Uncover a little or cover a lot?

  • Thread starter jbrussell93
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the two different teaching methods for physics and mathematics. The first method covers a lot of material, while the second method focuses on going in-depth with fewer topics. The speaker personally believes that covering more material is more efficient, as it allows for a better understanding of the subject. However, this method is only effective if the teacher knows how to teach for understanding, which can be challenging.
  • #1
I am an undergraduate physics major just finishing up my sophomore year. During this semester, I've gotten to see both ends of the spectrum of teaching methods. Which do you think is more efficient in teaching physics/mathematics? Cover a lot of material forcing students to learn some things on their own or taking your time going through material in order to really drive home main concepts but in the end cover less material. I think that if I were a teacher, I would take the "uncover a little" route, but I guess it really depends on if the class is a first exposure or advanced level.
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  • #2
Like all things in life:

Don't cover too much, as it is by definition, too much.

Don't cover too little, as it is by definition, too little.

Now, judging what is too much and what is too little is subtle and subjective and IMO trying to perfect it is a waste of energy.
  • #3
As a teacher, I would cover a lot as opposed to covering little but more in depth. My reasons for this is that understanding requires connecting similar ideas together so the more ideas are in play, the more can be connected. However, it's rare that teachers know how to teach understanding so this method does not work very well. Teachers who teach this way usually end up with a lot of disparate ideas and leave it up to the students to understand it, which requires effort on their part, which pretty much means they won't put in the effort, so the end result is that they don't understand it.

FAQ: Uncover a little or cover a lot?

1. What does "uncover a little or cover a lot" mean?

"Uncover a little or cover a lot" is a phrase that refers to the amount of information or details that are revealed or concealed in a particular situation or topic. It implies that there are different levels of disclosure or concealment that can be chosen depending on the circumstances.

2. When is it appropriate to uncover a little or cover a lot?

The decision to uncover a little or cover a lot depends on the context and the purpose of the information. In some cases, it may be necessary to reveal only a small amount of information to protect privacy or maintain confidentiality. In other situations, it may be beneficial to disclose a lot of details to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

3. What are the advantages of uncovering a little?

Uncovering a little can help to maintain privacy, protect sensitive information, and avoid potential harm or negative consequences. It can also create a sense of mystery or intrigue, generating curiosity and interest in the topic.

4. What are the benefits of covering a lot?

Covering a lot can provide a deeper understanding and analysis of a topic, allowing for more informed decision-making and problem-solving. It can also promote transparency and accountability, as well as foster open communication and trust.

5. How can one strike a balance between uncovering a little and covering a lot?

The key to striking a balance between uncovering a little and covering a lot is to carefully consider the purpose and audience of the information. It may be helpful to assess the potential consequences and impact of disclosure, as well as the level of trust and transparency needed in the situation.

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