Determining Formula of Barium Hydrate with Titration

  • Thread starter needhelpinchem
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In summary, a specimen of barium hydroxide was analyzed to determine its formula. The analysis yielded a hydrate ratio of 3.632:0.19704.
  • #1
Barium hydroxide forms several hydrates. A specimen of barium hydroxide, suspected of being a hydrate, was prepared and analyzed as follows to determine its formula.

3.632 g of the compound was dissolved in water to give 250.0mL of solution. 25.00 mL of this solution was titrated with 0.0987 M of HCl, using methyl-orange as indicator. Precise titrations of 23.34, 23.26 and 23.29 mL of HCl were obtained. Determine the formula of the hydrate.

So far I got...

(23.34, 23.26 and 23.29)/3 = 23.30mL

Ba(OH)2 + 2HCl --> BaCl2 + 2H2O

3.632g/0.250L * (1/171.34g) = 0.08479 mols/L Ba(OH)2

0.08479*0.025L = 0.00212 mols Ba(OH)2

0.0987 * 0.0233L = 0.00230mols HCl

Ans now I have no clue what to do...:frown:
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  • #2
How much average sample size was titrated? This comes directly from sample preparation and aloquots.

How many moles on average of HCl was needed? This comes from the titrations volume and concentration.

You have the correct reaction for ratios. How many moles and grams of Ba(OH)2 excluding hydration was then titrated?

Can you now find the difference between the amount of compound titrated and the corresponding amount of Ba(OH)2 to which this corresponds? That difference is the water.
  • #3
symbolipoint said:
How much average sample size was titrated? This comes directly from sample preparation and aloquots.

I took the average and got 23.30ml = 0.0233 L

symbolipoint said:
How many moles on average of HCl was needed? This comes from the titrations volume and concentration.

This is just the 0.0987 M * 0.0233L = 0.00230 mols right?

symbolipoint said:
You have the correct reaction for ratios. How many moles and grams of Ba(OH)2 excluding hydration was then titrated?

So there are half the mols of Ba(OH)2 as me 0.00230/2 = 0.00115 mols Ba(OH)2 and 0.19704 grams.

symbolipoint said:
Can you now find the difference between the amount of compound titrated and the corresponding amount of Ba(OH)2 to which this corresponds? That difference is the water.

So then the difference is simply 3.632 g - 0.19704 g = 3.435 g H20 which is 0.1908 mols. Which is appoximately 1/5 mols?

My formula would then be 5Ba(OH)2*H20?

ok I don't get this.:mad:
  • #4
Some of your answers follow my set of questions very well, but you obtained then the wrong hydrate ratio (or just different than mine). Try rechecking your work. In fact, you seem to have made a serious decimal error. This is why I say to recheck your work very carefully. Why did you say, "3.632 g - 0.19704 g = 3.435 g..." ?

FAQ: Determining Formula of Barium Hydrate with Titration

1. What is the purpose of determining the formula of barium hydrate with titration?

The purpose of determining the formula of barium hydrate with titration is to determine the ratio of barium to water molecules in the compound, which is necessary for accurately representing the compound's chemical formula.

2. How does titration help in determining the formula of barium hydrate?

Titration involves adding a known concentration of a reagent to a solution of the compound being tested. By measuring the volume of reagent needed to reach an endpoint, the amount of compound present can be calculated and used to determine the formula.

3. What is the chemical equation for the reaction used in determining the formula of barium hydrate with titration?

The chemical equation for the reaction used in determining the formula of barium hydrate with titration is Ba(OH)2 + 2HCl → BaCl2 + 2H2O, where Ba(OH)2 is the barium hydrate and HCl is the reagent used for titration.

4. What are the necessary materials for conducting a titration to determine the formula of barium hydrate?

The necessary materials for conducting a titration to determine the formula of barium hydrate include a burette, a standardized solution of hydrochloric acid, a solution of barium hydrate, an indicator solution, and a beaker or flask for mixing.

5. Are there any safety precautions to be aware of when conducting a titration to determine the formula of barium hydrate?

Yes, there are some safety precautions to be aware of when conducting a titration to determine the formula of barium hydrate. It is important to wear protective goggles and gloves, as well as to work in a well-ventilated area. Hydrochloric acid is corrosive and can cause burns, so it should be handled with care. It is also important to properly dispose of all chemicals and equipment after the experiment.

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