Wheels and Crazy Spinning Things

In summary, the conversation discusses the rotation rates of hubs C1 and C2 when big wheels B1 and B2, both with a diameter of 40 inches, are rolling forward at 4 miles per hour. Calculations show that hub C2 will rotate faster than hub C1 due to the difference in wheel size. The parameters and equations for the calculations are also provided.
  • #1
Wheels and Crazy Spinning Things!

For the illustration of the following model, go to http://www.corniceventures.com/images/wheels.JPG

If the 2 wheels ("B1" and "B2") are the same diameter (40 inches) and are rolling forward at 4 miles per hour...Would belts "D1" and "D2" rotate hubs "C1" and "C2" respectively at the same rate (rpm's)?

Here are all the parameters:

"B1" and "B2" Diameter >> 40 inches
"A" Diameter >> 12 inches
"C1" and "C2" Diameter >> 1 inch

Here is what my calculations told me:

"B2" Circumference >> ~125.66 inches
"A" Circumference >> ~37.70 inches
"C1" and "C2" Circumference >> ~3.14 inches
"B2" RPMs at 4 MPH >> ~33.61 rpm
"A" RPMs at 4 MPH >> ~112.05 rpm
"C1" and "C2" RPMs at 4 MPH >> ~1344.54 rpm

To me it seems that belt "D2" would rotate hub "C2" more quickly than belt "D1" would rotate hub "C1" given the same forward speed, but maybe I should trust my calculations! Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Both big wheels spin with ω = 4mph/40in. (convert that into rpm)

Assuming the belts don't slip:
ωA*rA = ωC1*rC1


ωB2*rB2 = ωC2*rC2

Note that ωA = ωB2 = ω

Rearrange to find one hub speed in terms of the other:

[itex] \omega_{C1} = \frac{r_A}{r_{C1}}\,\frac{r_{C2}}{r_{B2}}\omega_{C2} [/itex]

and since the hubs (C1 & C2) are the same size:

[itex] \omega_{C1} = \frac{r_A}{r_{B2}}\omega_{C2} [/itex]

So the hubs spin at different rates; since the radius (diameter) of B2 is greater than A, Hub C2 will spin faster than hub C1. So, your intuition was good, but there was some error in your calculations (I can't say where you went wrong without seeing your work). You should follow this line of thought out yourself to understand the idea and to double-check the algebra.
  • #3

Based on your calculations, it does appear that belt "D2" would rotate hub "C2" at a faster rate than belt "D1" would rotate hub "C1" if they were both moving at the same speed. This is because the circumference of "B2" is larger than the circumference of "A", which means it will make more rotations in the same amount of time. This, in turn, will cause the smaller belt "D2" to rotate at a faster rate in order to keep up with the larger wheel.

It's always a good idea to double check your calculations and make sure everything is accurate, but based on the information provided, your calculations seem to be correct. It's also important to note that there may be other factors at play, such as friction and the weight of the wheels, that could affect the rotation speed. Overall, it's a fun and interesting concept to explore!

FAQ: Wheels and Crazy Spinning Things

What are wheels and crazy spinning things?

Wheels and crazy spinning things are objects that rotate around an axis, often used for transportation or as toys.

What are some examples of wheels and crazy spinning things?

Some examples of wheels and crazy spinning things include car tires, bicycle wheels, spinning tops, and fidget spinners.

How do wheels and crazy spinning things work?

Wheels and crazy spinning things work by utilizing the principles of rotation and friction. A force applied to the object causes it to spin around its axis, with friction providing the necessary resistance to keep it spinning.

What are the benefits of using wheels and crazy spinning things?

Wheels and crazy spinning things have many practical uses, such as providing efficient transportation and aiding in the movement of heavy objects. They can also be used for entertainment and as a form of exercise.

Are there any safety precautions to take when using wheels and crazy spinning things?

Yes, it is important to use caution when using wheels and crazy spinning things, especially when riding vehicles or playing with fast-spinning toys. Always wear appropriate protective gear and follow safety guidelines to prevent accidents or injuries.

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