What's Your Keirsey Personality Type?

  • Thread starter micromass
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In summary: I can't think of the word....Yeah...leader.In summary, an INTJ is a thinker who is comfortable leading others and is the rarest type of female.

What is your personality type??

  • Total voters
  • #36

My past avocation as a musician/performer probably pushed me into the E. Plus, I have always been a risk-taker, which explains why I agreed to host open-mic jams at taverns when the very next person coming in the door could be a killer jazz or blues artist, or some kid with stage-fright so bad that they needed tons of hand-holding before they'd open up.
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  • #37

rootX said:
It will be interesting to know what kind of personalities people prefer the most.

Definitely NOT ENFJ (The Teacher). We ban them around here.
  • #38

lisab said:

In a previous thread on this, someone posted a link that showed that INTJ is the rarest type for females. In RL I find that to be sooooo true. Makes me extra happy for PF!

INFJ's make up the smallest portion of the population, followed by INTJ's, then INTP's. Except it actually varies by gender. INFJ men are the rarest of all, followed by INTJ women, INFJ women, and INTJ men.

The three most common types are ISFJ's, ESFJ's, and ISTJ's. At least we have a few of those. Last time we did this, over 50% belonged to the 3 rarest types and no one belonged to the most common types.
  • #39

INTJ, but some days I feel like an ENTJ. My ideal social situation isn't alone, but it's not with a large number of people. Maybe 3-5 people and I'm happy.
  • #40

  • #41

KrisOhn said:
INTJ, but some days I feel like an ENTJ. My ideal social situation isn't alone, but it's not with a large number of people. Maybe 3-5 people and I'm happy.

Definitely, that's me too. I find interacting with strangers to be completely exhausting. But interacting with a small group of people whom I know well is a joy.

I mean, assuming I like them o:).
  • #42

lisab said:
Definitely, that's me too. I find interacting with strangers to be completely exhausting. But interacting with a small group of people whom I know well is a joy.

I mean, assuming I like them o:).
I'm pretty much the same way, on a personal, interactive basis. I was always comfortable in crowds when performing music, because you can interact with attendees on another level. If they love your music, they like to tell you about it. Thank them, and acknowledge their interests. If you don't, you can come off as "distant" or suffering from a "star complex", but it's just common courtesy to engage politely and be friendly.

That said, I wouldn't want to have been running an open-mic jam at a tavern only to have somebody try to feel me out on personal/political/religious (etc) issues. As long as it was all about the music, no pressure - just fun.
  • #44
BobG said:
Definitely NOT ENFJ (The Teacher). We ban them around here.

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  • #45

Finally, proof that I am a mastermind - look out world!
  • #46

micromass said:
Hmm, it is said that INTJ's are only 1-4% of the population. But here we have >50%

I don''t find that surprising. In the large engineering company I work for (which may or may not takes these tests more seriously that it should!) I would estimate > 80% of the engineers are INTJ.
  • #47

I'm "the crafter". Hurrah.
  • #48

I used to score very strongly ESTP, until the past couple of years.

Now I'm still strongly E_TP but borderline between S and N, so Promoter or Inventor. It probably depends more on whether I'm getting my fill of working on technical problems or not. I'll take it tomorrow and see what happens.
  • #49

I got performer. Well that settles it - I'm gay.
  • #50


I'd be a good mother.
  • #51

E N T P- 44 75 75 44

Now it's more moderate in the E and P and distinctly N, which I think is true.
  • #52
micromass said:
Yes, I know that personality tests are highly inaccurate, but I'm interested anyway :biggrin:

Basically, I'm asking for your Keirsey personality type. The test can be found here: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp or http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-long-scientific-personality-test .

So, I'm wondering what most PF people will score. Comments about how penguins aren't represented in this test are welcome...

Does any better method exist? Picking numbers to give some accurate personality statement seems inadequate. The some of the questions themselves contained in that test are incomplete or imprecise.
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  • #53
Extravert(56%) iNtuitive(25%) Feeling(12%) Perceiving(78)%

You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (56%)
You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (25%)
You have slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (12%)
You have strong preference of Perceiving over Judging (78%)
  • #54
turbo said:
Wow! Too many unreasonable pigeonholes.

Exactly what I thought.

Apparently I'm a mastermind.
  • #55

They were some questions that I could have clicked on any of the two statements.

They were also some tough questions to answer truthfully , like: When you do feel better?

-after a decision
-before a decision

Caught me by surprise , never thought about this before.
  • #56
I hear girls find architects very attractive. Either that or How I Met Your Mother IS A LIE! T_T
  • #58
intj, like everyone else
  • #59
Introvert(22%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(56)%

I blame it on my age.

I only think 25% of the time, and my vision is kind of crappy, so I can only perceive 50% of what I'm looking at.
  • #60
Introvert(89%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(44)%
  • #61
Nice to see the bump, I had forgotten there was a poll on this here earlier. We could almost replace this forum with intjforum.com and nobody would notice :P

On topic, I'm INTP, but when I voted a few years ago I probably clicked INTJ, because that's what I usually get on simpler tests. (From more careful investigation on personalities in general over the last year I know I'm P though).

Must say I'm a bit suprised over the fairly extreme values in the poll, as INTX are two of the most unusual types of all personalities. Even though you might expect some difference here compared to the population as a whole, it's a very big difference. Hope more people take the test and vote here so we can get better statistics.
  • #62
Introvert(44%) iNtuitive(50%) Thinking(50%) Perceiving(22)%

What does that mean? It said I should go into a science career. I think this thing works!:-p
  • #63
ENFJ: the teacher

This test is ridiculous. The options miss a lot of nuance which is very important, the most striking to come to mind is "Objective criticism is always useful in any activity" yeah because at a hypothetical funeral in which the grieving widow mucked up the flower order it would be appropriate to point out all the mistakes and how she could do better next time. Or any of the questions about reason vs emotions as though they arent complimentary by necessity (pretty hard to reason a solution to a problem when you have no emotional context to judge the situation by).

This absolute theme runs in the questions and the test itself which seems barely less primitive than the idea of humourism with the assumption that personalities are a simple set of sliders on a small number of axis. It might be possible to characterise a personality this way but the number of axes would be huge and the entire affair far more complicated. On top of this many of the questions a just repeats or reiterations of each other e.g:

-You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate about various options
-You are inclined to rely more on improvisation than on prior planning
-You usually plan your actions in advance
-Your decisions are based more on the feelings of a moment than on the thorough planning
  • #64
I was ENTP, with the only remarkable differentiation being between Intuition and whatever else was in comparison.

What a remarkable result over all, 44% "Mastermind"!
  • #65
Chalk me up for super-awesome-20000IQ-XX4. Not in the list yet, but soon will be.
  • #66
Tried the other test (the first one) and got INTJ instead of INTP (which I got from the 2nd test).

I guess either way I belong here :smile:
  • #67


I guess the introvert part is a little iffy, seeing as how I'm fairly crazy when around friends, but I still really enjoy some time on my own, and some peace and quiet, which is probably why I turned out to be an introvert.
  • #68
Introvert(22%) Sensing(1%) Thinking(1%) Judging(1%)

Apparantly my personality is fractured :p
  • #69
I am ENTJ... the commandant.

Extravert(33%) iNtuitive(69%) Thinking(50%) Judging(78%)
  • You have moderate preference of Extraversion over Introversion (33%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Intuition over Sensing (69%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (50%)
  • You have strong preference of Judging over Perceiving (78%)

This is probably different that I would've scored myself. I certainly would've thought my "Thinking" score to be higher (100% or more). As far as judging versus perceiving, I might not understand the details of either.

EDIT: I think the most difficult question was "would you rather read a book or go to a party?" or some such derivation. I took it to mean: "would you rather be alone or in a group for recreation?" But that's only because the specific choice of "reading a book" is pretty enticing if I'm working on a good book at the time.
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  • #70
sourlemon said:
I thought we would have more crafter considering physics is more engineering.
I disagree. I would not make a good engineer. I think the biggest difference between a physicist and an engineer is that the former is looking for the only true solution while the latter one is content with one of many working solutions.

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