Deriving T(\theta,\tau) from Definition of $\otimes$

In summary: I understand now. T(\theta,\tau) is a linear combination of basis elements e_i \otimes f_\alpha, and T^{i\alpha} are the coefficients of this linear combination. So, by expanding the definition of \otimes, we can show that:T(\theta,\tau) = T^{i\alpha} (e_i\otimes f_{\alpha})(\theta,\tau)And since we can express T as a linear combination of e_i \otimes f_\alpha, we can say that T\in V \otimes W. Is this correct?In summary, the conversation discusses the derivation of an expression for T \in V^{**} \otimes W^{**} and
  • #1
Hi, I have a quick question about a derivation that has annoyed me all day. I am trying to prove, from the definition of [itex]\otimes[/itex] that:


Where [itex]\theta \in V^*[/itex] and [itex]\tau \in W^*[/itex]

[itex]T: V^* \times W^* \mapsto \mathbb{R}[/itex]

and where [itex]V[/itex] has basis [itex]e_i[/itex] and [itex]W[/itex] has basis [itex]f_\alpha[/itex]. And where [itex]T^{i\alpha}=T(e^i,f^\alpha)[/itex].

My lecturer only gave us the definiton for [itex]\otimes[/itex] where the it operated between elements of the dual basis, namely;

[itex]f\otimes g (v,w)=f(v) \cdot g(w)[/itex]

[itex]\forall v \in V, w \in W[/itex] and [itex]\forall f \in V^*,g \in W^*[/itex].

So back to the question; here is my attempt:

We wish to derive the following expression for [itex]T \in V^{**} \otimes W^{**}[/itex]:


Where [itex]\theta \in V^*[/itex] and [itex]\tau \in W^*[/itex]

[itex]T: V^* \times W^* \mapsto \mathbb{R}[/itex]

and where [itex]V[/itex] has basis [itex]e_i[/itex] and [itex]W[/itex] has basis [itex]f_\alpha[/itex].

Okay so:

Step 1: [itex]V^{**} \otimes W^{**} \simeq V \otimes W[/itex] so that [itex]T \in V \otimes W[/itex].Step 2: [itex]T(\theta,\tau)=T(\theta_i e^i, \tau_\alpha f^\alpha)=\theta_i \tau_\alpha T(e^i,f^\alpha)[/itex]

And using the obvious notation:

[itex]T(\theta,\tau)=T^{i\alpha}\theta_i \tau_\alpha[/itex]

I am not sure where to go from here as I am unsure of the nature of [itex]T(\theta,\tau)[/itex], I mean is it the same as [itex]T(\theta(v),\tau(w))=\theta \otimes \tau(v,w)[/itex].

I apologise if this is beneath all of you but this has really been bugging me.
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  • #2
Okay I think I am just after getting this. After thinking hard about the problem I think I might have resolved it. The thing I was trying to derive was wrong to begin with!

I have the problem wittled down to two final technicalities.

The first line has changed to:

[itex]T(\theta,\tau)=T^{i\alpha}(e_i\otimes f_\alpha)(\theta, \tau)[/itex]

Where [itex]\theta \in V^*[/itex] and [itex]\tau \in W^*[/itex]

[itex]T: V^* \times W^* \mapsto \mathbb{R}[/itex]

and where [itex]V[/itex] has basis [itex]e_i[/itex] and [itex]W[/itex] has basis [itex]f_\alpha[/itex]. And where [itex]T^{i\alpha}=T(e^i,f^\alpha)[/itex].

For [itex]\otimes[/itex] where it operates between elements of [itex]V,W[/itex] we have

1. [Is this definition of [itex]\otimes[/itex] correct?];

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)=v \otimes w (\theta, \tau)=v(\theta)\cdot w(\tau) \equiv \theta(v) \cdot \tau(w)[/itex]

2. [Are these expressions indeed equivalent?]

[itex]\forall v \in V, w \in W[/itex] and [itex]\forall \theta \in V^*,\tau \in W^*[/itex].

So assuming that all previous results hold:

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)= \theta(v) \cdot \tau(w)[/itex]

Now we can just use linearity of the elements [itex]V^*,W^*[/itex] to get:

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)= v^i w^\alpha \theta(e_i) \cdot \tau(f_\alpha)[/itex]

Now we look at the quantity:

[itex]e_i \otimes f_\alpha(\theta, \tau)=e_i \otimes f_\alpha(\theta,\tau)= e_i(\theta) \cdot f_\alpha(\tau)=\theta(e_i)\cdot \tau(f_\alpha)[/itex]

by previous assumed-correct relations (1,2); so that

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)=v^i w^\alpha \theta(e_i) \cdot \tau(f_\alpha)= v^i w^\alpha e_i \otimes f_\alpha(\theta, \tau)[/itex]

Again by (1,2)

Further, let us define, as usual [itex]T^{i\alpha}=T(e^i,f^\alpha)=v(e^i)\cdot w(f^\alpha)[/itex]

Which, if (1,2) again hold gives;

[itex]T^{i\alpha}= e^i(v) \cdot f^\alpha(w)[/itex]

So from linearity again:

[itex]T^{i\alpha}= e^i(v^j e_j) \cdot f^\alpha(w^\beta f_\beta)[/itex]

And following the usual routine:

[itex]T^{i\alpha}= v^i w^\alpha[/itex]

And consequently;

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)= v^i w^\alpha \theta(e_i) \cdot\tau( f_\alpha)[/itex]


[itex]T(\theta, \tau)= v^i w^\alpha e_i \otimes f_\alpha(\theta, \tau)[/itex]


[itex]T(\theta, \tau)= T^{i\alpha} e_i \otimes f_\alpha(\theta, \tau)[/itex]


Everything hinges on those two questions.
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  • #3
Hello. I'm going to be taking an exam on differential geometry on the Wednesday of next week. Let's see...

cathalcummins said:
The first line has changed to:

[itex]T(\theta,\tau)=T^{i\alpha}(e_i\otimes f_\alpha)(\theta, \tau)[/itex]

Where [itex]\theta \in V^*[/itex] and [itex]\tau \in W^*[/itex]

[itex]T: V^* \times W^* \mapsto \mathbb{R}[/itex]

and where [itex]V[/itex] has basis [itex]e_i[/itex] and [itex]W[/itex] has basis [itex]f_\alpha[/itex]. And where [itex]T^{i\alpha}=T(e^i,f^\alpha)[/itex].

This looks good. [itex]T^{i\alpha}[/itex] are only real numbers, so what you wrote in the first post didn't make sense, but this does.

For [itex]\otimes[/itex] where it operates between elements of [itex]V,W[/itex] we have

1. [Is this definition of [itex]\otimes[/itex] correct?];

[itex]T(\theta, \tau)=v \otimes w (\theta, \tau)=v(\theta)\cdot w(\tau) \equiv \theta(v) \cdot \tau(w)[/itex]

I don't understand what those v and w are. In general a bilinear mapping

T:V^*\times W^*\to \mathbb{R}

cannot be written as

T=v\otimes w




are linear. That is a special case.

There's not much to prove. It's like this:

T = T^{i\alpha} (e_i\otimes f_{\alpha})\quad\implies\quad T(\theta,\tau) = T^{i\alpha} (e_i\otimes f_{\alpha})(\theta,\tau)


Only thing that I can see, that needs some kind of proof, is that the numbers [itex]T^{i\alpha}[/itex] exist, so that the T can be written like that.

The definition of [itex]\otimes[/itex] (in this context) is

(v\otimes w)(\theta,\tau) = v(\theta)\; w(\tau)

where there is an usual product of real numbers on the right. This was your equation in the middle, but the other equations on left and right seem stranger.
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  • #4
Thank you, sir.

FAQ: Deriving T(\theta,\tau) from Definition of $\otimes$

1. What is the definition of the tensor product $\otimes$?

The tensor product, denoted as $\otimes$, is a mathematical operation that takes two vectors as input and outputs a new vector. It is used to combine two vector spaces into a larger vector space.

2. How is the tensor product $\otimes$ defined?

The tensor product $\otimes$ is defined as a bilinear map that takes two vectors, $v$ and $w$, and outputs a new vector, $v \otimes w$. This new vector is defined as the outer product of the two input vectors and represents the combination of the two vector spaces.

3. How is the tensor product $\otimes$ used in deriving T($\theta$, $\tau$)?

The tensor product $\otimes$ is used to combine two vector spaces, $V$ and $W$, into a larger vector space, $V \otimes W$. This larger vector space is then used to define the transformation T($\theta$, $\tau$) as a bilinear map from $V \otimes W$ to the real numbers.

4. What is the significance of deriving T($\theta$, $\tau$) from the definition of $\otimes$?

Deriving T($\theta$, $\tau$) from the definition of $\otimes$ allows us to understand the transformation T in terms of linear algebra. It helps us visualize the transformation as a linear map between vector spaces, making it easier to study and analyze.

5. Are there any applications of the tensor product $\otimes$ in real-world problems?

Yes, the tensor product $\otimes$ has various applications in physics, engineering, and computer science. It is used to represent physical quantities, such as forces and velocities, in vector spaces. It is also used in image processing and machine learning algorithms to extract features and classify data.
