Why do Westerners use coloured underwear?

  • Thread starter arildno
  • Start date
In summary, this Saudi luminary explains that westerners use coloured underpants to indicate their level of purity. He goes on to say that this is unrelated to normal HIV transmission, and that circumcision may be a means of reducing the risk of AIDS.
  • #1
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  • #2
Why are muslim headscarfs almost always black? Because they don't wash their hair? Sounds like the same logic lol.
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  • #3
Perhaps it's a good sign - they have run out of sensible things to argue about!
  • #4
mgb_phys said:
Perhaps it's a good sign - they have run out of sensible things to argue about!

They did that 1400 years ago.
After that, they have been squatting around, creating, for example, 70 divine rules governing urination and defecation..
  • #5
Circumcised people are less susceptible to AIDS? :confused:

He'd hate my underwear as the washing powder I use has turned them from the colour black when they were new to brown. Most people I know seem to think that's amusing for some reason.
  • #6
hey, I wear tighty-whities!

bow down before me, you filthy westerners!
  • #7
Not before you show us the superiority of your manner of defecating..
  • #8
I whipe my arse with pages of holy script, does that make me a bad person?
  • #9
So begins the great "boxers vs briefs" Jihad
  • #10
Kurdt said:
Circumcised people are less susceptible to AIDS? :confused:

Actually, there was a recently publicized study that did indicate that. It's not a definite given, because it's epidemiological, not a controlled, double-blind study (that would be really difficult to design..."No, don't look down, you can't know which treatment group you're in!"), but that was the conclusion...well, HIV infection was less prevalent in circumcized than uncircumcized men in a particular population that was studied.
  • #11
Moonbear said:
but that was the conclusion...well, HIV infection was less prevalent in circumcized than uncircumcized men in a particular population that was studied.

Thats what I was thinking and why I'm suspicious. But I do realize that experiments in this area are hard to design and if it turns out there is some truth then it would be interesting find out why. It seems unrelated to what is the normal transmission of the disease. Anyway miles off topic.
  • #12
The proposed mechanism is that men with intact foreskins suffer more microscopic tears in the skin during sex than men without.

- Warren
  • #13
Why does this thread even exist?
  • #14
I'm suffering microscopic tears of any number?
  • #15
cyrusabdollahi said:
I whipe my arse with pages of holy script, does that make me a bad person?

that makes you clean:smile::smile:

FAQ: Why do Westerners use coloured underwear?

1. Why do Westerners use coloured underwear?

There are a few reasons why Westerners may choose to use coloured underwear. First, coloured underwear can be more aesthetically pleasing and can make people feel more confident. Additionally, coloured underwear can help hide any stains, making it a more practical choice. Lastly, some people may simply prefer the variety and fun of wearing different coloured underwear.

2. Is there a cultural significance behind coloured underwear in Western cultures?

In Western cultures, coloured underwear has no specific cultural significance. However, some people may associate certain colours with different meanings or emotions, leading them to choose specific colours for their underwear. For example, someone may wear red underwear to feel more passionate or confident, or wear blue underwear for a calming effect.

3. Are there any health benefits to wearing coloured underwear?

No, the colour of underwear does not have any direct impact on a person's health. However, some people may feel more positive or confident wearing a certain colour, which can indirectly contribute to their overall well-being.

4. Do different colours of underwear serve different purposes?

Generally, different colours of underwear do not serve different purposes. However, some people may choose to wear lighter coloured underwear under lighter coloured clothing to prevent any visible lines, or wear darker coloured underwear during menstruation to hide any potential stains. Ultimately, the purpose of underwear remains the same regardless of colour.

5. Is there a preferred colour of underwear in Western cultures?

There is no universally preferred colour of underwear in Western cultures. It ultimately comes down to personal preference. Some may prefer bright and bold colours, while others may stick to more neutral tones. Ultimately, the most important factor is finding comfortable and well-fitting underwear, regardless of colour.

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