Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons

In summary, Evo thinks that it is better to be lucky than rich, and that luck and wealth can both be acquired. Jimmy agrees, thinking that luck is something that someone has to work for. Evo's mother, Chopnik, is not helping the thread by giving one liner answers.
  • #1
jimmy p
Gold Member
"sometimes a rainbow, baby, is better than a pile of gold"

song lyrics by the band Poison.

Would you rather be lucky or rich?

I personally would want to be lucky cos I am sick of being unlucky. Money is not too much of a matter for me, I've been poor before. but at least now i am stable (but i live at home so at least i always have food and shelter) but times have been hard...luck all the way for me!
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  • #2
Luck, definitly. Its better to be in the right place at the right time so opportunities exist. Who knows, luck may lead to money.
  • #3
See i did think about it for a long time. Here are a few simple things i thought about.

Luck leads to money but if your rich you have it.

Luck means you find a real attractive great partner, wealth means that these people could come looking for you, and ONE of them may be right

Luck means you get into university, money means you get into university

the list could go on but i can't think straight at the moment, I am multi-tasking and failing miserably
  • #4
If I was lucky I'd be wealthy. :wink:
  • #5
Originally posted by Evo
If I was lucky I'd be wealthy. :wink:

True dat, guess I am not lucky :smile:
  • #6
ARGH mom, your not helping my thread expand, your mean!
  • #7
Originally posted by jimmy p
ARGH mom, your not helping my thread expand, your mean!


  • #8
Evo is my PF mom. And she is not making my thread successful. I thought it would be but it isn't and it doesn't help when people give one sentence answers
  • #9
Originally posted by jimmy p
Evo is my PF mom. And she is not making my thread successful. I thought it would be but it isn't and it doesn't help when people give one sentence answers

She's not mean, Chopnik! She's been VERY busy with work lately and probably only has TIME for one liners this week. She's your loving MOM, sweetie! Give her a break... :wink:

Besides, this topic just BEGS for one liners!


If it wasn't for BAD luck, I wouldn't have no luck at all.


If you have luck, you don't NEED wealth. Conversely, if you have wealth, you don't need LUCK!

But I don't buy into either of these. If someone is passing out wealth and luck, I'll take either one -- OR a little of both would be nice... :wink:
  • #10
Luck is for amatuers. (sp?)

You Probably knew i was going to say that though.
  • #11
Forgive me son!

I would rather have luck. You can be wealthy, but with bad luck, you could lose it all, you could get sick, or hit by a truck.

So definitely luck.

And if I was lucky, I'd be wealthy.

Also, posts in the general forum have died off recently. :frown: I'm now being forced to post in the "real" forums where I have to actually think.
  • #12
Luck does not exist. You make your own luck.
Hence I would rather be rich.
  • #13
i tend to believe there is luck in things...well in my case.. bad luck, i have a huge tendency for things to go wrong which is why i wish i was lucky, cos money can't solve mistakes and f**k ups!

FAQ: Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons

What is "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" about?

"Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" is a book that explores the lyrics of the band Poison and the life lessons that can be learned from them. It delves into the meaning behind the songs and how they can be applied to everyday life.

Who is the author of "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons"?

The author of "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" is not specified, as this is a fictitious book used for the purpose of this question. However, the author would likely be someone with a strong knowledge of the band Poison and their lyrics, as well as an understanding of life lessons and how they can be applied to music.

What makes "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" unique?

What sets "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" apart is its combination of music and life lessons. It offers a new perspective on the band's lyrics and how they can be interpreted and applied to everyday situations.

Is "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" only for fans of the band Poison?

No, "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of their familiarity with the band. The book offers valuable insights and lessons that can be applied to anyone's life, regardless of their musical preferences.

How does "Rainbow Dreams Over Gold: Poison's Lyrics and Life Lessons" connect music and life lessons?

The book connects music and life lessons by analyzing the lyrics of the band Poison and finding deeper meaning and lessons within them. It shows how music can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth.

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