Fortran 90 Description in program how to continue it)

In summary: Invalid."; exit endif print *, "Give me an integer c:" read *, c print *, "Give me an integer d:" read *, d print *, "Please enter the square of integer k such that a<=k<=b." print *, "Please enter the product of integers r such that c<=r<=d." if (a<=b) then print *, "Invalid."; exit endif
  • #1
Fortran 90:(Description in program how to continue it)

Homework Statement

Write a program in Fortran 90 (not fortran 77) that reads from the user 4 integers a, b, c, d. The program should first check if applicable inequality
a ≤ b, c ≤ d.
If not then it should asking again numbers from the user until they have given numbers satisfying these inequalities. Once your program reads these numbers should

1. to print the squares of integers k such that is
a ≤ k ≤ b.
2. To print the product of all integers r is such that
c ≤ r ≤ d.

Homework Equations

its says that the program should asking the user to give numbers until satisfying a<=b and c<=d. This will be done with loop?( i don't know how to do this and i stucked).Still how i can find the squares of integers k and the product of all integers r?( i want only an description of how to do it to finish the program)

The Attempt at a Solution

program sub

implicit none

integers :: a, b, c, d

print *, "Give me an integer a:"
read *, a

print *, "Give me an integer b:"
read *, b

print *, "Give me an integer c:"
read *, c

print *, "Give me an integer d:"
read *, d

if(a .ge. b) then
print *, "Invalid."

if(c .ge. d) then
print *, "Invalid."
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  • #2

Here's a simple structure in pseudo code:


while(notOK<1) {
read a,b,c,d
if((a>b) or (c>d)) print "ERROR: either a>=b or c>=d: Please re-enter your four numbers"
else notOK=1

// step 2
for(k=a; k<=b; k++) {
print "k:"+k+" and k^2: " +(k*k)

// set 3 use a loop like the one above within another loop like the one above
  • #3

program Arithmetical

implicit none

integers :: a, b, c, d

PRINT *, "Give me an integer a:"
READ *, a

PRINT *, "Give me an integer b:"
READ *, b

PRINT *, "Give me an integer c:"
READ *, c

PRINT *, "Give me an integer d:"
READ *, d

IF(a .ge. b) THEN
PRINT *, "Invalid."

IF(c .ge. d) then
PRINT *, "Invalid."

notOK = 0
notOK = notOK + 1
IF( (a>b) or (c>d) ) EXIT
PRINT *, "ERROR: either a>=b or c>=d: Please re-enter your four numbers"
notOK = 1

FOR(k=a, k<=b, k++)
PRINT "k:"+k+" and k^2: " +(k*k)


I used this in silverfrost but can't run it. I believe that i have something wrong .Can anyone correct me wrongs?
  • #4

you don't want to stop you want to loop until the a,b,c,d fit the limits the problem defined.

as I read your program it does the following:

asks for a reads a
asks for b reads b
asks for c reads c
asks for d reads d

tests a>b if so STOPS
tests c>d if so STOPS

so use of the notOK does nothing

instead you need to place your reads in a while (...) do end loop:isOK=0

while(isOK<2) do

isOK=0 // reset the condition counter to ZERO
asks for a reads a
asks for b reads b
asks for c reads c
asks for d reads d

if(a.le.b) isOK=isOK+1 // we add ONE because the 1st condition was met
if(c.le.d) isOK=isOK+1 // we add ONE again because the 2nd condition was met

enddo // the loop ends when isOK==2

...when your program gets here then a<=b and c<=d and you can do steps 2 and 3...
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  • #5

for the squaring loop use:

DO 10 K=A,B,1
print K*K
  • #6

jedishrfu said:
for the squaring loop use:

DO 10 K=A,B,1
print K*K

For fortran 90, you'd want to dispense with the line numbers and CONTINUE, and do something like this:
DO K = A, B
   PRINT K * K
  • #7

Mark44 said:
For fortran 90, you'd want to dispense with the line numbers and CONTINUE, and do something like this:
DO K = A, B
   PRINT K * K

Thanks for the correction, I work mostly in java and haven't done fortran in roughly 40 years or so but I think F90 still accepts the old style otherwise they'd break a lot of programs.
  • #8

DoremiCSD said:
I used this in silverfrost but can't run it. I believe that i have something wrong .Can anyone correct me wrongs?[/QUOTE]

Check your variable declarations, and significant parts of this are not in Fortran. Also, you really need to review how to form loops; googling "fortran 90 loops" will take you to informative material, including [URL=""]Wikibooks[/URL]

As a code snip, you might use:

    print *, "Give me an integer a:"
    read *, a
    print *, "Give me an integer b, not less than a:"   ! try to AVOID mistakes
    read *, b
    if (b >= a) exit          ! ===> input OK
    print *, "Found b less than a, please re-enter your numbers a & b"
end do

I suggest you just get this working for the inputs before you try the calculations. Then read up on iterated loops as per Mark44's post.
  • #9

1. to print the squares of integers k such that is
a ≤ k ≤ b.
2. To print the product of all integers r is such that
c ≤ r ≤ d.
How i can to do the above 2 parts i stucked here.
  • #10

1. Read Mark44 above
2. Initialize the product calculation p at 1, then make a loop starting at c, ending at d, and multiply the loop counter into p each time.
  • #11
Fortran 90:Can not run

Homework Statement

Write a program in fortran 90 which reads from the user 4 integers a,b,c and d. The program first

needs to make sure that the following inequalities hold : a <=b <=c <=d.

If not,the program needs to ask again those numbers from the user until the user finally gives

numbers that satisfy the above inequalities.

Once your program reads these numbers , then it will have to :

1) type the squares of the integers k , such as a< = k <= b , and

2)type the product of all the integers r, such as c<= r <= d.

Homework Equations

Guys i am the guy with the fortran problem and my program doesn't run i don't know why.. Maybe its wrong written because i am new in programming.Plz if anyone cangive me the right code.Down is my try for the program...

The Attempt at a Solution

program Arithmetical

implicit none

integer :: a, b, c, d, x, y

print *, "Give me an integer a:"
read *, a

print *, "Give me an integer b:"
read *, b

print *, "Give me an integer c:"
read *, c

print *, "Give me an integer d:"
read *, d

if(a .ge. b) then
print *, "Invalid."

if(c .ge. d) then
print *, "Invalid."

print *, "Give me an integer a:"
read *, a
print *, "Give me an integer b, not less than a:"
read *, b
if(a .ge. b) exit
print *, "Found b less than a, please re-enter your numbers a & b"
end do

print *, "Give me an integer c:"
read *, c
print *, "Give me an integer d, not less than c:"
read *, d
if(c .ge. d) then
print *, "Found d less than c, please re-enter your numbers a & b"
end do

x = a
y = 0
do while (x <= b)
y = x^2
print y
x = x+1
end do

x = c
y = 0
do while (x <= d)
y = y+x*(x+1)
x = x+1
end do

end program
  • #12

Mod note: Merged the contents of a new thread started by the OP into the existing thread.
DoremiCSD said:

Homework Statement

Write a program in fortran 90 which reads from the user 4 integers a,b,c and d. The program first

needs to make sure that the following inequalities hold : a <=b <=c <=d.

If not,the program needs to ask again those numbers from the user until the user finally gives

numbers that satisfy the above inequalities.

Once your program reads these numbers , then it will have to :

1) type the squares of the integers k , such as a< = k <= b , and

2)type the product of all the integers r, such as c<= r <= d.
In 1 and 2 above, "such as" is incorrect, as it suggests an example. The problem statement undoubtedly means "such that."
Do you understand what parts 1 and 2 are asking you to do? If not, you will never be able to write the code to implement these parts.

To assess your understanding, if a = 5 and b = 15, what output would you expect from part 1.

Similarly, if c = 3 and d = 12, what output would you expect from part 2?
DoremiCSD said:

Homework Equations

Guys i am the guy with the fortran problem and my program doesn't run i don't know why.
Be more specific. When you say it doesn't run, we have no idea what that means. Does your code fail to compile? If so, you need to fix the syntax errors. One that I see is '^' used for raising a number to a power. The operator in Fortran is **, not ^.

Does your code compile but not run? If so, there are errors in your logic, so that the program halts before doing anything useful. In your input section, if the user enters invalid values, the program STOPs. It should not be doing that. Your whole input section needs to be in a DO loop of some kind, where the loop keeps running until all of the input values are in the right order.
DoremiCSD said:
Maybe its wrong written because i am new in programming.Plz if anyone cangive me the right code.
We DO NOT do your work for you. We'll help, but we aren't going to just give you the code.
DoremiCSD said:
Down is my try for the program...

The Attempt at a Solution

Use a [noparse]
 tag just above your code, and a
tag after the end of your code [/noparse]. This makes your code easier for us to read, by preserving your indentation. Please make an effort to do that on code that you show.
DoremiCSD said:
program Arithmetical

implicit none

integer :: a, b, c, d, x, y

print *, "Give me an integer a:"
read *, a

print *, "Give me an integer b:"
read *, b

print *, "Give me an integer c:"
read *, c

print *, "Give me an integer d:"
read *, d

if(a .ge. b) then
 print *, "Invalid."

if(c .ge. d) then
 print *, "Invalid."

 print *, "Give me an integer a:"
 read *, a
 print *, "Give me an integer b, not less than a:"
 read *, b
 if(a .ge. b) exit
  print *, "Found b less than a, please re-enter your numbers a & b"
end do

 print *, "Give me an integer c:"
 read *, c
 print *, "Give me an integer d, not less than c:"
 read *, d
 if(c .ge. d) then
  print *, "Found d less than c, please re-enter your numbers a & b"
end do

x = a
y = 0
do while (x <= b)
 y = x^2
 print y
 x = x+1
end do

x = c
y = 0
do while (x <= d)
 y = y+x*(x+1)
 x = x+1
end do

end program
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  • #13

It looks like you don't appreciate the difference between an inline if and a block if statement:

Inline ("logical") if:
if (<test>) <single-action>

(note, there is no end if for an inline if)

Block if:
if (<test>) then
end if

(note that there are further options in a block if using else and else if)

Selective execution

Also you won't really get closer to a solution by just piling every suggested piece of code - with unnecessary additions - into your program. You really have to understand what the code is doing.

And you'd do well to annotate your code with some comments, too.
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FAQ: Fortran 90 Description in program how to continue it)

1. What is Fortran 90?

Fortran 90 is a programming language commonly used for scientific and engineering applications. It is an updated version of the original Fortran language and includes new features such as dynamic memory allocation and recursion.

2. How do I continue a Fortran 90 program?

In Fortran 90, to continue a program onto the next line, you can use the continuation character "&" at the end of each line. This tells the compiler that the statement is not complete and should continue onto the next line.

3. Can I use comments in a Fortran 90 program?

Yes, you can use comments in a Fortran 90 program by using an exclamation mark (!) at the beginning of the line. Everything after the exclamation mark will be ignored by the compiler.

4. How do I declare variables in Fortran 90?

In Fortran 90, variables can be declared using the "DIMENSION" or "PARAMETER" keywords. The "DIMENSION" keyword is used for declaring arrays, while the "PARAMETER" keyword is used for declaring constants.

5. Is Fortran 90 still widely used?

Yes, Fortran 90 is still widely used in scientific and engineering fields, particularly in high-performance computing. Many legacy codes are also written in Fortran 90, making it necessary for continued use and maintenance.

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