Why does an asteriod burn up in the atmosphere but a space shuttle wont?

In summary, the heat shield tiles on the Space Shuttle (or the heat shield on earlier re-entry vehicles/capsules) are designed to have a very low thermal conductivity from the outside ionized air to the inside metal vehicle parts, which helps to protect the shuttle and its contents from burning up on re-entry. However, the shuttle was not made to survive an asteroid coming in at high speed, and would be destroyed if it hit the atmosphere at that speed.
  • #1
Is it because the speed at which the asteroid is coming in greatly increases the friction between it and the air molecules in the atmosphere?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The shuttle was made to survive it (aerodynamics, materials, mechanics), the asteroid wasn't.
  • #3
lundyjb said:
Is it because the speed at which the asteroid is coming in greatly increases the friction between it and the air molecules in the atmosphere?

kevinferreira said:
The shuttle was made to survive it (aerodynamics, materials, mechanics), the asteroid wasn't.

More specifically, the heat shield tiles on the Space Shuttle (or the heat shield on earlier re-entry vehicles/capsules) are designed to have a very low thermal conductivity from the outside ionized air to the inside metal vehicle parts:


The asteroid has no such protection.
  • #4
Who says that a space shuttle won't burn up on re-entry?

Look up the space shuttle Columbia, 2003.
  • #5
SteamKing said:
Who says that a space shuttle won't burn up on re-entry?

Look up the space shuttle Columbia, 2003.
Certainly it will if the Thermal Protection System is compromised, as was the case with Columbia. If the TPS is intact, Shuttles return to Earth safely as they have done 128 times.
  • #6
So does it have anything to do with speed and friction? If i were moving at 50 miles an hour from the tip top of the atmosphere to the ground, i wouldn't burn up, right?
  • #7
lundyjb said:
So does it have anything to do with speed and friction? If i were moving at 50 miles an hour from the tip top of the atmosphere to the ground, i wouldn't burn up, right?

you will accelerate until you hit terminal velocity which is still quite high. however just because you're at terminal velocity doesn't mean your potential energy stops dropping; it is still dropping and being converted to other forms, such as heat.
  • #8
lundyjb said:
So does it have anything to do with speed and friction? If i were moving at 50 miles an hour from the tip top of the atmosphere to the ground, i wouldn't burn up, right?

No, you would survive easily. An asteroid is moving at several miles per second on average I believe. The space shuttle re-entered at about around Mach 25, 8,200 m/s (30,000 km/h; 18,000 mph).
  • #9
Drakkith said:
No, you would survive easily. An asteroid is moving at several miles per second on average I believe. The space shuttle re-entered at about around Mach 25, 8,200 m/s (30,000 km/h; 18,000 mph).

but you can't stay at 50 mph. you need external power to resist acceleration downwards. even when you stop accelerating your potential doesn't stop dropping, that potential just gets turned to heat.
  • #10
chill_factor said:
but you can't stay at 50 mph. you need external power to resist acceleration downwards. even when you stop accelerating your potential doesn't stop dropping, that potential just gets turned to heat.

Yes I realize that. But the question was if your speed remained at 50 mph. If you could remain at 50 mph, which really isn't that far fetched, you would not burn up. I'm sure a very lightweight probe or something could be rigged with the right gear to keep it at 50 mph during its fall.
  • #11
Lightweight or not, if it had mass it would accelerate towards the Earth to greater than 50 MPH. If it were able to enter the atmosphere at a low enough speed, the thin air striking it would not have enough friction to burn it up, but unless you're using antigravity, a space elevator, or some similar, your mass will be gaining speed until it hits terminal velocity. As the atmosphere gets thicker, terminal velocity gets to be MUCH slower - but your craft would already be going fast enough that the friction of the air would become a problem.

The shuttle is shaped to present a single surface to the rushing air, and has heat tiles, which are both insulative and ablative - they carry away most of the heat as opposed to conducting it to the shuttle itself. When the tiles are damaged or compromised, the shuttle and its contents die upon re-entry - just like an asteroid, or anything else that hits the atmosphere at a high enough speed.

Take a theoretical mass - call it a pingpong ball - and drop it from outside of the atmosphere. It has mass, so it's attracted to the Earth, and gains speed as it goes (about 9.81 m/s, disregarding the difference in gravity from that distance), accelerating without drag until it hits the atmosphere. If it's going slowly enough - ie, if it was dropped from just above the atmosphere, and didn't have time to gain a lot of speed - it will hit the air and slow down to terminal velocity (which gets slower as the air gets thicker, but the ball would probably survive). If it's dropped from a greater height, it's going fast enough that when it hits the air, the friction generated will turn it from solid to gas almost instantly - it's a shooting star, white-hot for a fraction of a second, then gone without a trace as dispersing gases in the upper atmosphere.
  • #12
StrayCatalyst said:
...but unless you're using antigravity, a space elevator, or some similar, your mass will be gaining speed until it hits terminal velocity.
What's wrong with a regular-old rocket engine?
  • #13
russ_watters said:
What's wrong with a regular-old rocket engine?

That's what I was thinking of. Or anything to create thrust or lift.
  • #14
lundyjb said:
So does it have anything to do with speed and friction? If i were moving at 50 miles an hour from the tip top of the atmosphere to the ground, i wouldn't burn up, right?
Yes - speed and momentum/energy transfer, as well as friction, which is a shear force.


Meteors do not have thermal protection systems, but rather as they heat up, the heat generated at the surface can melt or vaporize the meteorite. It can slow down quickly, and in some cases survive to the surface.

To avoid melting/failure, the thermal protection system must radiate heat away, while preventing conduction of heat to the structure supporting it.


NASA said:
TIG-1 hour
Mission Control gives the "go" for deorbit burn.

The orbiter and crew are officially on their way home.

During reentry and landing, the orbiter is not powered by engines. Instead, it flies like a high-tech glider, relying first on its steering jets and then its aerosurfaces to control the airflow around it.

Landing-30 minutes
Roughly half an hour after the deorbit burn, the orbiter will begin to encounter the effects of the atmosphere. Called entry interface, this point usually takes place at an altitude of about 80 miles, and more than 5,000 statute miles from the landing site.

Early in reentry, the orbiter's orientation is controlled by the aft steering jets, part of the reaction control system. But during descent, the vehicle flies less like a spacecraft and more like an aircraft. Its aerosurfaces -- the wing flaps and rudder -- gradually become active as air pressure builds. As those surfaces become usable, the steering jets turn off automatically.

To use up excess energy, the orbiter performs a series of four steep banks, rolling over as much as 80 degrees to one side or the other, to slow down. The series of banks gives the shuttle's track toward landing an appearance similar to an elongated letter "S."

As the orbiter slices through the atmosphere faster than the speed of sound, the sonic boom -- really, two distinct claps less than a second apart -- can be heard across parts of Florida, depending on the flight path.
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  • #15
Actually, an asteroid would survive entering the Earth's atmosphere. The Earth has numerous meteorites and impact craters, which are plenty of evidence of that.
  • #16
Drakkith said:
Yes I realize that. But the question was if your speed remained at 50 mph. If you could remain at 50 mph, which really isn't that far fetched, you would not burn up. I'm sure a very lightweight probe or something could be rigged with the right gear to keep it at 50 mph during its fall.

I'm not sure keeping something falling through the atmosphere at 50 MPH is as simple as you think. Even with a very lightweight probe, the amount of fuel you would need to keep it at 50 MPH with a rocket engine after de-orbiting it would be incredible, and add incredible weight. Other systems, like parachutes, wouldn't become effective until the atmosphere is significantly thick, before which the body would undergo catastrophic friction anyway.

The actual ΔV to slow a falling body, especially a lightweight one, to 50 MPH wouldn't be that extraordinary, but keeping it at 50 MPH for the hours it would take to pass through the atmosphere at that velocity would be impossible. You'd need literally tons of fuel or a parachute the size of a medium-sized state.
  • #17
dgh856 said:
I'm not sure keeping something falling through the atmosphere at 50 MPH is as simple as you think. Even with a very lightweight probe, the amount of fuel you would need to keep it at 50 MPH with a rocket engine after de-orbiting it would be incredible, and add incredible weight. Other systems, like parachutes, wouldn't become effective until the atmosphere is significantly thick, before which the body would undergo catastrophic friction anyway.

The actual ΔV to slow a falling body, especially a lightweight one, to 50 MPH wouldn't be that extraordinary, but keeping it at 50 MPH for the hours it would take to pass through the atmosphere at that velocity would be impossible. You'd need literally tons of fuel or a parachute the size of a medium-sized state.

Why are we even talking about how feasible it would be? I never claimed it would be easy, only that an object moving at 50 mph would not burn up. I'm sure we can all agree that the OP is simply trying to understand the way friction works during re-entry, not develop a way to fall at 50 mph through the atmosphere.
  • #18
Drakkith said:
Why are we even talking about how feasible it would be? I never claimed it would be easy, only that an object moving at 50 mph would not burn up. I'm sure we can all agree that the OP is simply trying to understand the way friction works during re-entry, not develop a way to fall at 50 mph through the atmosphere.

Given that the OP's original question has been correctly answered several times already, I was simply replying to what you said out of interest. Wasn't trying to upset anyone.
  • #19
dgh856 said:
Given that the OP's original question has been correctly answered several times already, I was simply replying to what you said out of interest. Wasn't trying to upset anyone.

That's...understandable I suppose. Not sure why it bothered me so much. Guess I just felt like people kept shoving words into my mouth or whatever the appropriate phrase is. My apologies.

Edit: Oh, I mistook you for someone else too. Didn't realize you were a new guy here. My apologies again, sorry for snapping at you on what looks to be one of your first posts.

FAQ: Why does an asteriod burn up in the atmosphere but a space shuttle wont?

1. Why does an asteroid burn up in the atmosphere?

An asteroid burns up in the atmosphere because of friction and compression caused by air particles. As the asteroid travels through the Earth's atmosphere, it collides with air molecules at high speeds. This creates immense heat that causes the asteroid to burn up.

2. Why doesn't a space shuttle burn up in the atmosphere?

A space shuttle has a protective heat shield that is designed to withstand the intense heat of reentry into Earth's atmosphere. This heat shield is made of materials that can withstand temperatures up to 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing the shuttle to safely make it through the atmosphere without burning up.

3. How does the size of an asteroid affect its ability to burn up in the atmosphere?

The size of an asteroid does not affect its ability to burn up in the atmosphere. It is the speed and angle at which the asteroid enters the atmosphere that determines whether it will burn up or not. Larger asteroids may take longer to completely burn up, but they will still disintegrate due to the intense heat and pressure.

4. Can an asteroid ever make it through the atmosphere without burning up?

Yes, it is possible for an asteroid to make it through the atmosphere without burning up. This usually occurs with smaller asteroids that are less than 10 meters in diameter. These asteroids are not large enough to generate enough heat to completely burn up in the atmosphere, so they may make it to the ground and create a small impact crater.

5. Why do astronauts not experience the intense heat of reentry when returning to Earth?

Astronauts do not experience the intense heat of reentry because their spacecraft is designed to withstand the heat and pressure of entering the atmosphere. The spacecraft's heat shield protects the astronauts from the extreme temperatures, allowing them to safely return to Earth. Additionally, the shuttle's velocity and angle of reentry are carefully controlled to minimize the effects of friction and heat.

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