What happens if spacetime collapses?

  • Thread starter decibel
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In summary, this scientist is trying to make some grandiose predictions about the future, but there doesn't seem to be much evidence to support them. Many of the claims made are linked to specific events that have already happened or are happening, and there is no way to know if they will be significant or not. Some general statements are made about events that could happen in the future, but it's difficult to say whether or not they are accurate. Overall, I don't think this is credible science and I wouldn't take it seriously.
  • #1

what u guys think of this
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Originally posted by decibel

what u guys think of this
Very little.

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  • #3
I think this is more suitable for the Debunking forum.
  • #4
Originally posted by Integral
I think this is more suitable for the Debunking forum.

  • #5
so what u guys are sayin is this isent real or even true?
  • #6
Originally posted by decibel

what u guys think of this

First, after a quick review of the original paper by Dr. Smelyakov -
- [this is a lot to read] I did not spot the kind of grandiose predictions made by David Wilcock at the web site.
Example Wilcock:
By combining the effects of geo-cosmic change with the overall flourishing of humanity in the cultural and spiritual sense, we see that as the cycle continues to exponentially accelerate its energetic rate of vibration into the 2012-2013 "singularity," we can expect ever-more rapid increases in human awareness, leading up to a discontinuous mega-event where "time and space collapse" as we know it. We believe that there is no reason to fear this change, as what we are moving towards is a literal shift in the basic characteristics of matter, energy and consciousness.

Perhaps they are in there...I will read the paper later when I have more time.

Next, we find general statements made linked to specific events..notably many earthquakes. Given something as complex as the history of the world, in its full meteorological, seismic, social, economic, cultural, and political splendor, one expects to find quite a few lucky hits; and many other "hits" that may or may not be significant...esp when we can generalize as is done by Wilcocks:
[Note: It is remarkable to point out here that one of Dr. Smelyakov's most serious Hale-Bopp time foci was for Sept. 16, 2001, +/- 5 days. This data was published in The Mountain Astrologer magazine in the winter of 2000. Smelyakov associated this period with "a series of events of extreme nature", and suggested that the countries involved would include the USA, Balkans, Central Europe, Moscow, India, Israel, Japan and Afghanistan. He indicated that there would be marked splashes in mental collisions, political disorders and military operations. The "splashes" that Smelyakov had referred to were seen as air and space crashes, fires and other technogeneous catastrophes. He made this prediction in the winter of 2000, saying that the time around the 16th was "dangerous."]

Well you and I can imagine about 10,000 other possibilities.

If I wanted to figure out if there is anything interesting here or not, I would compare and contrast the website with Smelyakov's paper. I suspect that many differences will be found. Then, if the claims made are consistent with those at the link, I would take a close look at how specific they actually are. This looks much like the typical psychic predictions that are made in retrospect; much like Nostrodamus is interpreted.

As for the golden section "phi", one can often see a practical reason why these kinds of things happen. In my experience, if one looks closely enough, one finds practical not mystical reasons for these numerical relationships.

Finally, watch our for the stuff coming from Russia these days. I think the national enquirer has overthrown the mafia for control of Moscow.
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  • #7
Originally posted by decibel
so what u guys are sayin is this isent real or even true?

This scientist is way outside of the mainstream and he has a lot to prove. This does not mean that it’s all garbage; perhaps he has discovered some underlying order otherwise missed thus far. But to link human consciousness to such cycles presents a huge problem: How?

We have no science to explain the effects indicated. This means that not only do we have an extremely complex hypothesis that evades objective evaluation due to the vagueness in its predictive ability, we also require some completely new phenomenon to explain this connection. In a case like this, this stuff can float forever and never be resolved. If this is to be considered credible science, that is, if we are to seriously consider these ideas, we need some specific predictions that can be tested. Unfortunately, I don't see any way this can or will happen. So, in the ten years that we have left before all of space and time collapse into the new age of human consciousness [whatever the hell that means], it seems that there is just enough time to sell lots of books.
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  • #8
I am particularly not impressed by this following page, that has the heading science, and yet uses the word astrology twice below it. Now I want to stress that I am willing to consider astrology as meaningful, but not very seriously until one of the New Agers can tell me a) what they mean by all those etherial energies they are always talking about and b) how the starts and planets are supposed to affect our lives. I have my own theory: Astrology appears to predict the future because so many people use it to make decisions. Given this, it should be no surprise that people's lives appear to follow a pattern dictated by the stars and planets.
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  • #9
the one thing i just don't understand is that how the hell can "time and space" collapse, isent time endless?...how can time STOP?...and dident Einstein state that space and time are opposites...
  • #10
I don't think so decibel, I have one word for you space-time. Einstein is the one who united space and time together, correct?
  • #11
Originally posted by decibel
the one thing i just don't understand is that how the hell can "time and space" collapse, isent time endless?...how can time STOP?...and dident Einstein state that space and time are opposites...

If we had a big cruch, the opposite of a big bang, then space and time would collapse...in a sense. I don't expect this to happen in the next 12 years. In fact, the latest findings with dark energy would indicate that this will never happen - not even in the 12 billion years or so that we once thought.
  • #12
but i mean like...say your driving down the highway...and "space-time" collapse...wut would happen?...would time just stop...or what...would ur heart keep going...or would we all die, would we stop aging...i just can't quite understand this issue
  • #13
I think that if space-time just "stopped" it would mean that either your traveling at the speed of light, which is an impossibility, or you got sucked into a black hole. In either case you wouldn't wittness anything for time itself would stop and space would shrink infinitely.
  • #14
Decibel, if spacetime collapsed you would cease to be. Neither your past (which is part of spacetime) nor your future, nor your present - or anyone eles's - would exist. No time, no space, no nuthin.

FAQ: What happens if spacetime collapses?

1. What is meant by "extremely mind boggling"?

"Extremely mind boggling" refers to something that is extremely confusing, puzzling, or thought-provoking. It often refers to complex scientific or philosophical concepts that are difficult for the average person to understand.

2. Can you provide an example of something that is extremely mind boggling?

One example of something that is extremely mind boggling is the concept of quantum mechanics, which explains the behavior of particles at a subatomic level. This field of study is notoriously difficult to understand and has led to many mind-bending theories and experiments.

3. How do scientists approach studying extremely mind boggling concepts?

Scientists use the scientific method to approach studying extremely mind boggling concepts. This involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to draw conclusions. They also collaborate with other scientists and use advanced technology and mathematical models to help understand these concepts.

4. Is it possible for the human brain to fully comprehend extremely mind boggling concepts?

It is unlikely that the human brain is capable of fully comprehending extremely mind boggling concepts. The human brain has its limitations in terms of understanding complex concepts, and some theories suggest that there may be concepts that are beyond our understanding. However, scientists continue to push the boundaries and make progress in understanding these concepts.

5. How do extremely mind boggling concepts impact our daily lives?

Extremely mind boggling concepts have a significant impact on our daily lives, even if we may not realize it. Many scientific discoveries and theories have led to advancements in technology, medicine, and other fields that improve our daily lives. Additionally, these concepts often challenge our ways of thinking and can inspire us to ask deeper questions about the world around us.
