What Can Be Said About the Eigenvalues of B^{-1}A Given A and B?

In summary, the conversation discusses a generalized eigenvalue problem where A and B are square matrices of the same dimension. A is positive semidefinite and B is diagonal with positive entries. It is clear that the generalized eigenvalues will be nonnegative. It is also suggested that the eigenvalues of B^{-1}A are greater than or equal to the eigenvalues of A divided by the maximum diagonal entry of B. Another approach is to consider the eigenvalues of B^{-1/2}AB^{-1/2}. It is mentioned that the Rayleigh quotient, which is related to the eigenvalues, is greater than or equal to a similar ratio with the maximum diagonal entry of B substituted in. The physical interpretation of this problem is also
  • #1
Consider a generalized Eigenvalue problem Av = \lambda Bv
where $A$ and $B$ are square matrices of the same dimension. It is known that $A$ is positive semidefinite, and that $B$ is diagonal with positive entries.

It is clear that the generalized eigenvalues will be nonnegative. What else can one say about the eigenvalues of the generalized problem in terms of the eigenvalues of $A$ and the diagonals of $B$? Equivalently, what else can one say about the eigenvalues of B^{-1}A?

It seems reasonable (skipping over zero eigenvalues) that

\lambda_{min}(B^{-1}A) \geq \lambda_{min}(A)/B_{max}

but I am unable to see how one could rigorously show this, and it is perhaps a conservative bound. Equivalently again, what could one say about the eigenvalues of

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  • #2
For any vector ##x##, the Rayleigh quotient ##x^T A x / x^T B x \ge x^T A x / x^T B_{max} x##.

And ## \lambda_{min} = \min_x x^T A x / x^T B x##.

Physically it is "obvious" if A is a stiffness matrix and B is a mass matrix. Increasing the mass (by making all the diagonal entries of B equal to the biggest) must reduce the vibration freqencies.

Another way to attack this would be to treat it as a perturbation of the original problem, i.e. let ##B_{max} = B + D##. IIRC there is some nice theory about this, but I'm not energetic enough to start looking it up right now.
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FAQ: What Can Be Said About the Eigenvalues of B^{-1}A Given A and B?

What is a Generalized Eigenvalue Problem?

A Generalized Eigenvalue Problem is a mathematical problem that involves finding the eigenvalues (or characteristic values) and corresponding eigenvectors of a square matrix. Unlike a standard eigenvalue problem, which only involves a single matrix, a generalized eigenvalue problem involves two matrices that are not necessarily square or symmetric.

Why is the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem important in science?

The Generalized Eigenvalue Problem has many applications in science, particularly in physics, engineering, and statistics. It is used to solve systems of differential equations, to determine the stability of physical systems, and to analyze data in multivariate analysis. It is also used in machine learning and signal processing.

What is the difference between a standard eigenvalue problem and a generalized eigenvalue problem?

A standard eigenvalue problem involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a single square matrix, while a generalized eigenvalue problem involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of two matrices that are not necessarily square or symmetric. The generalized eigenvalue problem is a more general and complex version of the standard eigenvalue problem.

How is the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem solved?

The Generalized Eigenvalue Problem is typically solved using numerical methods, such as the QR algorithm or the Arnoldi algorithm. These methods use iterative processes to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the given matrices.

What are some real-world applications of the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem?

The Generalized Eigenvalue Problem has many practical applications in science and engineering. It is used to analyze the stability of physical systems, such as bridges, buildings, and aircraft. It is also used in image and signal processing, where it can be used to extract useful information from large datasets. Additionally, it is used in finance to model risk and in genetics to analyze genetic variation in populations.

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