My 3 Wishes: Immortality, Omnipotence, Free Will

  • Thread starter munky99999
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation revolves around the topic of wishes and what three wishes would be considered ideal. The conversation is sparked by watching an episode of the X-Files where Mulder wishes for peace on earth. The conversation includes various suggestions such as immortality, omnipotence, and free will. Some participants suggest practical wishes such as chocolates and a cruise, while others suggest more outlandish wishes like Superman's powers and the ability to cause orgasms with a handshake. The conversation also touches on the concept of infinite wishes and whether or not it is allowed by genie rules. Ultimately, it is agreed that the wishes should be carefully thought out and not wasted on redundant or ineffective wishes.
  • #1
Im watching this x-files episode. Mulder wished for peace on earth. So the genia deleted every other person from earth. So it made me think. What would be my 3 wishes. I think these would be the perfect wishes. Perhaps other people might think that they wouldn't like these wishes. But they would definitely be great for me.

So they are:

3:Free will of my own.

While wish #2 would probably be broken in a sense. If the genie can't do omnipotence. I would ask for something near as possible to it.
Physics news on
  • #2
...for this thread to be deleted.
  • #3
cyrusabdollahi said:
...for this thread to be deleted.
...we all love trolls.
  • #4
those aren't very fun wishes. yeah, i think they suck. wish for something practical, like, chocolates, a cruise, enhancement of your male bits.
  • #5
Gale said:
those aren't very fun wishes. yeah, i think they suck. wish for something practical, like, chocolates, a cruise, enhancement of your male bits.
thats just it. omnipotence + immortality means i have unlimited of those.
  • #6
doesn't mean you have big manly bits. how crummy would it be to live for ever ill-endowed? sides, that combination sounds immoral if you intend to use it to get chocolates and a cruise.
  • #7
Gale said:
doesn't mean you have big manly bits. how crummy would it be to live for ever ill-endowed? sides, that combination sounds immoral if you intend to use it to get chocolates and a cruise.

who says I am not packing as it is now?
and even if i wasnt. I am omnipotent. I would have the power to either make it larger. or create a woman who wouldn't care.

What is immoral? my defination is basically Is it RIGHT or WRONG basically.
  • #8
immortality would SUCK. the universe is expanding faster and faster. it is going to be a very lonely place in a few billion years. perhaps you enjoy eternity alone, temperatures around absolute zero, no light, neverending
  • #9
Bad wishes. Yes, immortality sucks donkey after the end of the world, it gets boring real fast. Omnipotence already gives you the power to make yourself immortal so you've wasted a wish. Free will of your own is a redundant wish.

Ok, first, wish for more wishes. If there's a rule against that then at least wish for the wisdom to make good use of your remaining wishes before using up the other two. But of course Mulder was already wise enough to do the right thing.
  • #10
1. superman's powers
2. invulnerable to kryptonite
3. power to cause orgasms with a handshake.
  • #11
1. Superman's powers
2. Just enough wit to wear a lead suit and perhaps... oh... a mask.
3. Yeah, that handshake thing. I'll have what he's having.
  • #12
i'd like that handshake thing too... ooh the possibilities
  • #13
tribdog said:
immortality would SUCK. the universe is expanding faster and faster. it is going to be a very lonely place in a few billion years. perhaps you enjoy eternity alone, temperatures around absolute zero, no light, neverending

Oh but I will also be omnipotent. So I would have the power to make it so that doesn't happen.

Omnipotence already gives you the power to make yourself immortal so you've wasted a wish. Free will of your own is a redundant wish.

Actually the wish is so placed to assure that i am immortal. If the omnipotence not being possible doesn't occur. and its something very close. I might be then not completely immortal.

and the free will thing. as in the x-files episode. the genia was normal and asked to be all powerful. so the genie made her a genia. which has its limits obviously.
  • #14
1. Infinite wishes.
2. Death to hippies
3. Me to become ruler of earth.
  • #15
Bladibla said:
1. Infinite wishes.
2. Death to hippies
3. Me to become ruler of earth.

you can't wish for infinite wishes... just 3.
and what if the genie killed everyone on earth. you would be ruler. but u would be ruler of nothing.
  • #16
munky99999 said:
you can't wish for infinite wishes... just 3.
and what if the genie killed everyone on earth. you would be ruler. but u would be ruler of nothing.

Did you state in your first post that ONLY 3 wishes are allowed? No you didn't. And getting infinite wishes is just as unrealistic as getting immortality as you put it. So it is fair to put it.

And what? I didn't state I wanted to be the only person alive. I want to be ruler of earth. I don't see why you are criticizing my choice of wishes, where you ask for 'free will of your own'. Then I ask: Who's will is it you have now? Is someone controlling your opinions on anything? If you can't be clear on your choices of wishes, don't ask of me the same thing.
  • #17
Bladibla said:
Did you state in your first post that ONLY 3 wishes are allowed? No you didn't. And getting infinite wishes is just as unrealistic as getting immortality as you put it. So it is fair to put it.

And what? I didn't state I wanted to be the only person alive. I want to be ruler of earth. I don't see why you are criticizing my choice of wishes, where you ask for 'free will of your own'. Then I ask: Who's will is it you have now? Is someone controlling your opinions on anything? If you can't be clear on your choices of wishes, don't ask of me the same thing.

Um no. I stated it in the UMMMMMM TITLE!
Genie and 3 wishes.
It is also a given. It is stated MANY times that its against the sort of rules to have infinite amount of wishes.

And getting infinite wishes is just as unrealistic as getting immortality as you put it.
um no its not. infinite wishes would be possible. but its against the genie rules. sort of say. and immortality isn't unrealistic. I said omnipotence. There are certain paradoxes in relation to omnipotence. Can you create a stone that's so heavy u can't lift it?

And what? I didn't state I wanted to be the only person alive.
you didnt state that everyone else must live. you didnt specify either way. So the genie would make you the ruler of the world. the easiest way. and essentialy leaving you the only person on earth.

where you ask for 'free will of your own'. Then I ask: Who's will is it you have now? Is someone controlling your opinions on anything? If you can't be clear on your choices of wishes, don't ask of me the same thing.
When asking for omnipotence. the genie could very well make me a genie. and they i have no power for myself. and i basically do nothing until I am released to grant wishes.
  • #18
munky99999 said:
Um no. I stated it in the UMMMMMM TITLE!

It is also a given. It is stated MANY times that its against the sort of rules to have infinite amount of wishes.

um no its not. infinite wishes would be possible. but its against the genie rules. sort of say. and immortality isn't unrealistic. I said omnipotence. There are certain paradoxes in relation to omnipotence. Can you create a stone that's so heavy u can't lift it?

you didnt state that everyone else must live. you didnt specify either way. So the genie would make you the ruler of the world. the easiest way. and essentialy leaving you the only person on earth.

When asking for omnipotence. the genie could very well make me a genie. and they i have no power for myself. and i basically do nothing until I am released to grant wishes.

You didn't imply ANYTHING. No mention of the word 'only' has been stated in any of your words. You have not said once specifically that infinite wishes are not allowed.

It is also a given. It is stated MANY times that its against the sort of rules to have infinite amount of wishes

Oh dear. Since when does many = none? And let's just say for the sake of argument, that it is implied. How about putting it down in the ORIGINAL THREAD so your post isn't so damn confusing?

infinite wishes would be possible

Oh really? Then what would be the point of this thread?

you didnt state that everyone else must live. you didnt specify either way. So the genie would make you the ruler of the world. the easiest way. and essentialy leaving you the only person on earth.

I also didn't ask the genie that everyone must die. And let's say, for the sake of this argument, that everyone DID die. Who are you to interfere with what I wish?

When asking for omnipotence. the genie could very well make me a genie. and they i have no power for myself. and i basically do nothing until I am released to grant wishes.

...There is an equal chance that he will grant you with YOUR model of omnipotence.

''Omnipotence (literally, "all power") is power with no limits or inexhaustible, in other words, unlimited power''

Also, your definition of omnipotence confounds me. Why does a genie have no limits in his power when he can ONLY GRANT 3 WISHES?
  • #19
1)Being payed $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000,0001000 a second for doing absolutely nothing
2)Make everone on Earth do anything I say without any resitance
3)Give me genie powers without having to grant people wishes!
  • #20
I can't believe you guys are arguing about the rules on how to make wishes. This thread sucks, I wish it to the recycle bin.
  • #21
cyrusabdollahi said:
I can't believe you guys are arguing about the rules on how to make wishes. This thread sucks, I wish it to the recycle bin.

I'm not the one dictating who should have what opinions. I agree, bin the thread.
  • #22
My first wish would be for enough ...

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.
I wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive.
I wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much
I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.
I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.
I wish enough "Hello's" to get you through the final "Goodbye.
  • #23
um no its not. infinite wishes would be possible. but its against the genie rules.
Wishing for infinite wishes as one wish is not against any rules, like there are genie rules :smile:

What if you wished for infinite BACON, would that be against the rules??
  • #24
no no no. just go watch/read ur average genie story. The guy askes for unlimited wishes. They say sorry no can't do that.

its not the infinite part that's the problem. its the wishes part. basically ur not allowed to wish for more wishes in any amount.
  • #25
munky99999 is correct. There's three genie rules that are common to every genie story:

You can't wish for more wishes (nor can you wish for all your wishes to come true). This rule is inherent in the fact that the genie is giving you three wishes.

You can't bring someone back from the dead. I did read one story where this rule was broken by two parents longing for their long dead son. The results were gruesome enough that the second wish was for the son to be dead, again. In other words, if you break this rule, the punishment will fit the crime.

You can't wish for someone to love you. That's kind of strange, considering you can wish someone to die, wish for someone to be paralyzed for life, wish for someone to have sex with you, yet mind control crosses some kind of ethical line. Actually, the first three probably cross some kind of ethical line since those types of wishes always turn out badly.

The most important rule is always be skeptical and suspicious of any wish the genie grants you and never, never show any sympathy or gratitude towards a genie.

The last time I was granted three wishes, my wife was with me, so we divided the wishes between us. We freed him by slicing a golf ball through the front window of his house - a great surprise since we thought we were going to have to pay for a window.

I wished for a million dollars so I could buy my wife a green dress. He asked me for my bank account number and told me 1 million dollars would be electronically deposited in my bank account on Monday morning when the bank opens and, as a bonus for being such a considerate person, a green dress for my wife was laying on our bed at this very moment. My wife wished for a house with a two car garage so there'd be a place for my old Ford Pinto. He wrote down the address of our new home and, as a bonus for my wife being so considerate, a new Winnebago was sitting in the garage so we'd have a home where ever we traveled (well, my old Ford Pinto had a space in the garage for a second, there:frown:).

Obviously, so much kindness and consideration towards each other was just a set up towards deciding who could make the last wish. We wound up having a horrible fight about it, but then the genie came up with a great solution - we should let him make the last wish.

Big mistake. He wished to have sex with my wife. In fact, he spent all afternoon having sex with my wife.

At the end of the day, he thanked us and then asked us how old we were. "We're both 35, why?"

He replied, "Are you kidding? That's amazing! You two are 35 and you still believe in genies?!"
  • #26
the genie rules are explicitly stated in aladdin, my favorite movie ever!

and bobG is lucky he believes in genies, otherwise that story isn't a very nice one.
  • #27
It's three wishes per genie. The loop hole is to wish for more genies. :-p
  • #28
dduardo said:
It's three wishes per genie. The loop hole is to wish for more genies. :-p
lol i haven't heard that before.
  • #29
1. The ability to eat anything I want while always hovering at around 10% bodyfat(but with the ability to push it lower if I want to, il just never get fatter than that no matter what).

2. No physical aging after I turn 25.

3. Getting Feynmans talent for maths and physics.
  • #30
Okay, dduardo has out-foxed the genies. Of course, knowing the paradoxical nature of the genie, I would bet that one would find a bunch of genies without masters running amok, and you know how that is.

Genie Physics:

I would wish that all wishes granted by genies, past and future, but not this or the next two wishes made by me are void, and all is as it was. If this worked and the world didn't end, I would take this as proof of the Many Worlds Theory.

Next, I would ask to see the big bang. If I then saw it, I would take this as proof of higher spatial dimensions.

Finally, I would ask to see what it is like inside of a black hole. If I found that I still exist and wasn't turned into a very long string, I would expect to find myself in Washington D.C.
Last edited:
  • #31
tribdog said:
1. superman's powers
2. invulnerable to kryptonite
3. power to cause orgasms with a handshake.

Better yet, with a look.

Everytime some hot chick looks at you, give her an orgasm by looking back. She'll be on you like white on rice in no time.
  • #32
I would only need to make 1 wish, that the Genie become my Slave and I it's only Master, that way I can have ALL the wishes I ever want.
  • #33
Well why don't you just wish that the Genie must answer all your questions honestly. That way you can find out if it will try and screw up your wishes and how you would have to phrase your other two wishes in order to get exactly what you desired with no repercussions.
  • #34
franznietzsche said:
Better yet, with a look.

Everytime some hot chick looks at you, give her an orgasm by looking back. She'll be on you like white on rice in no time.
Wouldn't it be better when she looks at you? Otherwise, she may not know from where it comes. For that matter, wouldn't you rather it be that she gets real turned on, so thatin order to satisfy her urges, she needs to be with you?

FAQ: My 3 Wishes: Immortality, Omnipotence, Free Will

1. What is immortality and is it possible to achieve?

Immortality is the state of being able to live forever without aging or dying. While there are ongoing studies and research on extending human lifespan, true immortality is currently not possible.

2. What does it mean to have omnipotence?

Omnipotence refers to having unlimited power and control over everything. It is often associated with divine or god-like abilities.

3. Can free will coexist with omnipotence?

This is a debated topic among philosophers and theologians. Some argue that if a being is truly omnipotent, then there can be no free will as everything is predetermined. Others argue that free will and omnipotence can coexist, as the being can choose to limit their own power and allow for free will.

4. Is free will an illusion?

There is no clear consensus among scientists and philosophers on whether free will is an illusion or not. Some argue that our actions are predetermined by genetics and environmental influences, while others believe that we have the ability to make choices and decisions for ourselves.

5. Are these three wishes contradictory?

Yes, these three wishes are inherently contradictory as achieving immortality and omnipotence would eliminate the concept of free will. If one has complete control and power over everything, then there can be no room for free will or choice.
