Looking for advanced books on error/data analysis

In summary, you should get a book on regression modelling that covers a wide range of models from simple linear regression to the more advanced generalized linear mixed models and other abstract general model frameworks.
  • #1
My current level of understanding of error/data analysis and statistics is based on the material I covered from Bevington and Taylor's introductory texts. I need something that covers the subject in greater depth now. My motivation comes from my job which is to come up with a better way of fitting and measuring the "goodness of fit" of a procedure.

Hence, I need a book that covers several fitting techniques, goodness of fit measurements and outlier/anomalies removal (numerical) methods. Also, I want a book that has an applied mathematics mindset, I do not want a book that covers the mathematics in excruciating detail but does not bothers to give a good practical example. Any suggestions?
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  • #2
Any help...pleaase? Think of me as a beauty in distress doomed to never understand advanced statistics unless a hero shows up!=D!
  • #3
franciobr said:
Any help...pleaase? Think of me as a beauty in distress doomed to never understand advanced statistics unless a hero shows up!=D!

Perhaps if you post a picture...

Otherwise I think you need to define the subject matter of interest more precisely. I don't what "error/data" analysis means. If you want another book that covers the material in Bevington and Taylor, I don't know what's in Bevington and Taylor. As to covering mathematics in excruciating detail - well, this is the math section of the forum.
  • #4
Ok, I will try to be more specific.

My current level of understanding given by Bevington and Taylor: I know the most famous distribution functions (normal, binomial, poisson), I know the most basic goodness of fit measurements (chi squared) and a very basic outlier removal test (Chauvenet's anomaly removal test) and I understand the least squares fitting technique. Basically, I've read a "introduction to statistics for phisicist" book.

I know that there is a lot more out there as far as statistics inference goes. I want a good source for more advanced: goodness of fit measurements, anomaly removal tests and its relation to several fitting methods. And I don't want a highly theoretical book. I want a book with an applied mindset with tons of examples and tips. I want to understand statistics as a tool, not as my study field which I have to understand every single detail. I posted this here because is the stastics part of the forum, do you believe I should ask for suggestions at another section?
  • #5
franciobr said:
do you believe I should ask for suggestions at another section?

I don't think it was wrong to post it in this section, but it wouldn't hurt to ask this question in the physics or engineering sections where peple with similar goals may hang out.

My personal slant on statistics is that people who don't study the math in detail don't really know what they are doing. They tend to have msconeptions about fundamental ideas such as "significance" and "confidence". So I don't collect the type of books you describe.
  • #6
Stephen Tashi said:
I don't think it was wrong to post it in this section, but it wouldn't hurt to ask this question in the physics or engineering sections where peple with similar goals may hang out.

My personal slant on statistics is that people who don't study the math in detail don't really know what they are doing. They tend to have msconeptions about fundamental ideas such as "significance" and "confidence". So I don't collect the type of books you describe.

Look, I never meant to say "I do not want to study math, I want to skip every basic concept, I just want to magically use it without having any idea of what is going on". I said "I do not want to study only the math/theory, I want to study it in an applied context". I got books in the past that were highly theoretical and I had a hard time applying the theory without examples of applications to be based on.
  • #7
Hey franciobr and welcome to the forums.

You should probably start off by getting a decent book on regression modelling covering a wide range of models from simple linear regression to the more advanced generalized linear mixed models and other abstract general model frameworks.

If you go through these then you will understand how models in a statistical sense are constructed and then you can look for specific concepts related to your problem at hand.

One thing about learning is that learning the lingo and jargon is part of the work: once you know the jargon you'll know what to search for in a specialist field and doing so requires you to get some kind of standard textbook on the subject.

FAQ: Looking for advanced books on error/data analysis

1. What are the best books for learning about error and data analysis?

There are many great books available on the topic of error and data analysis. Some highly recommended titles include "Introduction to Error Analysis" by John R. Taylor, "Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel/Hierarchical Models" by Andrew Gelman and Jennifer Hill, and "Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial" by Devinderjit Sivia and John Skilling.

2. Are there any books specifically geared towards advanced learners in error and data analysis?

Yes, there are several advanced books on error and data analysis that are specifically designed for those with a strong background in mathematics and statistics. Some examples include "Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View" by Cosma Rohilla Shalizi and "Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach" by Larry V. Hedges and Ingram Olkin.

3. What are the key concepts that I should look for when choosing a book on error and data analysis?

When looking for a book on error and data analysis, it is important to consider the level of detail and mathematical rigor of the content. You should also look for books that cover topics such as hypothesis testing, statistical models, and regression analysis in depth. Furthermore, it is helpful to choose a book that includes practical examples and exercises for hands-on learning.

4. Are there any online resources or courses that can supplement my learning from books on error and data analysis?

Yes, there are many online resources and courses that can complement your learning from books on error and data analysis. Some popular options include online courses on platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy, as well as online tutorials and webinars offered by organizations like the American Statistical Association and the Royal Statistical Society.

5. How can I apply the knowledge gained from books on error and data analysis in my research or work?

The concepts and techniques covered in books on error and data analysis can be applied in a variety of fields, including scientific research, business analytics, and data-driven decision making. By understanding these concepts and learning how to apply them, you can improve the accuracy and reliability of your data analysis and make more informed decisions based on data.

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