What are the Eight Weight Combinations that Can Weigh up to 3280g?

In summary, the conversation discusses different approaches to measuring weights using a balance and 8 weights. It is suggested to use numbers that can only be expressed in one way using powers of 3. The conversation also mentions the possibility of only weighing odd or even weights. The solution proposed is to add and subtract powers of 3 to find the desired weight.
  • #1
Question :
Please give 8 weights which can weigh from 1 ... to 3280.
you can put these 8 weights on either side of the balance, but you only can use once.

have done few approach, most nearest one is
1,2,3,13,39,117,351,1053 but adds up to 1755 only,which mean i can only weigh up to 1755g only
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I see two different ways to measure a weight of 2. That's probably wasteful. How do you measure 20, by the way?
  • #3
Hurkyl said:
How do you measure 20, by the way?
39 on one side, 1+2+3+13 (plus the 20) on the other. (Thank you, computer.)

Hurkyl said:
(Signature:) "Any sufficiently advanced technology..."
You may want to add the Hollywood scriptwriting rule, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from an arbitrary plot device".

Edit: Dang computer... now I have a solution, but I don't know why it works. :)
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  • #4
Hurkyl said:
I see two different ways to measure a weight of 2. That's probably wasteful. How do you measure 20, by the way?

mind share your ways to measure them?
for object weights 20,dodo just solve it for me ^^
  • #5
It's rather obvious, I think; how did you come up with that collection of numbers, otherwise?
One way: 2 on one side, the measured object on the other.
Another: 3 on one side, 1 plus the measured object on the other.

Hurkyl is giving you a way of looking for your solution: strive for numbers such that each measured weight can only be weighted in one way. After a while, a pattern should emerge.
  • #6
which mean my 2 is not needed?
  • #7
look416 said:
which mean my 2 is not needed?

Probably. (But then you cannot measure 5.) So keep trying until there is only one way of measuring 1,2,3,... maybe up to 20 or 30, unless you find something before that.
  • #8
Eureka, 3280 = (3^8 -1)/2. therefor the weights would be powers of 3, 1,3,9,27,..., 2187
  • #9
I think I know now why this works: because -1,0,1 form a complete set of residues modulo 3.

In other words: when expressing a natural number in base 3, you use the digits 0,1,2. But the digit 2 can be expressed as 10-1 (base 3); that is, 1's on two digit positions. As a result, the number can be expressed by adding and subtracting powers of 3.

For example, take the number 16, which is 121 = 100 + 20 + 1 (base 3). The 20 can be expressed as 100-10, so 121 = 100 + 100 - 10 + 1 = 200 - 10 + 1 (base 3). Now the 200 is 1000-100, so 121 = 1000 - 100 - 10 + 1 (base 3); or, in decimal, 16 = 27 - 9 - 3 + 1, or 16 + 9 + 3 = 27 + 1. So, to measure 16, put it together with 9 and 3 on one side, and put 27 and 1 on the other side.
  • #10
I'm not sure what you mean by "but you only can use once", so this could be wrong.

Would you need to only weigh exactly either only odd or only even weights? For example, if could weight 35 and 37, and the item you were weighing was 36, you could try it on the 35 balance, see it's too heavy, try it on the 37 balance, see it's too light, and conclude it weighs 36?

FAQ: What are the Eight Weight Combinations that Can Weigh up to 3280g?

What is an eight weight combination?

An eight weight combination refers to a specific combination of weights that adds up to eight. For example, 4 + 4 = 8 or 2 + 6 = 8.

Why is eight weight combination important in science?

Eight weight combination is important in science because it can represent various physical phenomena, such as forces or masses, in equations and calculations. It also allows for simplification and easier manipulation of numbers in scientific experiments and studies.

Can eight weight combination be used in other fields besides science?

Yes, eight weight combination can be used in fields such as finance, engineering, and statistics. In finance, it can represent the distribution of assets in a portfolio. In engineering, it can represent the distribution of weight on a structure. In statistics, it can represent the distribution of data in a sample.

What are some examples of eight weight combinations in real life?

Some examples of eight weight combinations in real life include a 5-pound weight and a 3-pound weight on a scale, or a backpack with 2 textbooks weighing 4 pounds each. In both examples, the total weight is eight pounds.

How can understanding eight weight combination benefit me?

Understanding eight weight combination can benefit you by allowing you to easily manipulate numbers and solve equations in various fields, as well as helping you understand and analyze weight distributions in real-life scenarios. It can also improve your problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities.

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