What Is the Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function?

In summary, the Riemann zeta function is a mathematical function defined as the sum of 1/n^s from n=1 to infinity, for values of s with real part greater than 1, and is extended to other values of s through analytic continuation. Analytic continuation is a method of extending the definition of a function to a larger domain while maintaining its uniqueness. The Riemann zeta function on the positive real axis can be used to define a unique function on the complex plane. However, the definition for values of s less than 1 is not necessary.
  • #1
Could anyone tell me what is the Riemann zeta function. On Wikipedia , the definition has been given for values with real part > 1 , as :
Sum ( 1 / ( n^-s) ) as n varies from 1 to infinity.

but what is the definition for other values of s ? It is mentioned that the zeta function is the analytic continuation of the above definition for other values of s.

But what exactly do we mean by Analytic continuation ?

Please explain in simple terms as I am not accustomed to mathematical language
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  • #2
srijithju said:
But what exactly do we mean by Analytic continuation ?

Please explain in simple terms as I am not accustomed to mathematical language

It can't really be explained in layman's terms. It takes complex analysis, usually a fourth-year college course for students in physics or mathematics.
  • #3
CRGreathouse said:
It can't really be explained in layman's terms. It takes complex analysis, usually a fourth-year college course for students in physics or mathematics.

Well , after looking at a couple of places , I came to know that the analytic continuation is a function that has the same value as the given function within the given functions domain , but is defined at points in a larger superset of the original domain too . Also that the analytic function is unique.

It comes as a surprise to me that the continuation of a function that is differentiable at every point within the larger domain, is unique !

Does this not imply that it is sufficient to define a differentiable function in a very small domain , and from this we can get the value of the function over as large as possible a domain as it can be defined ( assuming its differentiable at each point within this larger domain) .

Is this why we use the same formula ( that has been derived from the 1st principle for real numbers ) to compute the derivative / integral of a complex function ?

Can somebody give some insight on to why this continuation is unique ?
  • #4
By the way can we not represent the Riemann zeta function over the larger domain with the help of some power series ?
  • #5
Well , I think I have understood something wrong , because I can think of many examples of functions that are completely differential in a domain , but there exist more than 1 continuation of that function over a larger domain, which is still differentiable.

eg. f (x) = 1/ x^3 and f(x) = |1/ x^3 | , both have same value for x > 0 ( and x is real ) , but they are both differentiable continuations in the domain (- infinity , 0 ]
  • #6
srijithju said:
It comes as a surprise to me that the continuation of a function that is differentiable at every point within the larger domain, is unique !
Can somebody give some insight on to why this continuation is unique ?

srijithju said:
Well , I think I have understood something wrong , because I can think of many examples of functions that are completely differential in a domain , but there exist more than 1 continuation of that function over a larger domain, which is still differentiable.

eg. f (x) = 1/ x^3 and f(x) = |1/ x^3 | , both have same value for x > 0 ( and x is real ) , but they are both differentiable continuations in the domain (- infinity , 0 ]

Analytic continuation is a very restricted form of exanding the definition of a function. It is used to define a function g of the complex number z = x+iy, given a function f on the real axis x. If you had a function f(x) = x^2, the analytic continuation of it would be g(z) = z^2. g(x) = f(x) for x on the real axis, but g is also defined on the rest of the complex plane. So you see that you are not allowed to use any combination of the x and y variables. They must appear in the linear combination z = x+iy. It is this restriction that makes the complex continuation unique.

So the definition of the Riemann Zeta function on the positive real axis is used to define a unique function on the complex plane.

  • #7
torquil said:
Analytic continuation is a very restricted form of exanding the definition of a function. It is used to define a function g of the complex number z = x+iy, given a function f on the real axis x. If you had a function f(x) = x^2, the analytic continuation of it would be g(z) = z^2. g(x) = f(x) for x on the real axis, but g is also defined on the rest of the complex plane. So you see that you are not allowed to use any combination of the x and y variables. They must appear in the linear combination z = x+iy. It is this restriction that makes the complex continuation unique.

So the definition of the Riemann Zeta function on the positive real axis is used to define a unique function on the complex plane.


Thanks very much for the explanation. But there are some doubts which persist for me . You say that I should use the definition of Riemann function on the positive real axis , and extentd the definition for complex numbers . But the thing is that I was only able to find the definition for numbers greater than 1 on the real number line . How do I extend this definition for numbers less that 1 . ( For numbers < -1 I could use the functional equation , though I have no idea where that came from either) . But in any case what is the value of the Riemann zeta function when the real part of s lies in [-1,1] ??
  • #8
It doesn't matter, you don't need that little part. It's sufficient to define it for, say, all real numbers greater than N for some N.
  • #9
Analytic continuation is for a function of a complex variable. So examples in the real line like |1/x^3| say nothing about it.

FAQ: What Is the Analytic Continuation of the Riemann Zeta Function?

What is the Riemann zeta function?

The Riemann zeta function is a mathematical function defined by the German mathematician Bernhard Riemann. It is represented by the symbol ζ(s) and is used to study the distribution of prime numbers.

How is the Riemann zeta function defined?

The Riemann zeta function is defined as the infinite sum ζ(s) = 1 + 1/2^s + 1/3^s + 1/4^s + ..., where s is a complex number with a real part greater than 1. It can also be expressed as an infinite product ζ(s) = (1-p^-s)^-1, where p represents prime numbers.

What is the significance of the Riemann zeta function?

The Riemann zeta function plays a crucial role in number theory and has connections to many important mathematical concepts such as the distribution of prime numbers, the distribution of non-trivial zeros of the function, and the Riemann hypothesis.

What are the main properties of the Riemann zeta function?

The Riemann zeta function has several important properties, including being an entire function (meaning it is defined for all complex numbers), having an infinite number of zeros on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2, and being closely related to the prime number theorem.

What are some real-world applications of the Riemann zeta function?

The Riemann zeta function has applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. It is used in the study of quantum mechanics, to solve problems in signal processing and control theory, and to analyze the distribution of wealth in society.
