Topic that involves physics, chemistry and biology?

In summary: It is possible to make a model of a carbon dioxide scrubber, but it would be difficult to find the resources necessary to do so. It is also possible to investigate magnetic properties of organic materials, spectroscopy, and physical properties of things like spider silk, bee hives, water gliders' legs, bee wings.
  • #1
Does anyone know about the IB Diploma course? We're supposed to make a project or investigation and analyze the physics, chemistry and biology aspect of it... the theme of the project is 'Go Green' and it can be literal (do things involving green things, paint green stuff)... I'm confused of what project should my group do (my group consists of 3 people). We were planning on focusing on energy efficiency or clean energy source, and we wanted to investigate manure or feces as an energy source... but I don't think anyone would do that.

Can anyone give an example of a topic that involves physics, chemistry and biology?
Physics news on
  • #2
how about organic photovoltaic cells ?
  • #3
Photosynthesis could be a good topic.
  • #4
organic photovoltaic cells... is that even possible? And if it's possible... I want to conduct an experiment on it (I'm not in US so my number of resources are limited
  • #5
How about the function of the human eye and photoreceptor cells? Rods and cones are able to convert are able to convert a physical stimulus (light) into molecular and electrical signals.
  • #6
How is that related to chemistry then?
  • #7
biomedical engineering.
  • #8
Photoreception is related to chemistry because of the biochemical cascade that occurs when our retinas receive light. This process activates an enzyme that catalyzes the degradation a signaling molecule. Loss of the signaling molecule turns off ion channels, which leads to the electrical signal that goes to the brain.

Basically, anything in biology that is understood at the molecular level is related to chemistry because chemical principles underlie all of molecular biology.
  • #9
Okay, so the signaling molecule involves physics then? Since signals in brain are electrical signals?

Thanks a lot!
  • #10
Johannes said:
how about organic photovoltaic cells ?

alone the same lines are organic electronics, carbon nanotubes (not so much biology) or organic superconductors. There seems to be a whole bunch of solid state topics that involve organic materials. You can also do something like investigating magnetic properties of some organic materials--some kind of spectroscopy. For more biological stuff maybe look at responses of micro-organisms under light, E&M field, and/or other stimuli. Or maybe look at various physical properties of things like spider silk, bee hives, water gliders' legs, bee wings...etc. I don't have good knowledge in any of these topics so I don't know if they are really interesting or not.
  • #11
Hmm... I did some more research, and find topics such as green gasoline, carbon dioxide scrubber... I was thinking of doing that and make a model out of it. But the number of resources are very limited because its quite a recent invention. Do you think its possible?

FAQ: Topic that involves physics, chemistry and biology?

1. How do physics, chemistry, and biology relate to each other?

Physics, chemistry, and biology are all interconnected fields of science that help us understand the natural world. Physics provides the foundation for understanding the physical properties and forces that govern the behavior of matter and energy. Chemistry explores the composition, structure, and reactions of different substances, which are essential for understanding biological processes. Biology studies living organisms and how they interact with their environment, which cannot be fully understood without knowledge of the underlying physical and chemical processes.

2. What are some examples of how physics, chemistry, and biology intersect in everyday life?

There are countless examples of how physics, chemistry, and biology intersect in everyday life. For instance, the human body relies on chemical reactions to produce energy, which is then used to power physical movements and processes. The physics of sound waves and the chemistry of the ear work together to allow us to hear. The process of photosynthesis, which converts sunlight into chemical energy, is a prime example of how physics, chemistry, and biology work together in plants.

3. How does the study of physics, chemistry, and biology contribute to advancements in technology?

The study of physics, chemistry, and biology has led to numerous advancements in technology. For example, understanding the principles of physics has allowed us to develop technologies such as electricity, magnetism, and nuclear power. Chemistry has enabled the development of materials like plastics and metals, while also contributing to the production of medicines and pharmaceuticals. Biology has played a crucial role in the development of medical technology, including diagnostic tools, treatments, and vaccines.

4. What are some notable scientists who have made contributions to all three fields?

Some notable scientists who have made significant contributions to physics, chemistry, and biology include Marie Curie, who discovered two radioactive elements and pioneered the use of radioactivity in medicine; Linus Pauling, who made groundbreaking discoveries in both chemistry and biology, including the structure of DNA; and Rosalind Franklin, who played a crucial role in uncovering the structure of DNA through her X-ray crystallography work.

5. How can an understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology help us address global issues?

An understanding of physics, chemistry, and biology is crucial in addressing global issues such as climate change, pollution, and disease. For example, an understanding of the physical properties of greenhouse gases and the chemical reactions involved in their production allows us to develop strategies to reduce their emissions and mitigate the effects of climate change. Additionally, knowledge of biological processes is essential in developing sustainable agriculture practices and finding treatments for diseases. By combining the knowledge from these three fields, we can work towards finding solutions for these complex global issues.

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