Why weight on an incline is different?

In summary, your teacher says that the weight is mgcostheta (the y component of F which also equals the Normal force.), not mgsintheta.
  • #1
Hey guys, first post here...
So, I'm having an issue comprehending this topic:
Let's say you have a box which weighs 3 N, and you place a 7 kg block on top of it. So, since the block is laying on a horizontal plane, the weight is mg, or 6*10=60 N. Total weight=60+3=63

Let's say you have an inclined box 45 degrees to the ground (held by a stick of negligible mass, or whatever... just pretend that it is inclined) that weighs 3 N and you place a 6 kg block on top of it, and the friction causes it to remain at rest. My teacher said that the weight here is mgsin45, because Normal=mgsin45 at this case. So, (6)(10)(2...)=120ish N. Total weight=120+3=123.

What I don't understand, is why isn't the weight in BOTH cases mg? Because, if you put both systems each in a separate balance, the weight will be 63 N for both, amirite? The masses certainly don't change, you have the SAME box and the SAME block, except they are at different angles.

Por favor clarify :D
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  • #2
grams are a unit of weight. Edit (opps a unit of MASS, not weight)

(mass)(gravitational acceleration) is measured in Newtons which is a unit of force. F=ma

The force along the plane is mgsin45 since the plane is at a 45 degree angle to the direction of force.

So the force in both cases is mg, unless your measuring the force only along the plane.
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  • #3
I guess I understand that, but if a question asks, what is the weight, then it is mg for both cases right? I just have a point of contention on a test which I want to argue, and I put mg but my teacher said it was mgcostheta

EDIT: My bad on the first post, my teacher says that it is mgcostheta (the y component of F which also equals the Normal force.), not mgsintheta.
  • #4
Oh yes, if the question asks only "What is the weight" it is mg. That is almost like a trick question. However if the question is asking what the force is along the plane then it is not simply mg.

The word weight is usually only used for something pressing straight down due to being in a gravitational force. Like measuring something on a scale, a rocket on a platform, or standing on a scale.
  • #5
Hopefully my teacher will understand our logic :P Thanks a bunch
  • #6
The component of gravitational force normal to the plane is m g cos(θ), the component of gravitational force parallel to the plane is m g sin(θ), the vector sum of these forces is m g. If the block and the box are not sliding (no vertical component of acceleration), then the total force is m g, regardless of the angle.
  • #7
Xeneize said:
Hopefully my teacher will understand our logic :P Thanks a bunch

I would approach it as a simple misunderstanding, and that you thought it might be a trick question. Let he/she come to the conclusion that your brighter then the average, don't go in holding the attitude that you are.
  • #8
If you put a scale on the incline then the weight shown would indeed be different. However, the scale would not be showing the weight of the box, but just a component of that weight.

So...yeah, I think your teacher needs to reword his questions in the future. Perhaps he
may argue "that's not what I meant", but there should be no question as to what he meant.

By the way, there are a lot of errors in your first post...

FAQ: Why weight on an incline is different?

1. Why does weight appear to change on an incline?

The perception of weight on an incline is different because of the effects of gravity. On a flat surface, all of the force of gravity is directed downwards, creating a sense of weight. However, on an incline, gravity is acting at an angle, resulting in a component of the force that is parallel to the surface. This perpendicular component of the force is what we perceive as weight.

2. Does the weight actually change on an incline?

No, the actual weight of an object does not change on an incline. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on an object and is not affected by the angle of the surface. However, the perceived weight may change due to the effects of gravity acting at an angle.

3. Why do we feel heavier when walking uphill?

When walking uphill, the angle of the surface increases, causing the perpendicular component of the force of gravity to increase. This results in a greater sense of weight or heaviness as we are essentially pushing against a greater force of gravity.

4. Why do objects roll down an incline?

Objects roll down an incline because of the presence of a gravitational force. As the object moves down the incline, the force of gravity acts parallel to the surface, resulting in a net force that causes the object to accelerate downwards.

5. How does the angle of the incline affect weight?

The angle of the incline affects weight by changing the direction of the force of gravity. As the angle increases, the perpendicular component of the force of gravity also increases, resulting in a greater sense of weight. This is why objects feel heavier when placed on a steeper incline compared to a more gradual one.
