elevation. The question of which direction free electrons in the atmosphere will move was raised, with a possible answer being up or down. The calculation for the loss in electric potential energy of a free electron moving vertically through 10 m was also discussed, with the expression ΔPele = qΔV being mentioned. It was also questioned where the electrons would find the potential they are looking for.
  • #1
This question is giving me some difficulty.

Under normal atmospheric conditions, the potential in the atmosphere near the Earth's surface rises 80 V for every metre of increased elevation.
A) What direction will free electrons in the atmosphere move?
B) Calculate the loss in electric potential energy of a free electron which moves vertically through 10 m in the atmosphere.

For A) would the electrons move vertically since q1 and q2 are being moved further apart?
I don't know how to get the answer in B.
Physics news on
  • #2
A) I think they're asking if the electrons will move up or down, not just vertically or not. Do electrons seek lower or higher potential? Where will they find the potential they are looking for?
B) Do you know what the expression is for chagne in electric potential energy? ΔPele = qΔV. What's the change in potential then, if the particle moves 10 meters up or down? (You will know if it moves up or down from the answer to A).
  • #3

A) Yes, the free electrons in the atmosphere would move vertically since the potential increases with elevation. As the electrons move higher, they would experience a decrease in potential energy.

B) To calculate the loss in electric potential energy, we can use the formula PE = qV, where PE is the potential energy, q is the charge of the electron, and V is the potential difference. In this case, q = -1.6 x 10^-19 C (the charge of an electron) and V = 80 V/m (the potential difference per meter).

So, the potential energy of the electron at the initial position would be PE1 = (-1.6 x 10^-19 C)(80 V/m)(10 m) = -1.28 x 10^-17 J.

At the final position, the potential energy would be PE2 = (-1.6 x 10^-19 C)(80 V/m)(0 m) = 0 J.

Therefore, the loss in potential energy would be ΔPE = PE2 - PE1 = 0 - (-1.28 x 10^-17 J) = 1.28 x 10^-17 J.

I hope this helps to clarify and solve the problem.

FAQ: How Do Free Electrons Move in Response to Atmospheric Potential Changes?

1. What is atmospheric potential?

Atmospheric potential is a measure of the average amount of energy that air molecules possess in a specific location in the Earth's atmosphere. It is related to the temperature and pressure of the air.

2. How is atmospheric potential related to weather?

Changes in atmospheric potential can affect weather patterns by influencing the movement of air masses and the formation of weather systems. Higher atmospheric potential can lead to more stable weather, while lower atmospheric potential can result in more turbulent and stormy conditions.

3. What factors influence atmospheric potential?

Atmospheric potential is mainly influenced by solar radiation, which is the primary source of energy for the Earth's atmosphere. Other factors, such as the Earth's rotation, surface temperature, and atmospheric composition, also play a role in determining atmospheric potential.

4. How is atmospheric potential measured?

Atmospheric potential is measured using a device called a barometer, which measures the air pressure at a specific location. This measurement is then used to calculate the atmospheric potential using the ideal gas law, which relates pressure, temperature, and the number of molecules in the air.

5. What are the units of measurement for atmospheric potential?

The most commonly used unit of measurement for atmospheric potential is kilojoules per kilogram (kJ/kg). However, other units such as joules per kilogram (J/kg) or kilocalories per kilogram (kcal/kg) may also be used. In some cases, atmospheric potential may also be expressed in terms of energy per unit mass of air, such as joules per cubic meter (J/m3).
