Crest and Trough of a light wave

  • Thread starter neurocomp2003
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    Light Wave
In summary, the crest and trough parts of a light wave represent successive maxima and minima of the electric strength vector relative to the magnetic strength vector. This applies to photons as well, as they have a wave nature in addition to their particle nature. They are not traversals taken by electrons, but rather a mathematical analytical tool used in equations involving light. The exact nature of these parts is still being studied.
  • #1
What exactly do the crest and trough parts of a light wave represent?
Are they traversals that a electron takes or are they a mathematical
analytical tool used in equations involving light? Or is the answer still unknown?
Science news on
  • #2
I've screwed up enough tonight, so nothing complicated from me!

Light isn't made of electrons. I think you're looking for photons.

  • #3
Originally posted by neurocomp2003
What exactly do the crest and trough parts of a light wave represent?
Are they traversals that a electron takes or are they a mathematical
analytical tool used in equations involving light? Or is the answer still unknown?

They represent successive maxima and minima of the electric strength vector relative to the magnetic strength vector. And yes, this explanation works for photons too, since as we know, they have a wave nature (along with a particle nature), and the electric and magnetic strengths are effective features of that wave nature.
  • #4
yeah sorry i meant to say particle not electron.

FAQ: Crest and Trough of a light wave

What is the crest of a light wave?

The crest of a light wave is the highest point of the wave, where the amplitude is at its maximum. It represents the peak of the wave's energy and is located at the top of the wave's oscillation.

What is the trough of a light wave?

The trough of a light wave is the lowest point of the wave, where the amplitude is at its minimum. It represents the lowest point of the wave's energy and is located at the bottom of the wave's oscillation.

How are the crest and trough related in a light wave?

The crest and trough of a light wave are directly related to each other. As the crest moves upward, the trough moves downward, and vice versa. This creates the oscillating pattern of the wave.

What is the difference between the crest and trough of a light wave?

The main difference between the crest and trough of a light wave is their location on the wave. The crest is the highest point, while the trough is the lowest point. They also have opposite amplitudes, with the crest having a maximum amplitude and the trough having a minimum amplitude.

How do the crest and trough affect the properties of a light wave?

The crest and trough of a light wave determine the wave's amplitude, which is directly related to the wave's energy and intensity. They also affect the wavelength and frequency of the wave, which are important properties in understanding light and how it behaves.
