Proving the Equivalence of Cardinalities with Hilbert's Hotel

In summary, this question is confusing me because it's asking for two things that I don't think are related. The first is to prove that |[0,1]|=|[0,1)|=|(0,1)| without using Schroeder-Bernstein, and the second is to use the Hilbert Hotel approach. I'm not sure how either of those things help. The Hilbert Hotel idea doesn't make sense to me, and the proof using the Schroeder-Bernstein idea doesn't work either.
  • #1
Just come across this question on a problem sheet and it's got me rather confused!
You have to prove that |[0,1]|=|[0,1)|=|(0,1)| without using Schroeder-Bernstein and using the Hilbert Hotel approach. After looking at the Hilbert Hotel idea I can't really understand how this helps! This questions quite bugging me now!

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
You're probably trying to write down nice functions, don't.You can biject the rationals {1/n : n in N} with a proper subset of itself a la hilbert hotel, this gives you a bijection between [0,1] and [0,1) by extension, and shows you how to explicitly write bijections between any infinite set S and S\F for any finite subset F.
  • #3
clever. i kind of like the bernstein approach.

i just discovered for myself (while teaching an elementary course in proofs) the well known idea of defining an injection from positive rationals to positive integers sending n/m to 2^n 3^m.

to me this is nicer since it can be written down, than cantors diagonal construction of a surjection fro Z+ to Q+.

by the way bernstein's theorem was proved first by cantor, but with the hypotheses that all infinite sets are comparable. i did not know this either until today.

my extreme ignorance is offered as a lesson of inspriation to all budding mathematicians, i.e. even if you do not know squat, you can still create a lot of new mathematics, in some specialized field.
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  • #4
The prime power proof certailny far nicer than the diagonal counting argument for at least two reasons.

1. it embodies a general constructive proof that the finite union of any countable sets is countable since there are infinitely many primes.

2. it doesn't use the word diagonal: diagonal proofs show that Q is countable and that R is not; this is a a pedagagoically stupid situation.
  • #5
matt grime said:
The prime power proof certailny far nicer than the diagonal counting argument for at least two reasons.
1. it embodies a general constructive proof that the finite union of any countable sets is countable since there are infinitely many primes.
And indeed, any countable union of countable sets, [itex]\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}A_k[/itex], is countable. If [itex]f_k[/itex] is a bijection from [itex]A_k[/itex] to [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex] then we have the injection [itex]x \mapsto 2^m3^n[/itex] where [itex]m[/itex] is the smallest natural number such that [itex]x\in A_m[/itex] and [itex]f_m(x)=n[/itex].
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  • #6
Does that work? It doesn't appear to, in fact it appears to fail spectacularly to even be a function. Of course i might be wrong, but it just doesn't appear to make sense as a definition. I mean, what if all the A_k are equal (say N) and each f_k is the identity. Then how does that map even work? I can see how it could be altered to be an injection, since any element in the union is uniquely specified by a 2-tuple (p,q), but just not by the definition given.

In any case I meant to state that the method given generalizes to show that any finite *product* of countable sets is countable, not finite *union* (or coproduct). finite coproducts and countable coproducts of countable sets are easily shown to be countable.
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  • #7
matt grime said:
Does that work? It doesn't appear to, in fact it appears to fail spectacularly to even be a function. Of course i might be wrong, but it just doesn't appear to make sense as a definition. I mean, what if all the A_k are equal (say N) and each f_k is the identity. Then how does that map even work?
In this case, the union is just [itex]\mathbb{N}[/itex], and for any [itex]x\in\mathbb{N}[/itex], the smallest [itex]m[/itex] such that [itex]x\in A_m[/itex] is 0. Since [itex]f_0[/itex] is the identity function, [itex]x[/itex] is mapped to [itex]2^03^x=3^x[/itex].

I don't really like the way my definition reads. One small modification: Let [itex]g:\bigcup_{k\in\mathbb{N}}A_k\rightarrow\mathbb{N}[/itex] be the function [itex]x \mapsto 2^m3^{f_m(x)}[/itex] where [itex]m[/itex] is the smallest natural number such that [itex]x\in A_m[/itex].

I can see how it could be altered to be an injection, since any element in the union is uniquely specified by a 2-tuple (p,q), but just not by the definition given.

In any case I meant to state that the method given generalizes to show that any finite *product* of countable sets is countable, not finite *union* (or coproduct). finite coproducts and countable coproducts of countable sets are easily shown to be countable.
Ah, right.
  • #8
Ah, I see what's wrong (in my viiew). Your unions are not taken to be disjoint unions. Usually, in set theory questions like this, we assume the unions are disjoint. So in my example where each A_k is a copy of N we view them as distinct copies of N so that the '3' in the first copy is not the same '3' as the one in the second copy. THis is probably just me being sloppy.
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FAQ: Proving the Equivalence of Cardinalities with Hilbert's Hotel

What is Cardinality?

Cardinality refers to the number of elements in a set. It is a measure of the size of a set and is represented by the symbol |A|, where A is the set. For example, the cardinality of the set {1, 2, 3} is 3.

What is the Hilbert Hotel Paradox?

The Hilbert Hotel Paradox is a thought experiment created by mathematician David Hilbert. It explores the concept of infinity by imagining a hotel with an infinite number of rooms, all of which are occupied. When a new guest arrives, the hotel manager can still accommodate them by asking each current guest to move to the room with the next highest number, thus freeing up room 1 for the new guest. This paradox highlights the counterintuitive nature of infinity.

What is the Cardinality of the Hilbert Hotel?

The cardinality of the Hilbert Hotel is infinite. This is because the hotel has an infinite number of rooms, and each room can be assigned a unique number, making it equivalent to the set of all positive integers, which has an infinite cardinality.

Can the Hilbert Hotel be Full?

No, the Hilbert Hotel can never be full. This is because the concept of infinity means that there is always room for one more guest, no matter how many guests are currently occupying the hotel. The hotel can always accommodate an infinite number of guests.

What other paradoxes are related to the Hilbert Hotel?

There are several other paradoxes that are related to the Hilbert Hotel, such as the Galileo's Paradox, which states that there are as many perfect squares as there are positive integers, even though the perfect squares are a subset of the positive integers. Another related paradox is the Thomson's Lamp Paradox, which involves switching a lamp on and off an infinite number of times in a finite amount of time.
