Underneath David Blaine's Levitation Act: Exploring the Possibilities

In summary, David Blaine is an expert at magic and can do things like stay in a block of ice for hours or make people believe they see magic happen. He does it by using his magic and using an angle where the camera can't see what's really going on.
  • #1
David Blaine??

Yo, d00dz, any of you familiar with David Blaine's levitation act?

Assuming it's not just a cheap camera trick, any ideas as to how he might do it?

My friend noticed that it's always shown to people or the camera from one specific angle, if it is an illusion somehow, but there's no evidence of anything hidden
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  • #2
David Blaine is magic. He does it by using his magic.

How else would he stay in a block of ice for so long?
  • #3
It is a very good trick. I've "puzzled and puzzled 'till my puzzler was sore" over it and can't figure out exactly how he does it. I have seen people's reactions to it (as he normally does it on the street in front of witnesses) and believe these reactions to be genuine and not "acting". So, almost certainly it is not a camera trick.

The best explanation I could come up with is that it is done using some variation of the oldest magician's trick; mirrors. Ordinary mirrors would not accomplish this, but here in the Forums we have frequently discussed an invisibility technology involving the use of a camera and a flexible projection screen to project on a surface the image of what should be seen behind that surface (if the serface were not present). If Mr. Blaine has such cameras in the toes of his shoes, with projection screens on the souls of his shoes, he could simply be standing on his toes.

Anyways, that's my best guess. The effect itsself is really quite stunning.
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  • #4
The explanation:

He just stands on his tip toes, and because people are expecting him to do magic, they just believe it.

It is an amazing feat of propoganda.
  • #5
Yep. Hence the angle. When he lifts up the body with the toes of his right foot, while the camera is positioned behind the left heel, his left foot would hide the sight of the toes and produce the illusion. When sprung unexpectedly, it is very effective.
  • #6

You're saying that he has 'holes' cut in the bottom of his shoes, and he basically just stands on his tiptoes and the shoes hide it?

Or did I misunderstand?
  • #7
you misunderstand enigma, he simply raises his body with his foot. Shoe and everything. Its all about the angle, the witnesses are fakes too. It was in some tv show explaining all this street magic. Cool stuff, i think it was on tlc or something.
  • #8
Originally posted by Alex
the witnesses are fakes too.

Why would he need them to stand behind him if they were fakes? He could just have the camera behind.

I do not think that the witnesses are fakes.
  • #9
Originally posted by plus
Why would he need them to stand behind him if they were fakes? He could just have the camera behind.

I do not think that the witnesses are fakes.

Im just repeating what was on that show
  • #10
it may either be a mix of real witnesses and actors or just witnesses but either way the real ones are exspecting to see him levatate and hope he dose so they don't bother looking around he also pretends like he is tired like unberrably tired.

I think it would be fun if they burned him as a witch in some retro-village
  • #11
What about David Copperfield flying in a glass box ?!
  • #12
my mother taught us a truism of magic. there's a reason they're called "tricks", that being they're designed to trick the senses into believing something happened when it really didn't.
  • #13
A man I know is great friends with David Blaine and is also very good at this trick.

The trick is to stand at an angle where your right foot is behind your left foot. Then you bring your left foot up with the heel of your right foot but keeping your right toes on the ground. The way your left foot is positioned infront of the right foot according to the perspective of the audience is the trick.
  • #14
If I'm not mistaken, there were two different angles showing him "levitate".

In the one with street witnessed, he was performing the trick Ploegman described.

In the angle where both feet were shown not touching the ground (which had no witnesses) I believe he had either used two tables and kept his feet off the ground for a few seconds like that, or he used a crane type system to hold him above the ground. This part was probably just to add misbelief to those who weren't already convinced.
  • #15
check this out:

it really is a neat little trick
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  • #16
Wow 2 and a half years old, and brought back to life. Is that a record?

Is it just me, or in that video does the guy use his forearm/elbow to hold himself up?

After another look, it seems as though he uses his hand and arm strength to hold himself up.

Look at his right arm (specifically his right elbow/arm moving up), and the top of that entertainment center.
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  • #17
Greg Bernhardt said:
check this out:
it really is a neat little trick
They still need to work on the camera angle a bit; it's still a bit obvious that he's standing on tiptoe with the foot furthest from the camera. :smile:
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  • #18
Ahh yes that too MB, I did not even notice that!
  • #19
mattmns said:
Ahh yes that too MB, I did not even notice that!
Yes, and the arm against the TV cabinet is probably for balance.
  • #20
Is anyone else watching David Blaine's special right now on TLC?

and BTW:

EDIT- go to "levitation" in the menu and click the link about he balducci mothod
  • #21
  • #22
  • #23
It is called the Baladucci Levitation and I do it all the time and people think I am amazing. Plus they like the trick
  • #25
Hes good, but its also real easy to spot his tricks. He needs to be more discrete.
  • #26
In the beer refill clip, I am not sure about the minutae of it but there is clearly a cylinder (almost twice the circumference of his forearm) apparent in the early frames on his left arm. As he starts to sit down, the jacket creases in a weird, awkward way. You can see it in other frames as well. It is clearly not his natural arm and I'm assuming it's a sort of beer holster. The slight of hand is impressive though. But what's really impressive is the forearm beer holster. Getting one of those - now that'd be magic.
  • #28
Nobody? Anyone? thread kill?:rolleyes:
looks like i should post that in the "Thread killer champions" thread
  • #29
yeah so i guess watching all the movies on chris angel kinda kill all the lift the one foot theory,huh .

i Have no answers either cause i was asked to explain this a while ago too but i now see its not only me that is unsure.
  • #30
Tido611: Criss Angel and David Blaine use different levitations.
As for the refilling soda can, click http://www.tagzin.com/main.aspx?cat=v&q=soda" an explanation.
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  • #31
tribdog said:
It is called the Baladucci Levitation and I do it all the time and people think I am amazing. Plus they like the trick

Who asked you? :-p
  • #32
This thread just doesn't want to die, does it?

Also, I don't understand anything this guy is saying, but I like some of his tricks:
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FAQ: Underneath David Blaine's Levitation Act: Exploring the Possibilities

1. How does David Blaine levitate?

David Blaine's levitation act is a combination of illusion and sleight of hand. He uses cleverly placed props and misdirection to make it appear as though he is levitating.

2. Is it possible to actually levitate like David Blaine?

No, it is not possible to levitate like David Blaine. While there are some individuals who claim to have the ability to levitate through supernatural or spiritual means, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

3. Are there any scientific explanations for David Blaine's levitation act?

Yes, there are several scientific theories that attempt to explain David Blaine's levitation act. Some suggest that he is using hidden wires or magnets, while others propose that he is using a type of trickery known as "misdirection."

4. How long did it take David Blaine to perfect his levitation act?

David Blaine has been performing his levitation act for many years, and he continues to refine and improve it with each performance. It is likely that he spent a significant amount of time practicing and perfecting the act before debuting it to the public.

5. Has anyone ever debunked David Blaine's levitation act?

There have been numerous attempts to debunk David Blaine's levitation act, but none have been successful. While some have speculated that he is using hidden wires or other props, there is no concrete evidence to support these claims. Ultimately, the true secrets behind his act remain a mystery.

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