Setwise stabilizer of a finite set is a maximal subgroup of Sym(N)

In summary, the paper assumes that the symmetric group on the natural numbers, S, has a maximal subgroup, S_{\{A\}}, which contains the permutation f. If f isn't in S_{A} then how can af be in S_{A} and for that matter A?
  • #1
So I'm reading a paper which assumes the following statement but I would like to be able to prove it.

Let [tex]S[/tex] denote the symmetric group on the natural numbers.

If [tex] \emptyset\subset A \subset \mathbb{N}[/tex] then [tex] S_{\{A\}}=\{f\in S:af\in a,\;\forall{a}\in A\}$ [/tex] is a maximal subgroup of [tex] S. [/tex]

Here is how I would like to prove it. I select [tex] f\in S\setminus S_{\{A\}}.[/tex] I want to show that [tex]\langle S_{\{A\}}, f \rangle = S[/tex], otherwise we have a contradiction. So i take [tex]g\in S[/tex]. If [tex]g\in S_{\{A\}}[/tex] or [tex]g=f[/tex] we are done so assume [tex] f\neq g\in S\setminus S_{\{A\}}.[/tex] How can I show that [tex]g\in \langle S_{\{A\}}, f \rangle[/tex]? I had thought about doing something like finding [tex]h\in\langle S_{\{A\}}, f \rangle[/tex] such that [tex]gh\in S_{\{A\}}[/tex] so that then [tex]g=ghh^{-1}\in\langle S_{\{A\}}, f \rangle[/tex] but I can't seem to get it to work. Can anyone help?
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  • #2
If f isn't in S_{A} then how can af be in S_{A} and for that matter A? Also, I'm a little uncomfortable with your notation. By <S_{A},f> what exactly do you mean? Are you trying to say the subgroup S_{A}U{<f>}, or in words the subgroup S_{A} union the subgroup generated by f?
  • #3
Also are you talking about N under multiplication? If so I would start by acknowledging that f:N--->S is at least a homomorphism
  • #4
I am talking about N as a SET. So S=Sym(N) is the set of permutations on a countably infinite number of points enumerated by N.

The notation is all standard. The angled brackets denote "the group generated by" so above I mean the group generated by:
[tex]S_{\{A\}}[/tex] and [tex] f [/tex].

To avoid the confusion that the use of f has caused, replace the above definition of [tex]S_{\{A\}}[/tex] by:

[tex] S_{\{A\}}=\{q\in S:aq\in A,\;\forall{a}\in A\}$ [/tex]

(All maps are written on the right).
  • #5

I am not an expert in group theory, but I can offer some insights and suggestions on how to approach this problem.

First, let's define some terms for clarity. The setwise stabilizer of a set A in the symmetric group S, denoted as S_{\{A\}}, is the subgroup of S consisting of all permutations that fix every element in A. In other words, if a\in A, then af=a for all f\in S_{\{A\}}. On the other hand, the maximal subgroup of a group G is a subgroup that is not contained in any other proper subgroup of G. In this case, we are looking at S_{\{A\}} as a maximal subgroup of the symmetric group S.

Now, to prove that S_{\{A\}} is a maximal subgroup of S, we need to show that for any f\in S\setminus S_{\{A\}}, the subgroup generated by S_{\{A\}} and f, denoted as \langle S_{\{A\}}, f \rangle, is equal to S. In other words, any permutation g\in S can be written as a composition of elements in S_{\{A\}} and f.

One approach to prove this is by induction on the size of A. For the base case, when A=\emptyset, S_{\{A\}} is the trivial subgroup of S, and it is easy to see that any f\in S can be written as a composition of the identity permutation and f, which are both in S_{\{A\}}.

For the inductive step, assume that the statement holds for a set A with k elements. Now, consider a set B with k+1 elements, and let f\in S\setminus S_{\{B\}} be an arbitrary permutation. We want to show that g\in S can be written as a composition of elements in S_{\{B\}} and f. Since f\notin S_{\{B\}}, there exists an element b\in B such that bf\neq b. Let A=B\setminus \{b\} and let h be the permutation that swaps b and bf. Since A has k elements, by the inductive hypothesis, we can write g as a composition of elements in S_{\{A\}} and h

FAQ: Setwise stabilizer of a finite set is a maximal subgroup of Sym(N)

What is the Setwise Stabilizer of a Finite Set?

The setwise stabilizer of a finite set is a subgroup of the symmetric group on the set's elements that maps the set to itself. In other words, it is the set of permutations that leave the set unchanged.

Why is the Setwise Stabilizer Considered a Maximal Subgroup?

The setwise stabilizer is a maximal subgroup because it cannot be further enlarged without losing its defining property. Any additional elements added to the subgroup would cause it to no longer be a setwise stabilizer.

What is the Significance of the Setwise Stabilizer in Group Theory?

The setwise stabilizer plays a crucial role in group theory as it helps to define and classify subgroups of the symmetric group. It also has applications in combinatorial and geometric group theory.

How is the Setwise Stabilizer Related to Permutation Groups?

The setwise stabilizer is a subgroup of the symmetric group, which is a group of all possible permutations on a given set. The setwise stabilizer specifically focuses on the permutations that fix a particular set, making it a useful tool for studying permutation groups.

Can the Setwise Stabilizer be Used to Solve Practical Problems?

Yes, the setwise stabilizer has practical applications in fields such as cryptography, coding theory, and graph theory. It can be used to identify symmetries and patterns within a given set, which can then be used to solve problems in these areas.

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