Grade 11 Biology EEI (similarities and differences)

In summary: I can get some help with this then that would be perfect!In summary, Mark is struggling to find a research question for his biology class assignment. He is interested in the nervous and circulatory systems, but does not know where to start. He has found some helpful information online about rodent comparative anatomy and stomach to intestine ratio.
  • #1
Hey there guys and girls,

My name is Mark, I'm in a bit of a predicament here I have received an assignment in my grade 11 biology class which I am currently having some trouble with. Our task is as follows: This task examines the body plans of selected animal(both structure and function). Students need to grasp the notion that the design if an animal- it's shape, symmetry and internal organization- is a product of millions of years of evolution due to natural selection.

My research question can be either:

a) Analysing one attribute on multiple specimens of the same species and drawing conclusions about the attribute regarding the organisms survival.

b) Studying analogous structures on diffrent species and highlighting the implications that your observations have toward each organsims way of life

Okay so my problem is that I can't seem to find a research question, I am quite interested in both the nervous and the circulatory systems. I was thinking of doing "How does the nostril size differ from the rabbit to the mouse in relation ot the habbitat they thrive in?" but there does not seem to be any prior research, or enough information online for me to answer this question.

Another one I was thinking about was "How do rabbit teeth compare to the teeth of a mouse considering the animals diet?" But I encountered the same problem with this question there just is not enough information out there on this topic so after endless head scratching I have turned to you guys for suggestions? It can be any basic animal because we get to disect it so anything like a rat, mouse, toad, fish, crab, bird .. .. .. anything basic like that obviously not endangoured fish or birds or something like that, I'm sure you get the idea.

Thank you
PS any suggestion welcome!
PPS Can't use any live animals they have to be dead :(
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  • #2
So, I don't get this. If you're going to look this info up on the Internet, where does the dissection come in?

Another one I was thinking about was "How do rabbit teeth compare to the teeth of a mouse considering the animals diet?" But I encountered the same problem with this question there just is not enough information out there on this topic
I think you're mistaken about this. Maybe you just didn't know the right search terms. I googled "rodent comparative anatomy tooth"." was the top hit. OK, it was published in 1882, so maybe it's not the most up-to-date source, but how much change has there been in rabbit teeth in the last 130 years? And there were lots more.
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  • #3
Think... Rabbits have to chew on cellulose rich foods, rats are omnivores, opportunists... so their teeth structures are suited to that. Instead of searching Rabbit vs Rat teeth, perhaps you should look up differences in dental structure regarding omnivores and herbivores.
  • #4
Thank you guys so much! <3 This has really got me off in the right direction I'll do a bit more digging but there seems to be a tonne of information in regards to the dental thing . . . I also stumbled upon research regarding stomach to intestine ratio's in regards to herbivores and carnivores, there is a lot of really good information in regards to this topic . . . Let me know what you guys think about that :)

In regards to the why we need the dissection if we are not doing original research, well . . . That’s a really good question :D I can't imagine how bad I am going to go at Uni if I'm already finding year 11 biology hard
  • #5

Hello Mark,

It sounds like you have a great opportunity to explore the principles of evolution and natural selection through this assignment! I can offer some suggestions for your research question.

For option A, you could focus on a specific attribute of the nervous or circulatory system and compare it across multiple specimens of the same species. For example, you could investigate the size and complexity of the brain in different individuals of the same species and how it relates to their survival in their respective habitats.

For option B, you could study the differences in the circulatory systems of different species and how it affects their way of life. For example, you could compare the heart rate and blood pressure of a mammal like a rabbit to a fish, and how these differences impact their ability to maintain body temperature and oxygen levels.

As for finding prior research and information, I suggest looking into scientific journals and databases for articles on the topic you are interested in. You could also consult with your biology teacher or a local university for guidance and resources.

Remember, the key to a successful research question is to make it specific, measurable, and relevant to your chosen topic. Good luck with your assignment!

FAQ: Grade 11 Biology EEI (similarities and differences)

1. What is an EEI in Grade 11 Biology?

An EEI (Extended Experimental Investigation) in Grade 11 Biology is a scientific investigation that allows students to explore a specific topic or concept in depth. It involves formulating a research question, designing and conducting experiments, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on the results. It is an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills in biology to a real-world problem or phenomenon.

2. What are the similarities and differences between an EEI and a traditional science experiment?

Both an EEI and a traditional science experiment involve the scientific method, which includes making observations, formulating a hypothesis, designing and conducting experiments, and analyzing data. However, an EEI is more extensive and complex, as it requires students to conduct their own research, develop their own procedures, and draw their own conclusions. It also allows for more creativity and innovation compared to a traditional experiment, which usually follows a set procedure or protocol.

3. How long does it typically take to complete an EEI in Grade 11 Biology?

The time it takes to complete an EEI in Grade 11 Biology can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the availability of resources. However, it is recommended that students start their EEI early in the school year and allocate at least 4-6 weeks for planning, conducting experiments, and analyzing data. This will ensure that students have enough time to thoroughly investigate their research question and produce a high-quality report.

4. What are some tips for choosing a topic for an EEI in Grade 11 Biology?

When choosing a topic for an EEI in Grade 11 Biology, it is important to consider your interests, strengths, and available resources. You should also choose a topic that is relevant and meaningful to you, as this will help motivate you throughout the investigation. Additionally, it is important to choose a topic that is feasible and can be completed within the given time frame and with available resources.

5. How is an EEI in Grade 11 Biology assessed?

An EEI in Grade 11 Biology is typically assessed through a written report and a presentation. The report should include a clear research question, a detailed description of the procedures and methods used, data collected and analyzed, and conclusions drawn from the results. The presentation should effectively communicate the research question, methods, and results to an audience. The EEI will also be evaluated based on the student's ability to apply scientific skills and knowledge, and their overall understanding of the topic.

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