What is the formula for calculating pressure as a function of height?

  • Thread starter Micko
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In summary, the conversation is about the change in atmospheric pressure with height. The person is looking for a formula to calculate the pressure at a specific height above sea level. They mention that it may be approximated linearly but are unsure of the slope. A suggested formula from the bureau of mines is provided, which is valid up to 10 km height. The formula uses the variables P (pressure in Pascals) and Z (height above sea level in km).
  • #1
Hello people,
I know that normal athmosferic pressure on the sea level is 101325 Pa.
However I need to know how pressure is changed with height. I know, for example, that on 200 m above sea level it will be smaller but how much I don't know.
Can you suggest forumula? i think it can be approx. linear but don't know slope.
Thanks for help.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
Formula from the bureau of mines is
Pamb = [(44331.5-Z)/4946.624]^1/0.190263
This equation is valid upto 10 km height. P is in Pascals and Z is height above mean sea level in km.

FAQ: What is the formula for calculating pressure as a function of height?

1. What is formula pressure?

Formula pressure is a mathematical equation that represents the relationship between pressure and height. It is commonly used in physics and engineering to calculate the pressure exerted by a fluid at a certain height.

2. How is formula pressure calculated?

The formula for pressure can be written as P = ρgh, where P is the pressure, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the fluid. This formula is derived from the principles of fluid mechanics.

3. What is the unit of measurement for formula pressure?

The unit of measurement for formula pressure depends on the unit system being used. In the SI system, the unit for pressure is Pascal (Pa). In the imperial system, the unit for pressure is pounds per square inch (psi).

4. How does height affect formula pressure?

The formula for pressure shows that pressure is directly proportional to height. This means that as the height of the fluid increases, the pressure also increases. This is because the weight of the fluid above a certain height exerts a greater force on the lower levels, resulting in higher pressure.

5. What are some real-world applications of formula pressure = f(height)?

Formula pressure has many practical applications, such as calculating the pressure in a water tower or a scuba diving tank. It is also used in weather forecasting to predict changes in atmospheric pressure at different altitudes. In addition, formula pressure is used in hydraulic systems to determine the pressure needed to lift heavy objects.
