Sign Up Now for the PF Cyber Bus Trip to Tom's

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  • Thread starter Tsu
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In summary, a group is planning a trip on a bus to various cities in the US, with pick up points along the interstate and a final destination at Tom's house in New York. The bus will also make a slight detour to pick up a passenger in the French Alps. Things to bring include food and drinks, and the dress code is flexible. The date is yet to be determined, but they plan to make a New Year's party on the way. There is also a discussion about a possible PF cyber jet and a BBQ in Oregon after the party at Tom's. One member suggests taking the scenic route through San Francisco instead of driving through the desert.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here are some pictures of "our" bus: :biggrin: You like?

These will be the pick up points:
Albany, OR
Sacramento, CA
Barstow, CA (sorry MIH, you're going to have to get to Barstow from LA by yourself. I'm lookin' to make TIME! :smile:)
Flagstaff, AR
Oklahoma City, OK
Memphis, TN
Chicago, IL
Roanoke, VA
Scranton, PA
If you live on the interstate anywhere between any of these cities, yes - I will pick you up there. :wink:
Anyone living IN NY will have to find Tom's house themselves. Once my wheels hit the NY state line the bus will be airborne and we won't stop till we drop at Tom's door. :smile: :smile: :smile:

Things to bring:
Anything good to eat or drink. AND A bottle of Green Apple Vodka for the hostess. :biggrin:

What to wear:
Anything, nothing, whatever... :smile: :smile: :smile:

Date: TBA (guess I'm going to have to PM Tom now?)
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  • #2
Whoa, nice bus..I'm from NY, how much are you charging. Care to drop by? ;)
  • #3
Wow! What a cool bus! That's what I call traveling in style! I think I'll hitch a ride back to OH with you guys! We can do the New Year's party en route!
  • #4
How about a PF cyber jet? Then u could pick me up from the other side of the world :biggrin: :biggrin:
  • #5
Barstow? What kind of crap is that? There is no interstate connecting Sacramento and Barstow anyway.
  • #6
I don't need an Interstate to get from Sacramento to Barstow. I know the back roads. It's just a hop, skip and a jump from south of Bakersfield to Barstow. And what kind of crap is your rudeness? Can't get on the bus if you're going to be rude.
  • #7
OOH, Pick me! pick me!

I don't suppose you could stop at the grape vine? Its on the 5 between sacremento and barstow anyway, and much closer to me than either of those
  • #8
MMMM green apple vodka...

I'm making long island iced teas! Yummy!
  • #9
Ivan! Get our Flight Simulator back from your brother! I'm going to be flyin' a Cyber LEER to our NEXT party (sorry omicron, the bus is already rented) and I really DO need to practice my landings... :smile: Now, just WHERE is the other side of the world? We may be able to arrange something... :wink:

Moonbear, how do you expect us to barbeque a boatload of steaks while zipping across the US in the RV? Sheesh... Nope. You'll just have to come all the way to Oregon for the barbeque. Ohio can wait. Your lab will live. :biggrin: (I just hope when you get back to Ohio your city isn't GONE! :smile: sorry... I'm a Pretenders fan... couldn't resist that one...
  • #10
Columbus, OH is roughly midway between Chicago and Roanoke, and very much on the way (94E to 65S to 70E gets you to Cols. from there it's 70E to 77S to 64E and you're nearly at V.Tech).

Much appreciate a pick-up and drop-off...thanks.

  • #11
omicron said:
How about a PF cyber jet? Then u could pick me up from the other side of the world :biggrin: :biggrin:
We don't need a jet, with Tsu at the wheel, this baby can exceed Mach 1.

We will be making a slight detour to the French Alps to pick up humanino. :biggrin: (he's bringing Fauchon for everone and he has the good champagne.) :approve:
  • #12
Franz- can you get to Arvin? Or be at the I5/223 junction at the appropriate time? We're still waiting to hear from Tom about the actual date of the party, so time and dateplanning will commence when we have that info. :wink:
  • #13
franznietzsche said:
MMMM green apple vodka...

I'm making long island iced teas! Yummy!
If you're bringing booze, you're coming with us!
  • #14
Tsunami said:
Moonbear, how do you expect us to barbeque a boatload of steaks while zipping across the US in the RV? Sheesh... Nope. You'll just have to come all the way to Oregon for the barbeque. Ohio can wait. Your lab will live. :biggrin: (I just hope when you get back to Ohio your city isn't GONE! :smile: sorry... I'm a Pretenders fan... couldn't resist that one...

Oh, well, now that I realize the bbq is AFTER the party at Tom's by all means, I'll just hitch the ride back to OR for the BBQ. Gokul and I can carpool back to OH together when the BBQ is over. :biggrin:
  • #15
Dang Gokul, you're getting really large. One more award and you'll be taking up the entire board. :bugeye:
  • #16
Tsunami said:
I don't need an Interstate to get from Sacramento to Barstow. I know the back roads. It's just a hop, skip and a jump from south of Bakersfield to Barstow. And what kind of crap is your rudeness? Can't get on the bus if you're going to be rude.

Have you ever been on those back roads? Some of them you can't do more than fifty on if you wanted to. You'd be better off taking the I-5 south to the I-210 east, which will turn into the I-10, which will take you right to Phoenix. You'll still circumvent any traffic-laden part of the LA area. Any drive through all the deserts out here is pretty bad, though. If I were you, I'd forget Sac-town, head to San Fran instead, and take PCH down to LA. Much better drive, and well worth the extra day it would take you. Maybe you can even take a brief rest-stop in Monterrey or Big Sur. You can avoid Sac by taking the I-5 down to the 405 to the 80 into Oakland, then cross the bay bridge into Frisco. I know your husband at least is originally from these parts, so he should be able to testify to the superiority of the coastal drive over the central valley route. You don't want to drive past all the signs saying SoCal is stealing the farmer's water. They're just depressing.
  • #17
Tsunami said:
Franz- can you get to Arvin? Or be at the I5/223 junction at the appropriate time? We're still waiting to hear from Tom about the actual date of the party, so time and dateplanning will commence when we have that info. :wink:

ya i know where arvin is, i know a few people out there, off the 5.

evo said:
If you're bringing booze, you're coming with us!

As long as the legalness of the booze isn't an issue, its a deal.
  • #18
Evo said:
We don't need a jet, with Tsu at the wheel, this baby can exceed Mach 1.

We will be making a slight detour to the French Alps to pick up humanino. :biggrin: (he's bringing Fauchon for everone and he has the good champagne.) :approve:

Oh, BABY! :biggrin: :biggrin:
I really do like the good champagne! But what's up with the Alps? I thought he was in Virginia again. Ya think I'd go through Roanoke for just ANYONE? :smile: This is my future cyber brother-in-law we're talking about!

Gokul, I thought you were closer to Chicago. Don't know why I might have thought that... But, absolutely, wherever you are, we'll pick you up. :wink:

I wonder if Tom is going to have those hussies at this party?? :smile: :smile:
  • #19
I hope he's going to have those hussies at the party other wise my long island iced teas will be in vain. And that would be sad.
  • #20
Look. loseyourname. l was born and raised in central and southern California. I know the roads. This is a PRETEND trip. OK? I am drivin' this bus and I can go as fast as I want on any kind of road I want. I'm avoiding as much congestion of large cities as I can. Get it? We're going to travel from the west coast to the east coast in a matter of HOURS online. If you want to plan a scenic tour of your area, rent your own bus and plan your own trip! But, quit trying to plan mine! Now! Do you want to get on the damn bus or NOT?! :smile: :smile:
  • #21
Nah. I'll fly. I might actually be in New York pretty soon anyway.
  • #22
Tsu, if you're heading to NY from the west coast, you're going to have to pass through OH. I-70 is a nice straight shot across from Indianapolis, and then run it all the way into PA. If you have to stop in Philly on the way, you'll just pick up I76 from I70. Gokul only lives about 2 h from me, so it's no problem at all for me to drive back with him from OR. :biggrin:
  • #23
loseyourname said:
Nah. I'll fly. I might actually be in New York pretty soon anyway.

There's no fun in that!

I'm already disappointed that I have my flight to ACY already booked. Hey, maybe you could swing by ACY and drive me to NY from there. It sure would beat taking New Jersey Transit! Maybe you could even pop into the casinos for a quick pitstop before the final drive up to NYC.
  • #24
Tsunami said:
Oh, BABY! :biggrin: :biggrin:
I really do like the good champagne! But what's up with the Alps? I thought he was in Virginia again. Ya think I'd go through Roanoke for just ANYONE? :smile: This is my future cyber brother-in-law we're talking about!
He's in VA at JLab for two weeks, then going back to the French Alps for Christmas. He can probably get the bus going at least Mach 2. He wants to know if you can marry us. :biggrin:
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  • #25
Evo said:
He's in VA at JLab for two weeks, then going back to the French Alps for Christmas. He can probably get the bus going at least Mach 2. He wants to know if you can marry us. :biggrin:

Oh, I missed that you had to stop in Roanoke. That's even easier. Cool! You don't even need to take 77, by the way, just take 70 E direct to 64 E (just follow the signs, 70 runs into 64 in WV...I drive that way a LOT). 64 is a NICE interstate to fly along. Light traffic if you need a break from driving and someone uncomfortable with flying a bus at Mach 1 needs to take a turn. After you pick up Humanino, just take 95 N and I'll meet you at the exit for the AC Expressway! Wouldn't want to slow the bus down by going too much out of the way. It's hard to navigate around the casinos with a bus at Mach 2 (since Humanino will be able to boost the engine with nuclear power once you pick him up).
  • #26
loseyourname said:
Nah. I'll fly. I might actually be in New York pretty soon anyway.
Sheesh. MEN! I swear to God... if we can put a man on the moon

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Moonbear, we'll keep in touch by cell phones. OK? We'll probably pass your jet while in flight, so... Ever jumped out of a perfectly good airplane? :smile: WOOHOOOOO! I'd do THAT! :smile: :smile:
  • #27
  • #28
Tsunami said:

Well, okay, then we'll meet up in ACY. Maybe Humanino can improve the maneuverability on the bus to handle the city streets around the casinos better. Oh, heck, just park on the beach. We can stick a big banner on the side with the name of some rock group or radio station, and everyone will think it's supposed to be there. :biggrin:
  • #29
How come I'm never invited to go on road trips with a bunch of girls :mad:
It's not fair! :cry:
  • #30
Evo said:
We don't need a jet, with Tsu at the wheel, this baby can exceed Mach 1.

We will be making a slight detour to the French Alps to pick up humanino. :biggrin: (he's bringing Fauchon for everone and he has the good champagne.) :approve:
Oooo I love champagne! :!) What champagne are we having? Moët & Chandon? Hope its free flow :biggrin:
  • #31
Ya know, Evo. I just happen to have obtained my pastoral ordination from Rolling Stone Magazine back in the '70's. So, YEAH! I could marry ya! Holy Smoke. This is turning into a little bit more than a birthday/christmas party now isn't it??! :biggrin:

Don't worry about parking, Moonbear. I've never had a problem with that in my Cyber Bus. I can park on the sidewalk if I want. I can drink and drive. There is never any other car on my cyber highway. No policemen or potholes, either. :biggrin:
  • #32
Smurf said:
How come I'm never invited to go on road trips with a bunch of girls :mad:
It's not fair! :cry:

Of course you're invited. Tsu listed the route she's taking, just let her know which stop you're getting on at!
  • #33
Smurf said:
How come I'm never invited to go on road trips with a bunch of girls :mad:
It's not fair! :cry:
Have you signed up? What will you be bringing?
  • #34
I accually can't go. That was just a random rant. :smile:
  • #35
Tsunami said:
Ya know, Evo. I just happen to have obtained my pastoral ordination from Rolling Stone Magazine back in the '70's. So, YEAH! I could marry ya! Holy Smoke. This is turning into a little bit more than a birthday/christmas party now isn't it??! :biggrin:

Ooh, wedding reception too! We'll definitely need more champagne. There's a winery in NJ that's on our route that sells blueberry champagne. Sounds strange, but it's amazingly tasty (my sister had it at her wedding for the head table). It's sort of a reddish color, which is really neat.

Don't worry about parking, Moonbear. I've never had a problem with that in my Cyber Bus. I can park on the sidewalk if I want. I can drink and drive. There is never any other car on my cyber highway. No policemen or potholes, either. :biggrin:

That's a relief, because NJ includes an extra traffic ticket as part of the toll for drivers without of state plates. :smile: Well, they have to see you before they can catch you, right?! At Mach 2, you'll be in NY before they know you were ever in NJ. And if all else fails, we'll go to invisible mode.