Absorption and solar radiation spectra

In summary, the conversation is about someone looking for absorption spectra for water and ice, as well as the solar radiation spectrum at the surface of the Earth. They prefer tabular figures rather than graphical visualizations and are open to finding this information in journal articles. The response is to suggest using Google searches for further assistance.
  • #1

I'm hoping someone can advise me on the best place to find the absorption spectra for water (fresh) and ice, for the wavelength range UV to IR. Also, I'm looking for the solar radiation spectrum at the surface of the Earth (i.e. after atmospheric effects have been taken into account).

It would be helpful, if possible, to get my hands on tabular figures rather than just graphical visualisations.

I realize that this information might be contained in journal articles and the like - that shouldn't be a problem.

Thanks in advance,

Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
All I can suggest is to try some google searches. Beyond that I cannot help you, sorry!

FAQ: Absorption and solar radiation spectra

1. What is the difference between absorption and solar radiation spectra?

Absorption spectra refer to the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by a substance, while solar radiation spectra show the wavelengths of light emitted by the sun. Absorption spectra can be used to identify the chemical composition of a substance, while solar radiation spectra provide information about the sun's energy output.

2. How is absorption spectra related to climate change?

Absorption spectra play a crucial role in understanding climate change as they reveal the gases in the Earth's atmosphere that absorb and trap heat from the sun. This trapped heat contributes to the greenhouse effect, leading to an increase in global temperatures.

3. Can absorption spectra be observed in everyday life?

Yes, absorption spectra can be observed in everyday life. For example, when different colors of light pass through a prism, they are separated into a spectrum. This is due to the fact that each color of light has a different wavelength, and some materials will absorb certain wavelengths while allowing others to pass through.

4. How can absorption spectra be used in medicine?

Absorption spectra can be used in medicine to diagnose certain conditions. For example, infrared spectroscopy can be used to analyze the absorption spectra of blood samples, which can reveal the presence of certain diseases or abnormalities.

5. How does the Earth's atmosphere affect solar radiation spectra?

The Earth's atmosphere plays a significant role in solar radiation spectra. It filters out harmful UV radiation and scatters visible light, which is why we see a blue sky. The composition of the atmosphere can also affect the wavelengths of light that reach the Earth's surface, which can impact the climate and weather patterns.

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