DC voltage across the inductor?

In summary, the impedance of an inductor includes both real resistance and imaginary reactance terms. At DC, the voltage drop will only be across the series internal resistance of the coil. To determine this resistance, you can use the equation V_supply = I x r(series). However, for AC signals, the perceived resistance of the inductor will increase with frequency.
  • #1
what happens when u apply DC voltage across the inductor? i.e is the voltage drop only across the series internal resistance of the coil? can we just determine this resistance by simply saying: V_supply = I x r(series)? or do we have to include the inductance?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

hint: Do you know the impedance of an inductor?
  • #3

Ouabache said:
hint: Do you know the impedance of an inductor?

whats an impedance?
do you mean X_L=wL?
  • #4

V = Ri + L*di/dt

i = (V/R)*(1 - exp(-Rt/L))

If R=0 (superconducting), then

i = Vt/L

  • #5

Before we get too far along, I hope you have more in your circuit besides the inductor, otherwise what do you think would happen when you apply a voltage across a coil of wire?
php said:
whats an impedance?
do you mean X_L=wL?
You're on the right track, however you've given only the inductive reactance.
The impedance Z of an inductor includes both real (pure resistance) and imaginary terms (reactance).
[itex] Z = R + jX_L = R+ j \omega L [/itex]
So the voltage across it would be? [itex] V = IZ = I (R + j \omega L) [/itex]

Since you are applying only a DC voltage (no frequency component), what happens to the reactance term?
  • #6

Most likely the wire will get hot. You are right, at DC the resistance is only the series resistance of the wire.

If you were to apply an AC signal then it is different. As you increase the frequency the perceived resistance to the AC signal would increase. Many small signal inductors are rated at 100MHz. The rating will be something like 300 ohms at 100MHz meaning that to the source, the line the signal is traveling on will look like a 300 ohm resistor. This is in magnitude impedance format, which is the perceived resistance. At slightly over DC the perceived resistance will be near zero ohms, as the frequency increases, so will the perceived resistance. There is a point at which the resistance will reach a maximum and then it will go back down

There are a few simplifications here but the concept is sound.

FAQ: DC voltage across the inductor?

1. What is an inductor?

An inductor is an electronic component that stores energy in the form of a magnetic field. It is typically a coil of wire that can be used in various circuits.

2. How does an inductor affect DC voltage?

An inductor can affect the DC voltage across it by inducing a back EMF (electromotive force) when the current through it changes. This can cause the voltage across the inductor to increase or decrease.

3. What is the relationship between inductance and DC voltage?

The DC voltage across an inductor is directly proportional to its inductance. This means that a higher inductance value will result in a higher DC voltage across the inductor.

4. How do you calculate the DC voltage across an inductor?

The DC voltage across an inductor can be calculated using the formula V = L di/dt, where V is the voltage, L is the inductance, and di/dt is the rate of change of current.

5. How can the DC voltage across an inductor be measured?

The DC voltage across an inductor can be measured using a voltmeter, which is connected in parallel with the inductor. The voltmeter will display the voltage across the inductor in volts (V).
