How Have You Accidentally Hurt Yourself?

  • Thread starter matthyaouw
  • Start date
In summary, someone stepped on a hedgehog, broke their toe, hit their head on a doorknob, was late to an appointment, and slid down a wet grassy hill on their ass.
  • #1
Gold Member
I was hurrying along yesterday at work (5 mins late back from my break) and open the door near my department. The door catches on my shoe, doesn't open any further. SLAM! My head hits the sharp-ish edge of the door with some force. Luckily no one saw me, but I still have a rather nice lump & bruise visible on the side of my face.

What silly and careless ways have you hurt yourself?
Physics news on
  • #2
matthyaouw said:
What silly and careless ways have you hurt yourself?
Do you realize what you've started, man?! Once Evo gets going, this thing'll be longer than Franzbear!
  • #3
I stepped on a hedgehog once with my bare feet.

That was a world of unimaginable pain.
  • #4
I was late for a hospital appointment. I came thrashing home as fast as I could on my motorcycle, screeched to a halt outside my house, opened the door, ripped my helmet off whilst running up the stairs and jumped up the last step... only to headbutt the bathroom door frame!

I was knocked out (ironically whilst still holding my crash helmet!) and came round a minute or two later with a gash on my head and blood running through my hair.

I eventually got to the hospital and was sent straight from the consultant I was supposed to be seeing to casualty where I had to have 3 stitches in my head...
  • #5
matthyaouw said:
I was hurrying along yesterday at work (5 mins late back from my break) and open the door near my department. The door catches on my shoe, doesn't open any further. SLAM! My head hits the sharp-ish edge of the door with some force. Luckily no one saw me, but I still have a rather nice lump & bruise visible on the side of my face.

What silly and careless ways have you hurt yourself?
There isn't room enough on PF!

I have a few mentioned in my journal. I've never said how many times I broke my little toe. Just now I rammed my right thigh into the sharp corner of an end table and I have a really nasty looking swollen lump there, as a matter of fact, I've never seen anything this nasty, uh oh. :rolleyes:

Then there was the time I actually got a black eye from hitting my eye into a doorknob. :redface: People at that point started thinking I was actually a battered wife because of the constant bruises I was covered with. :smile:
  • #6
Bladibla said:
I stepped on a hedgehog once with my bare feet.

That was a world of unimaginable pain.
The poor hedgehog! Was it ok?

Arian Baker said:
I was late for a hospital appointment. I came thrashing home as fast as I could on my motorcycle, screeched to a halt outside my house, opened the door, ripped my helmet off whilst running up the stairs and jumped up the last step... only to headbutt the bathroom door frame!

That reminds me of one that happened to someone at my old school a few years back. They run out of an exam, quite extatic to be finished, and in his hurry he attempts to flying kick a set of double doors, which works great, only he jumped that bit too high and KOed himself on the doorframe. An ambulance had to be called.

Another one: I was on a geology field trip, and decide to go for a wander at night. Just outside of the field centre there is no lighting, the sun was long gone and it was a cloudy night, so I really can't see an inch in front of my face. I only had 10 or 20 metres to stumble before there was lighting, but in that distance I managed to wander into a short stone wall with a sharp edge exactly level with the soft-ish bit just below my kneecap. It hurt so much, and I was limping for about a day. Two and a bit years later I still have a lump there and can't kneel on hard surfaces without it hurting.

On the same trip, I slid down a wet grassy hill on my ass, but luckily managed to stop myself before the rocks/river, so avoided injury.
  • #7
lol Evo sounds like she's the main reason health care premiums are so high.

I once tried to hit a friend (not like, a fight, but, you know), and he was behind me so i was tryen to turn real quick but it was raining and i slipped and did the splits... wooo boy... i don't know which was worse, the pain or the embarassment... well... ok the pain...
  • #8
Pengwuino said:
I once tried to hit a friend (not like, a fight, but, you know), and he was behind me so i was tryen to turn real quick but it was raining and i slipped and did the splits... wooo boy... i don't know which was worse, the pain or the embarassment... well... ok the pain...
Sounds like it was almost a cool Jackie Chan move, though!
  • #9
One time I was riding my bike from my friends house back to mine, maybe 2-3miles. Anyway, it was about 2:00 at night and the street I was on was dark, and I had thought there was a new curb median thing, so I was paying attention, riding slowly. I ended up in the middle of the median without seeing any curb, so I just assumed there was not a curb on the other end of the median... So I am casually standing up while riding my bike, casually leaning forward, feeling the cool air through my hair, and BAM! I hit a curb and went right over the bars and fell face first onto the road! Ouch, brings back some good memories. I then got up, luckily there were no cars, or maybe not, and rode home with my face thumping.
  • #10
I once cycled under a low hawthorn, but misjudged it somewhat and practically gave myself an ear piercing on a thorn that became caught.
  • #11
matthyaouw said:
I was hurrying along yesterday at work (5 mins late back from my break) and open the door near my department. The door catches on my shoe, doesn't open any further. SLAM! My head hits the sharp-ish edge of the door with some force. Luckily no one saw me, but I still have a rather nice lump & bruise visible on the side of my face.

What silly and careless ways have you hurt yourself?
I think you're now officially a doork.
  • #12
once when I was 7, I went down a slide backwards and upside down. I hit my tooth in the edge and lost the bottom half. I got it repaired though.

so, when I was 11, I tried to open a soda can with that tooth, and it broke again. that tooth can't feel anything now partially because of the breaks, and partly because of the root canals I've had on it
  • #13
I was exiting a boxcar (wagon) with a load of cans (large cans of about 12 gal or so each) in my arms. The door opening was about 10 feet but there was only a 6 ft wide plate in the door way. I put my left foot on the plate and my right foot missed. I exited rapidly sideways and down, spilling the load of cans.

I landed sideways against the edge of the dock, and since my arms were raised because I had been holding the cans, one of my ribs caught the full impact. I had the wind knocked out me, and it was several seconds (seemed like minutes) before I could breath. When finally I could breath, I could barely talk because of the pain and the swelling of my side. This also happened just a few days before the company was to achieve 1 million man-hours without lost time due to an accident - which I put in jeopardy.

My supervisor sent me to the infirmary, where the staff attempted to do an X-ray. Neither the doctor nor the rest of the medical staff apparently knew how to operate the X-ray machine - I got an X-ray after someone read the manual. The doctor determined that there was no broken bones. In the end, I took aspirin and they gave me an ice-pack to keep the swelling down. I went back to work - still in a lot of pain.

A week later, when the swelling finally went down, it was clear that I had fractured a rib, and one can still see the depression on my right side where the rib was broken. I guess I was lucky I didn't puncture my lung.

The company achieved its 1 million man-hours without lost time due to an accident. The next day, a guy was electrocuted and sent to the hospital. :rolleyes: We all got awards for the achievement - I opted for a toster oven.

Then there are the usual, walking or running into doors, smashing fingers with tools, falling off roofs or out of trees, smacking my head into cupboard doors, pipe or structural timber or beams, and a few times as a kid wiping out on a bike or skateboard and hitting the pavement.
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  • #14
matthyaouw said:
The poor hedgehog! Was it ok?

That reminds me of one that happened to someone at my old school a few years back. They run out of an exam, quite extatic to be finished, and in his hurry he attempts to flying kick a set of double doors, which works great, only he jumped that bit too high and KOed himself on the doorframe. An ambulance had to be called.

Another one: I was on a geology field trip, and decide to go for a wander at night. Just outside of the field centre there is no lighting, the sun was long gone and it was a cloudy night, so I really can't see an inch in front of my face. I only had 10 or 20 metres to stumble before there was lighting, but in that distance I managed to wander into a short stone wall with a sharp edge exactly level with the soft-ish bit just below my kneecap. It hurt so much, and I was limping for about a day. Two and a bit years later I still have a lump there and can't kneel on hard surfaces without it hurting.

On the same trip, I slid down a wet grassy hill on my ass, but luckily managed to stop myself before the rocks/river, so avoided injury.

Yeah, the hedgehog just ran at its maximum speed after it curled up to a spiky ball of doom for like a minute. Those spikes make you take your feet off quite quickly.
  • #15
i stepped on a 20 penny nail, and that hurt like hell. ruined a perfectly good boot, too! i should have gone to a doctor to get it checked out, but i couldn't bring myself to do it, it's just that testosterone thing, i guess. I'm like that with asking for directions or help, its kinda like admitting to defeat.
Kinda stupid, isn't it?

  • #16
another time, i was bailing hay, and another guy i was working with threw a 50 pound bail right at me, which promptly knocked the wind out of me. he didn't mean to do it, but it still pissed me off.

  • #17
1 said:
Kinda stupid, isn't it?
Depends upon the circumstances. A good cleaning, some antiseptic, and fresh bandages when needed should be okay, as long as your tetanus shot is up to date. (Whenever mine gets down to having a year to go, I get another 10-year booster.)
  • #18
I don't hurt myself often, only a few times with knives. Once, I was wiping a knife dry and ran my finger straight along the whole blade, thinking the towel was in the way. Another time I was cutting some tomatoes for a salad and was distracted and cut through my finger, thinking it was part of the tomato. Eh, the salad was for a customer too- there was blood everywhere!
  • #19
I was running full-tilt across a friends yard late at night, when I approached two trees set about 10 yards apart. I went to go between the trees and at the last second remembered they had strung a coiled steel dog run between the trees. I took it right in the stomach which stopped instantly while everything else on my body kept going, feet off the ground and all. I landed in a heap unable to breath for what seemed forever. Eventually I was able to get up and stumble away.
  • #20
Math Is Hard said:
Sounds like it was almost a cool Jackie Chan move, though!

oh hell yah! It was EXACTLY like a jackie chan move i saw him do in i think rush hour 1
  • #21
DocToxyn said:
I was running full-tilt across a friends yard late at night, when I approached two trees set about 10 yards apart. I went to go between the trees and at the last second remembered they had strung a coiled steel dog run between the trees. I took it right in the stomach which stopped instantly while everything else on my body kept going, feet off the ground and all. I landed in a heap unable to breath for what seemed forever. Eventually I was able to get up and stumble away.
I did something similar when I was about 11 years old, but in the middle of the day. I jumped off a fence, not noticing the wire clothes line ahead. It caught me right in the neck under the chin. I didn't strangle myself, but my feet rotated upward and my head whipped backed, and fell backwards onto the ground.

Then about that time, I was running through the house and tried to grap the door jamb (top of door frame) with my fingers. My feet went up to the point where I was parallel with the floor five or 6 feet in the air, by which time my fingertips lost contact with the door frame. I fell backward smacking my head on the floor. That is one of the few times I felt like I was seeing stars. I still have a lump on the back of my skull from that one. :biggrin:

Ah, fond memories of childhood.

Oh, and like Fibonacci, I have stepped on nails and tacks, both bare foot and in tennis shoes. I have had about 4 or 5 tentanus shots and I am not yet 50 years old.

Then there were the occasional cutting with knives or other sharp objects, slicing fingers or palm on sheet metal, and one case of impaling my right forarm on a piece of sheetmetal. I felt a sharp pain and then readjusted the sheet metal I was carrying. I didn't notice anything until I looked down and saw a trickle of blood rolling along a corrugation in the sheet metal. I then look at my arm just below the elbow and noticed blood pouring out of my arm, at which point I dropped the sheet metal, applied pressure and went to tell my supervisor that I might need some medical attention. :biggrin:
  • #22
yow, it's a wonder some of you are still alive. :rolleyes:
  • #23
honestrosewater said:
yow, it's a wonder some of you are still alive. :rolleyes:
ssh..! don't say that in GD! do you know what kinds of touble you could cause?!
  • #24
matthyaouw said:
What silly and careless ways have you hurt yourself?
See now you're just using bad grammar. In PF-ish you say that like this "Who of you have pulled an Evo?"
  • #25
Smurf said:
See now you're just using bad grammar. In PF-ish you say that like this "Who of you have pulled an Evo?"
I thought that modern PFish stated that the correct term was:

"who has Evonated?"
  • #26
yomamma said:
"who has Evonated?"
That's hardly something that one would answer in public, especially where she might see it.
  • #27
I wonder what excuses people make. Do they make up stories about bravery, like how they were hunting bear, or do they make up stories about great sex with the entire cheer leading squad, or what? I mean, who wants everyone to, sorry tribdog. You know you could compete with Evo on this one. :rolleyes:
  • #28
SOS2008 said:
I wonder what excuses people make. Do they make up stories about bravery, like how they were hunting bear, or do they make up stories about great sex with the entire cheer leading squad, or what?
... Does it matter? I mean it's not like anyone's going to care what your excuse is if you walked into stained glass you walked into stained glass and are officially an evonite.

FAQ: How Have You Accidentally Hurt Yourself?

What happened to cause the person to walk into a door?

It is likely that the person was either not paying attention or misjudged the distance between themselves and the door.

Is walking into a door a common occurrence?

Yes, it is a common occurrence and can happen to anyone, even those who are usually very coordinated and aware of their surroundings.

What injuries can occur from walking into a door?

The severity of injuries can vary, but common injuries include bruises, cuts, and head injuries. In rare cases, more serious injuries such as broken bones or concussions can occur.

Can walking into a door be prevented?

Yes, walking into a door can be prevented by being more aware of one's surroundings, using caution when opening doors, and avoiding distractions while walking.

When should someone seek medical attention after walking into a door?

If the person experiences persistent pain, dizziness, or other concerning symptoms after walking into a door, they should seek medical attention to ensure there are no serious injuries.
