Maximizing Electric Potential on a Uniformly Charged Cone

In summary, the conversation discusses using the equation V= q/4piEr to find the area of highest electric potential for a cone with uniform volume charge. The person asking for help is unsure if a cone of uniform volume charge acts like a point charge outside of its volume and is wondering if finding the center of mass and placing a point close to it would be helpful. The expert recommends using dV= dq/(4*pi*E_0*r) to find the potential and mentions that the maximum and minimum points occur at turning points where the derivative is zero. The person asking for help thanks the expert for their guidance.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I am basically given a cone with uniform volume charge and told to find the area of highest electric potential.

Homework Equations

I want to use the equation: V= q/4piEr

The Attempt at a Solution

I am having trouble finding anything in my book. I am comparing this in my mind to a sphere and wondering if it would be prudent to find the center of mass of the cone and place a point as close to that as possible. I am just unsure if a cone of uniform volume charge is similar to a sphere of uniform volume charge in that it acts like a point charge outside of the volume. I can't seem to find any information on this.
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  • #2
You'll want to use dV= dq/(4*pi*E_0*r) so that you can get the potential. Max and mins occur at turning points, when the derivative (or gradient in this case) is zero.
  • #3
Ah. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you!

FAQ: Maximizing Electric Potential on a Uniformly Charged Cone

What is an electric potential cone?

An electric potential cone is a three-dimensional graphical representation of electric potential in a region of space. It is formed by plotting equipotential lines, which are lines of constant electric potential, in a cone shape.

How is an electric potential cone created?

An electric potential cone is created by first determining the electric potential at different points in a region of space. Then, equipotential lines are drawn connecting points with the same electric potential. These lines are then plotted in a cone shape, with the apex at the point of highest potential.

What is the significance of an electric potential cone?

The electric potential cone is a useful tool for visualizing and understanding the distribution of electric potential in a region of space. It allows for easier identification of areas with high and low potential, as well as the direction of the electric field.

How is an electric potential cone different from an electric field line?

An electric potential cone and an electric field line are related but different representations of the same phenomenon. An electric field line shows the direction of the electric field, while an electric potential cone shows the distribution of electric potential. An electric field line is also a two-dimensional representation, while an electric potential cone is three-dimensional.

What factors affect the shape of an electric potential cone?

The shape of an electric potential cone is affected by the distribution of electric charges in the region of space, as well as the strength and direction of the electric field. The shape will also vary depending on the chosen reference point for measuring electric potential.
